English course of viewing, listening, and speaking for postgraduates


作   者:贾卫国主编





本书为视听说一体化的教材,共分8个单元。每个单元为一个专题,围绕专题下设三个主要部分:影视时段(Movie Time )、听力活动(Listening Activities)和口语实践(Oral Practice ),各个部分内容相互贯通,强调语篇水平上的听说能力训练。全书可供一个学期(约36~40个学时)使用。本书具有以下特点1、编排新颖,全书强调以信息输入带动输出,重视视听说相结合,通过视频和音频媒介传播大量的语言、文化信息,让学生在主动学习中加以提炼和运用,在实际使用中去完成交流的话题。本书还特别注意学习技能、学习策略的培养,每个单元都有针对性地设计了不同的练习和讲解,使学生在反复练习中逐步掌握听说的基本技能。为了方便学生理解,对于难度较大的语言点和文化点,课文都作了注释,并提供了与主题相关点词汇表和学习者咨询栏。2、内容丰富,本书内容十分丰富,涉及到西方校园生活、风俗习惯、个人理财、卫生与健康、工作和休闲等多个方面。视听语料皆保存了原汁原味的生活气息,情节真实、生动。3、实用性强,本书的最大特点是实用性强,所有章节和练习都本着实用的原则编写。学生学完本书后将初步了解西方的社会、文化,熟悉在国外学习的各种场景,掌握基本的口头交流的技能,增强异域环境下的生存能力。


unit 1 preparation for studying abroad

partl movie time

university of northern british columbia

part ii listening activities

a visa interview

the graduate school application process

new toefl test

part iii oral practice

a dialogue at the airport

simulating a visa application

oral presentation

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 2 campus life

part i movie time

legally blonde

part ii listening activities

doing research in the library

time management for graduate students

discussing with the professor

.part iii oral practice

description of your ideal school

a conversation in the dormitory

idea sharing

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 3 balance of your

part i movie time

the devil wears prada

part ii listening activities

university advice service
the diploma course
asking the advisor for some advice

part iii oral practice

life balance on campus
different topics about campus life
picture description of life balance

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 4 values and beliefs

part i movie time


part ii listening activities

thousands march in washington to protest iraq war privacy

clinton afraid to be late

part iii oral practice

debate on going dutch
brainstorm on aspects of privacy
topics about values and beliefs

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 5 part i movie time

the blind side

part ii listening activities

a telephone conversation

table manners in western countries

college sports center

part iii oral practice

dialogue about food

leisure time entertainments

speaking about movies or tv programs

picture description

time for fun

learners' dictionary

job hunting

part i movie time

night at the museum

part ii listening activities

job-hunting phobia seizing college students

how to take a job interview

choosing a job

part iii oral practice

dialogue on a job interview

simulating a job interview

job application

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 7 personal finance

part i movie time

catch me if tou can

part ii listening activities

opening a bank account

five ways to bank safely at the atm

how to draw a personal budget

car purchasing

part iii oral practice

views on personal finance

discussion on personal budgets

time for fun

learners' dictionary

unit 8 health protection

part i movie time

doctor house

part ii listening activities

all these ailments

indoor air pollution

heat stress

part iii oral practice

picture description on health problems

dialogues on health problems

conversation on topics about health

time for fun

learners' dictionary






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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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