Praise for Valuation for Financial Reporting, Third Edition
"Writing a book on financial reporting is a challenge in and ofitself, let alone to focus on the shifting sands of valuation infinancial reporting. Yet, Mard and company have done it again, andthis time, it is even more user-friendly, easy to read, andtopical. If you intend to wade into the swift currents of providingvaluation services for financial reporting, you must have Valuationfor Financial Reporting in your library or on your desk!" —Neil J.Beaton, CPA/ABV, CFA, ASA, National Partner in Charge of ValuationServices, Grant Thornton, LLP
"I really like the flowcharts. The authors take the complexworld of fair value measurement for business combinations andconvert it to easily understandable and usable flowcharts,worksheets, and checklists." —Gordon Goodman, Trading ControlOfficer, Occidental Petroleum, and member of the FASB ValuationResource Group
"The comments on efficient markets and faithful representationin the first chapter were very (very) helpful and well written.Masterful! Great book and I look forward to adding it to thelibrary!" —Robin E. Taylor, CPA/ABV, CFE, CVA, CBA, Dixon HughesPLLC, and Chairman, AICPA Business Valuation Committee