The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate 达尔文女孩 ISBN 9780312659301
作者: Jacqueline
出版社:Random House US 2011年01月
Calpurnia Virginia Tate is eleven years old in 1899 when shewonders why the yellow grasshoppers in her Texas backyard are somuch bigger than the green ones.With a little help from hernotoriously cantankerous grandfather, an avid naturalist, shefigures out that the green grasshoppers are easier to see againstthe yellow grass, so they are eaten before they can get any larger.As Callie explores the natural world around her, she develops aclose relationship with her grandfather, navigates the dangers ofliving with six brothers, and comes up against just what it meansto be a girl at the turn of the century.
Debut author Jacqueline Kelly deftly brings Callie and herfamily to life, capturing a year of growing up with uniquesensitivity and a wry wit. "The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate" is a2010 Newbery Honor Book and the winner of the 2010 Bank Street -Josette Frank Award.