Becoming Steve Jobs 深刻解读Steve Jobs如何从初出茅庐的Macintosh小老板蜕变为一位缔造产品公司Apple及被称为iPod,iTunes,iPhone和iPad教父的CEO。产品经理必读。
作者: Brent
出版社:Random House US 2015年03月
Based on the hugely popular cover story about Steve Jobs in Fast Company in May 2012, this is the behind the scenes account of how Steve Jobs arguablybecame the most famous and visionary CEO in history. AwardwinningjournalistBrent Schlender and veteran editor Rick Tetzeli have interviewed friends,industry insiders, and the people who knew Jobs best throughout his evolution asa CEO and leader. In addition Schlender, who knew Jobs personally for 25 years,has over 100 hours of interview tapes with Jobs to draw on, many hours of whichhave never before been transcribed.Brent Schlender, one of the most respected journalists ever to cover Apple and SiliconValley, has written about and reported on technology over the past three decades. InMay 2012, Schlender’s and Tetzeli’s Fast Company cover story about Jobs, entitled“The Lost Tapes of Steve Jobs,” created a sensation in publications around the world.The narrative thrust of Becoming Steve Jobs is Job’s growth and evolution as a managerand leader of others, as an astute CEO, as a father and as a visionary with anunparalled sense of what consumers wanted—before they knew what they wantedthemselves. But he didn’t start out with those skills. When he first left Apple in 1985and struck out to form his own company, NeXT, he knew little about running acompany, or holding to a budget, or developing successful products. It was during hisyears in the wilderness, unsuccessfully launching NeXT, and helping to revitalize Pixar,that he learned the skills that would make him so successful upon his return to Apple in1996.
BASED ON THE ACCLAIMED FAST COMPANY COVER STORY: Schlender and Tetzelishows readers how the callow and mercurial Jobs during the Macintosh yearstransformed himself into the unparalleled genuis who remade Apple from a computercompany into a consumer products juggernaut, launching the iPod, iTunes, the iPhone,and the iPad. Apple, which was on the verge of bankruptcy in 1996 when Jobs returned
to the company as an adviser, within a decade had become the sexiest and mostvaluable company on the planet.
EXTENSIVE SOURCES: The authors have unparalleled access to industry executives,colleagues, competitors, peers, bosses and friends who worked or competed sidebysidewith Jobs over the decades.
AN INCANDESCENT READ: Steve Jobs is one of the most interesting, difficult, brilliant,strongwilledand previously unknowable CEOs in history. He has arguably helped totransform American—and even world—culture, with his products and superior sense ofdesign and marketing. Told in a rich, compelling narrative filled stories never told beforefrom the people who knew him best, this vividly dramatic, highoctanebiography reveals
Jobs at his most colorful and best.