Grammar Dimensions:Platinum Edition


作   者:(美)Diane Larsen-Freeman主编;(美)Jan Frodesen,(美)Janet Eyring著





Diane Larsen-Freeman,Jan Frodesen,Janet Eyring:Grammar Dimensions 4 Copyright@2000by Heinle & Heinle,a Division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means-grahic,electronic,or mechanical,including phltocopying,recording,taping,or information storage and retrieval systems-without the written permission of the publisher. Authorized Bilingual Edition by Thomson Learning and CMP.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Thomson Learning and CMP. Authorized edition for sale in P.R.China only.


unit 1 the verb be

affirmative statements,subject pronouns

opening task

focus1 be: affirmative statements (form) 2

focus2 subject pronouns with be (form/meaning) 4

focus3 contraction with be (form) 7

focus4 lntroductions and greetings (use) 9

use your engiish activities

unit 2 the verb be

yes/no questions ,be+adjective, negative statements

opening task 14

focus1 be: yes/no questions and short answers (form)

focus2 be + adjective (form) 18

focus3 be: negative statements and contractions (fom/use) 22

use your engiish activities

unit 3 the verb be

wh-question words,it with time and weather,and

prepositions of location

focus1 wh-question words with be (form/meaning) 30

focus2 how to ask questions about english (use) 33

.focus3 using it to taik about the weather (use) 33

focus4 using it to talk about time (use) 35

focus5 prepositions of location (form/meaning)

use your english activities

unit 4 nouns

count and noncount nouns, be +adjective+noun

opening task

focus1 count nouns and noncount nouns (form/meaning)

focus2 a/an with ingular count nouns (form)

focus3 spelling of regular plural count nouns (form)

focus4 regular plural nouns:pronunciation of final -s and -es (form)

focus5 irregular plural nouns (form)

focus6 count and noncount nouns (form)

focus7 be+adjective+noun(form)

use your english activities

unit5 the verb have
affirmative and negative statements,questions and

short answers,some/any

opening task

focus1 has and have:affirmative statements (form/meaning)

focus2 have: negative statements and contractions(form)

focus3 have:yes/no questions and short answers(form)

focus4 some/any(form)

focus5 asking for smething politely(use)

focus6 using have to describe people (use)

use your english activities

unit 6 this/ that/ these/those and possessives

opening task

focus1 this,these,that,those (form/meaning)

focus2 asking what thingsare(form/use)

focus3 possessive nouns(form)

focus4 possessive adjectives,pronouns(form)

focus5 questions with whose(form/meaning)

use your english activities

unit7 this is/there are,a/an versus the

opening task

focus1 there+be(meaning/use)

focus2 there i/there are (form)

focus3 there isn't/there's no/there are no(form)

focus4 yes/no questions with there is/there are(form)

focus5 choosing a/an or the (use)

use your english activities

unit 8 simple present tense

affirmative and negative statements,time expressions:


opening task

focus1simple presenttense:affirmative statements(form)

focus2talking about habits and routines(use0

focus3third person singular:spelling



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