When The Ghost Dog Howls鸡皮疙瘩-惊恐乐园13:幽灵狗的呼叫
作者: Stine
出版社:Scholastic 2010年01月
Twelve-year-olds Andy and Marnie had an awesome week inHorrorLand-despite their freaky encounter with Murder the Clown andthe zombie mob. Then they think they've won big when they get aFREE souvenir from HorrorLand's Chiller House-and they're not soworried that the shopkeeper said they'd have to "pay later." Orthat the hound's tooth is rumored to be haunted. It's totally worththe risk to have a tooth that grants wishes. But when Andy hearshowling at night and Marnie starts acting strange, they begin torethink the gift from HorrorLand.
Unlucky book #13 kicks off an entirely new type of terror thatwill keep you guessing and quaking until book #19.
Each eerie adventure of the next seven-book arc begins with atrip to the Chiller House, a gift shop only found in HorrorLand.Kids are invited to take a little horror home with them and given asouvenir and a miniature Horror. At home, the kids experience wildthings with their "free" gift, while the glowing, menacing Horrorkeeps an eye on the fun. When it's time for their payment, theHorror takes them back to shopkeeper Jonathan Chiller.