From School LibraryJournal
Kindergarten-Grade 3–A boyends up minding his younger brother when their grandmother fallsasleep on the couch. While he is running the show, Will givesreaders lessons on what a sitter should never do. According to him,lesson number one is: don't forget about your charge. The havocwreaked by one preschooler is humorously exaggerated. The brightand colorful illustrations and the wonderful facial expressionswill make readers laugh even without reading the text. It is a bitunrealistic that the grandmother never wakes up to realize what isgoing on with all the noise the brothers are making, but the storyis all in good fun and not to be taken too seriously. Overall, thisis an accessible choice for newly independent chapter bookreaders.–Lisa S. Schindler, Children's Librarian, BethpagePublic Library, NY
Copyright ? Reed Business Information, a division of Reed ElsevierInc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to the LibraryBinding edition.
Product De*ion
Will’s little brother,Steve, is big trouble. What happens when Will has to babysit?Steve’s over-the-top mishaps and Will’s attempts to get him undercontrol are sure to keep kids reading—and laughing!—throughout thisStep 4 book. Early readers with younger siblings are sure torelate.