《法学英语教师用书(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)》坚持三个基本:1)基本上不对选为课文的原文在生词和结构等方面进行语言上的控制,目的是保持原生态。2)基本上不对原文进行内容方面的调整。同一主题,尽可能选择观点相异或相反的文章,以便给学生提供思考、比较和评价不同学术观点的机会。3) 基本上不对输入量进行控制,如不少课文长度超过了一般大学英语教材1200词的上限。本教材由李立主编。
Unit I Plagiarism in Education
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Dialogue
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Dialogue Scripts
Unit 2 Abortion
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interviews
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interviews Scripts
Unit3 AnimaIRights
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interview
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interview Scripts
Unit4 Domestic Violence
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Lecture Scripts
Unit 5 Euthanasia
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Debate
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Debate Scripts
Unit6 MedicaIMalpractice
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interview
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interview Scripts
Unit I Same-SexMarriage
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Debate
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Debate Scripts
Unit 2 Cybercrime
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit3 Death Penalty
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit4 GunControl
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit 5 Informed Consent and Patients' Rights
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit 6 Advertisement and Celebrity
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit I Plagiarism in Education
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Dialogue
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Dialogue Scripts
Unit 2 Abortion
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interviews
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interviews Scripts
Unit3 AnimaIRights
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interview
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interview Scripts
Unit4 Domestic Violence
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Lecture Scripts
Unit 5 Euthanasia
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Debate
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Debate Scripts
Unit6 MedicaIMalpractice
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Interview
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Write an Academic Essay
7. Interview Scripts
Unit I Same-SexMarriage
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Debate
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Debate Scripts
Unit 2 Cybercrime
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit3 Death Penalty
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit4 GunControl
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit 5 Informed Consent and Patients' Rights
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
Unit 6 Advertisement and Celebrity
1. Search for Background Information
2. Discuss the Words' Meaning
3. Listen to the Lecture
4. Read for Information
5. Practice for Enhancement
6. Lecture Scripts
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