What is Literature? 什么是文学 ISBN9780415254045
作者: Jean-Pau Sartre 著
出版社:Taylor and Francis 2001-5-1
简介:Review 'A robust and bracing read.' - Roy Johnson, Mantex.co.uk 'Since critics condemn me in the name of literature without ever saying what they mean by that, the best answer to give them is to examine the art of writing without prejudice. What is writing? Why does one write? For whom? The fact is, it seems that nobody has ever asked himself these questions.' - Jean-Paul Sartre 'This is a book that can neither be assimilated nor bypassed. There is probably no better way to encounter it than in this translation, with these notes and this introduction.' - Notes and Queries This is a book that can neither be assimilated nor bypassed. There is probably no better way to encounter it than in this translation, with these notes and this introduction. - Notes and Queries Product Description In What is Literature? sartre the novelist and Sartre the philosopher combine to address the phenomenon of literature, exploring why we read, and why we write.