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Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
作者: Walter
简介: From the photographer of the bestselling I Spy books and creator of the Can You See What I See? series is a new search-and-find reader chock full of fun! Children can read the simple text and use the picture clues to search for dozens of hidden trinkets and toys! An illustrated word list in the back of the book provides extra support for the newest readers!
Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)
Fly Guy #05: Flyl High, Fly Guy!苍蝇小子5ISBN9780545007221
作者: Tedd
The fifth book in an award-winning, easy-to-read series abouta boy and his pet fly, each book in the series has a fun foilcover! Mom and Dad won't let Fly Guy go along on the family roadtrip. They're afraid he'll get lost. But when Dad accidentallyshuts him in the trunk, Fly Guy goes along for the ride! First, FlyGuy gets lost at the picnic site--but he shows up in the garbagecan. Then he gets lost at the art museum, but he shows up as partof a modern painting. At the beach, he turns up in a shell, and athe amusement park, on Buzz's hot dog (yuck!). Zany illustrationsand easy-to-read text make this a fun reading adventure for thebeginner. The first book in the Fly Guy series is a Theodor Geiselhonor book.
Children's Literature Five books later and we still can not getenough of Fly Guy! It is time for a road trip and Buzz will notthink of leaving Fly Guy at home. Mom and Dad have other plans,however, and Buzz's little pal is left at home, or so they think.When the family st ops for a picnic and Fly Guy flies out of thetrunk, Buzz can not contain his excitement. His parents warn him tomake sure not to lose his pint-sized pal. Each stop on their tripis a scare, when Fly Guy appears to go missing. Mom and Dad ask,"Is Fly Guy lost?" But Buzz can spot Fly Guy in a seashell at thebeach, on a famous painting at the art museum and digging throughthe stinky trashcan at the fun park. When it is the family's turnto get lost on the way home, Fly Guy heads up into the sky, scopesout their house, and guides them home safe and sound. This is oneroad trip that just would not have been the same without Fly Guy.Simple words and repetitions in the plot make this a perfect choicefor kids just starting to move beyond the "See Spot run" kind ofsentence structure. Above the categorization or levels of blandbeginner readers, Fly Guy actually inspires kids to grab more booksoff the shelf. For other bug-infested beginner readers, check outBreakout at the Bug Lab by Ruth Horowitz and Inspector Hopper byDoug Cushman. Reviewer: Kristy Lyn Sutorius School Library JournalK-Gr 2- In this easy reader, Buzz asks permission to take Fly Guyon their family vacation, and Mom says, "He's too little.... Hemight get lost." But the illustration shows Dad closing the trunkwith the pet inside, so Fly Guy accompanies them to the beach, artmuseum, and amusement park. Short chapters state the day'sitinerary: "They drove to the beach." Activity is depicted inwonderful wordless illustrations, such as Fly Guy riding a wave ina clam shell, kissing a Mona Lisa look-alike at the museum, andhelping to lead the way home. Arnold masterfully infuses funny,expressive cartoon illustrations with actions that further theplot, minimizing the burden of decoding for emerging readers andmaximizing their ability to engage in a fun and satisfyingstory.-Laura Scott, Farmington Community Library, MI Fewer ReviewsKirkus Reviews When Buzz and his parents take a road trip,pet-of-sorts Fly Guy stows away in the trunk. Rather than gettinglost, as Dad fears, the insect displays effortless adaptive skills.He surfs at the beach, smooches a Mona Lisa look-alike at the artmuseum and rides the roller coaster at the fun park, finding snacksaplenty in trashcans en route. When Dad loses the way home, Fly Guyrises to the rescue, using "his super fly eyes to spy their house."Arnold delivers another engaging romp that combines a spare butnever stilted text and child-appealing pictures (wherein even thefigures in museum paintings are bug-eyed). From the very shinycover's dizzying perspective to the heroic conclusion, this fifthouting's a shoo-in for kids who prefer their beginning readersfunny and action-packed. (Early reader. 4-7)