Oxford business English skills (China edition with CD-ROM),Effective meetings
作 者:Jeremy Comfort著;陈苏东总改编;陈苏东,韩冰本册改编
Why are we here? key features of an effective discussing and evaluating calling a meeting
page 6 meeting meetings
Where do we start? how to open a meeting opening a meeting opening a meeting
page 10 objectives, roles, procedure
Where are we how to control the direction of linking, items and ideas structuring a meeting
going? a meeting
page 18
Your views count how to interrupt, and to hold interrupting and finishing presenting arguments and
page 24 the floor a point interrupting
Keeping to the point focusing on essentials, active questioning and clarifying questioning techniques for
page 30 listening techniques specific information
What's the idea? eliciting ideas, managing asking for, giving, and participating in a
page 36 interruptions and dominant commenting on opinions brainstorming meeting
Making decisions obtaining consensus and agreement and disagreement, participating in a decision-
page 42 making difficult decisions recommendations making meeting
What's next? How to end a meeting summarizing, clarifying, organizing and participating
page 48 effectively and closing in a full-length meeting
page 6 meeting meetings
Where do we start? how to open a meeting opening a meeting opening a meeting
page 10 objectives, roles, procedure
Where are we how to control the direction of linking, items and ideas structuring a meeting
going? a meeting
page 18
Your views count how to interrupt, and to hold interrupting and finishing presenting arguments and
page 24 the floor a point interrupting
Keeping to the point focusing on essentials, active questioning and clarifying questioning techniques for
page 30 listening techniques specific information
What's the idea? eliciting ideas, managing asking for, giving, and participating in a
page 36 interruptions and dominant commenting on opinions brainstorming meeting
Making decisions obtaining consensus and agreement and disagreement, participating in a decision-
page 42 making difficult decisions recommendations making meeting
What's next? How to end a meeting summarizing, clarifying, organizing and participating
page 48 effectively and closing in a full-length meeting
Oxford business English skills (China edition with CD-ROM),Effective meetings
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