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Chemical engineering dynamics : an introduction to modelling and computer simulation
光盘作者: Ingham, John
出版社:Wiley-VCH 2007
简介: In Chemical Engineering Dynamics , the modelling of dynamic chemical engineering processes is presented in a highly understandable way using the unique combination of simplified fundamental theory and direct hands-on computer simulation. The mathematics is kept to a minimum, and yet the nearly 100 examples supplied on a CD-ROM illustrate almost every aspect of chemical engineering science. Each example is described in detail, including the model equations. They are written in the modern user-friendly simulation language Berkeley Madonna, which can be run on both Windows PC and Power-Macintosh computers. Madonna solves models comprising many ordinary differential equations using very simple programming, including arrays. It is so powerful that the model parameters may be defined as "sliders", which allow the effect of their change on the model behavior to be seen almost immediately. Data may be included for curve fitting, and sensitivity or multiple runs may be performed. The results can be seen simultaneously on multiple-graph windows or by using overlays. The resultant learning effect of this is tremendous. The examples can be varied to fit any real situation, and the suggested exercises provide practical guidance. The extensive experience of the authors, both in university teaching and international courses, is reflected in this well-balanced presentation, which is suitable for the teacher, the student, the chemist or the engineer. This book provides a greater understanding of the formulation and use of mass and energy balances for chemical engineering, in a most stimulating manner. This book is a third edition, which also includes biological, environmental and food process examples.
作者: Rudolf Meyer (作者), Josef Köhler (作者), Axel Homburg (作者)
出版社:Wiley-VCH 2007
简介:This world-famous work has been enlarged and updated without tampering with its tried and tested format. Around 500 alphabetically ordered, monographic entries consider the physicochemical properties, production methods and safe applications of over 120 explosive chemicals, while discussing 70 fuels, additives and oxidizing agents and describing the relevant test methods. The extensive thermodynamic data has been thoroughly updated and now also provided on a CD-ROM compiled by the Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology. This excerpt from the ICT Thermodynamical Database not only includes additional thermodynamic data, and references to further reading, but also features enhanced search facilities. Other key features include a 1,500-entry combined index and glossary with terms and abbreviations in English, French and German, conversion tables and numerous literature references. A handy reference for explosive experts and also for translators, public authorities and patent lawyers. From reviews of previous editions: "...This wealth of information and an index that comprises some 1500 keywords and several conversion tables make this a unique source of knowledge for anybody working with explosives." —Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
Chemical engineering dynamics : an introduction to modelling and computer simulation
光盘作者: Ingham, John,
出版社:Wiley-VCH 2007
简介:In Chemical Engineering Dynamics, the modelling of dynamic chemical engineering processes is presented in a highly understandable way using the unique combination of simplified fundamental theory and direct hands-on computer simulation. The mathematics is kept to a minimum, and yet the nearly 100 examples supplied on a CD-ROM illustrate almost every aspect of chemical engineering science. Each example is described in detail, including the model equations. They are written in the modern user-friendly simulation language Berkeley Madonna, which can be run on both Windows PC and Power-Macintosh computers. Madonna solves models comprising many ordinary differential equations using very simple programming, including arrays. It is so powerful that the model parameters may be defined as "sliders", which allow the effect of their change on the model behavior to be seen almost immediately. Data may be included for curve fitting, and sensitivity or multiple runs may be performed. The results can be seen simultaneously on multiple-graph windows or by using overlays. The resultant learning effect of this is tremendous. The examples can be varied to fit any real situation, and the suggested exercises provide practical guidance. The extensive experience of the authors, both in university teaching and international courses, is reflected in this well-balanced presentation, which is suitable for the teacher, the student, the chemist or the engineer. This book provides a greater understanding of the formulation and use of mass and energy balances for chemical engineering, in a most stimulating manner. This book is a third edition, which also includes biological, environmental and food process examples.