unitⅰ education
reading a learning foreign languages
grammar the agreement of subject and verb
reading b reading skills
writing practice development by comparison and contrast
unitⅱ communication
reading a body talk
grammar methods of emphasis
reading b the "eyes" have it: the fundamental of eye contact
writing practice development by exemplification
unitⅲ delight in work
reading a passion in your job
grammar absolute construction
reading b are you working fun at work?
writing practice development by quotations
unitⅳ organization
reading a colliding corporate culture
grammar past participle
reading b what makes sony run
.writing practice development by casual analysis
unitⅴ social manners
reading a etiquette of a gentleman
grammar present participle
reading b social manners
writing practice development by description
unitⅵ healthy life
reading a fallacies about food
grammar infinitive
reading living a long life
writing practice development by classification
unitⅶ ways to success
reading a living in success
grammar subjunctive mood
reading b ne road to success
writing practice development by process analysis
unitⅰ education1
unitⅱ communication10
unitⅲ delight in work19
unitⅳ organization28
unitⅴ social manners36
unitⅵ healthy life45
unitⅶ ways to success54
unitⅰ education63
unitⅱ communication68
unitⅲ delight in work73
unitⅳ organization79
unitⅴ social manners83
unitⅵ healthy life88
unitⅶ ways to success94
unitⅰ education
reading a learning foreign languages
grammar the agreement of subject and verb
reading b reading skills
writing practice development by comparison and contrast
unitⅱ communication
reading a body talk
grammar methods of emphasis
reading b the "eyes" have it: the fundamental of eye contact
writing practice development by exemplification
unitⅲ delight in work
reading a passion in your job
grammar absolute construction
reading b are you working fun at work?
writing practice development by quotations
unitⅳ organization
reading a colliding corporate culture
grammar past participle
reading b what makes sony run
.writing practice development by casual analysis
unitⅴ social manners
reading a etiquette of a gentleman
grammar present participle
reading b social manners
writing practice development by description
unitⅵ healthy life
reading a fallacies about food
grammar infinitive
reading living a long life
writing practice development by classification
unitⅶ ways to success
reading a living in success
grammar subjunctive mood
reading b ne road to success
writing practice development by process analysis
unitⅰ education1
unitⅱ communication10
unitⅲ delight in work19
unitⅳ organization28
unitⅴ social manners36
unitⅵ healthy life45
unitⅶ ways to success54
unitⅰ education63
unitⅱ communication68
unitⅲ delight in work73
unitⅳ organization79
unitⅴ social manners83
unitⅵ healthy life88
unitⅶ ways to success94
Vocational English course
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