前言 一鱼三吃的聪明哲学
chapter one the people 人
unit one choosing an accountant/选择一个会计师
unit two a career in accounting/会计事业
unit three the clients/客户
chapter two the basics 基本规则
unit one keeping good records/把记录保存好
unit two debits and credits/借方与贷方
unit three cash or accrual/现金或应计
chapter three money coming in and going out 进来的钱与出去的钱
unit one assets and liabilities/资产与负债
unit two revenue and expenses/收入与支出
unit three posting to ledgers/记入分类账
chapter four annual report 年度报告
unit one balance sheet/资产负债表
unit two income statement/收益表
unit three cash flow statement/现金流量表
chapter five journals 日记账
unit one daily summary of sabs/每日销售摘要
unit two sales and receipts journal/销货与收据簿
unit three importance of financial documentafton/财务文件的重要性
chapter six accounts账
unit one accounts receivable/应收账
unit two accounts payable/应付账
unit three pelb,cash/零用金
chapter seven adjustments 调整
unit one depreciation/折旧
unit two trial balance/试算表
unit three closing the books/结算
chapter eight alternatives其他选择
unit one bookkeepers/簿记员
unit two computerized accounting/计算机化会计
unit three do ityou rself/自己动手做
chapter one the people 人
unit one choosing an accountant/选择一个会计师
unit two a career in accounting/会计事业
unit three the clients/客户
chapter two the basics 基本规则
unit one keeping good records/把记录保存好
unit two debits and credits/借方与贷方
unit three cash or accrual/现金或应计
chapter three money coming in and going out 进来的钱与出去的钱
unit one assets and liabilities/资产与负债
unit two revenue and expenses/收入与支出
unit three posting to ledgers/记入分类账
chapter four annual report 年度报告
unit one balance sheet/资产负债表
unit two income statement/收益表
unit three cash flow statement/现金流量表
chapter five journals 日记账
unit one daily summary of sabs/每日销售摘要
unit two sales and receipts journal/销货与收据簿
unit three importance of financial documentafton/财务文件的重要性
chapter six accounts账
unit one accounts receivable/应收账
unit two accounts payable/应付账
unit three pelb,cash/零用金
chapter seven adjustments 调整
unit one depreciation/折旧
unit two trial balance/试算表
unit three closing the books/结算
chapter eight alternatives其他选择
unit one bookkeepers/簿记员
unit two computerized accounting/计算机化会计
unit three do ityou rself/自己动手做
English accounting terms
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
光盘服务联系方式: 020-38250260 客服QQ:4006604884
用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问
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