Chapter 1 You are what you eat吃什么像什么
1 Be realistic.要务实一点。
2 Don't even call it a diet.甚至不要称之为节食。
3 Make your diet/eating plan a healthy one.让你的节食/饮食计划成为一个健康的计划。
4 Join a weight-loss program.参加减肥课程。
5 Stay with the program.减肥计划要执行到底。
6 Forget fad diets.别管那些时下流行的节食方法。
7 Show a little restraint.克制一下食欲。
8 Conduct research on yourself.对自己进行研究。
9 Eat a well-balanced diet.饮食均衡。
10 Learn more about nutrition.多了解营养。
11 Cut back on fat.减少脂肪的摄取。
12 Zap the main culprits.向主要的罪魁祸首说不。
13 Take your salad naked.吃“纯”沙拉。
14 Use whipped butter or margarine.使用搅打过的奶油或麦淇淋。
15 De-fat your meat.去除肉类脂肪。
16 Put the nix on frying.拒绝油炸品。
17 When you have to fry,use an oil spray.如果你必须油炸食物,使用喷油罐吧。
18 When you do use oils,make sure they're low-fat.当你真的要用油时,务必使用低脂油。
19 Skin the chicken.鸡肉要去皮。
20 Substitute with soy.多吃黄豆食物。
21 Cut a percentage point in your milk.喝低脂牛奶。
22 Chuck high-fat cheese.拒吃高脂肪奶酪。
23 Make plans for plain yogurt.拟订饮用原味酸奶计划。
24 Don't skip breakfast.早餐一定要吃。
25 Eat three meals a day——at least!一天“至少”吃三餐!
26 Pile it on at lunchtime.午餐吃得丰盛些。
27 Eat at least half your daily calories in complex carbohydrates.日常摄取的卡路里中,至少要有一半是复合碳水化合物。
28 Bake potatoes.烤马铃薯。
29 Slow down on salt.少放点盐。
30 Spice it up.加点香料吧。
31 Cut down on sugar.少吃点糖。
32 Go fruity.多吃水果。
33 Sweeten up with fruit juice.用果汁来添加甜味。
34 Say“cheerio”to sugary cereals.对甜麦片说“拜拜”吧!
35 Chew sugar-free gum.嚼无糖口香糖。
36 Drink diet soda.喝低糖汽水。
37 Use artificial sweeteners.用人造代糖。
38 Be sober about alcohol.清醒地面对含酒精饮料。
39 Diet on weekdays,splurge on weekends.平日节食、周末大吃。
40 Lay low on(some)legumes.减少摄取(某些)豆科植物。
41 Chew on seeds in their shells.种子类食品要连壳一起吃。
42 Don't give up,even if you slip up.即使出了小差错,也别放弃。
43 Listen to your stomach.听听你的胃怎么说。
44 Listen to your conscience.听听你的良心怎么说。
45 Steer clear of junk foods.和垃圾食物划清界限。
46 Snack if you must.如果有必要的话,可以吃点零食。
47 Watch your impulses.当心你一时的冲动。
48 Don't expose yourself.别让自己置身食物堆中。
49 Have weekly tea-vegetable days.每周一天茶水蔬菜日。
50 Make a move.采取行动。
5l Don't be swayed by the crowd.别受大伙的影响。
52 Travel with diet-friendly food.旅游时携带有利节食的食物。
53 Watch what you take in with take-out.留心你外带回家的食物。
54 Take your vitamins.服用适合自己的维他命。
55 Eat more fiber.多吃纤维质。
56 Become a vegetarian.改吃素吧。
57 Be on the lookout for substitutes.留意替代品。
58 Put your food on a plate.把食物放在盘子上。
59 Eat like a kid.吃东西要像小孩一样。
60 Eat with ambience.吃东西要讲求气氛。
61 Make your food beautiful.把食物弄得漂漂亮亮的。
62 Concentrate on your food.专心吃东西。
63 Eat with a friend.和朋友共餐。
64 Chew thoroughly,eat slowly.细嚼慢咽。
65 Drink plenty of water.大量喝水。
66 Cut coffee and cigarettes.戒除咖啡和香烟。
67 Eat low-calorie frozen foods.吃低卡路里的冷冻食品。
68 Make your own frozen treats.做自己的冷冻大餐。
69 Don't tell yourself“I'll never have such-and-such again!”别对自己说:“下不为例!”
70 Shop smart.聪明购物法。
71 Diet for 12 weeks.持续节食十二周。
72 Slow down on fast foods.少吃快餐。
73 Take a break during PMS.经前症候群期间暂停节食。
74 Keep food out of the wrong places.勿把食物置于错误的地方。
75 Don't eat like a mouse.别吃得像老鼠那么少。
76 Eat smart when you eat out.外出用餐有“高招”。
77 Make variety the spice of your life.饮食多样,生活多彩。
78 Brush and floss.用餐后要刷牙和剔牙。
79 Stroll after supper.晚饭后散个步。
80 Don't eat after dark——within reason.天黑之后勿作不必要的进食。
81 Take good measure.精确测量。
82 Try to be normal.试着用正常的速度进食。
83 Freeze for one.一人份冷藏法。
84 Chop chop.食物要一切再切。
85 Make every day a salad day.天天吃沙拉。
86 Keep count.每月数一次。
87 Say a little prayer.感恩祷告。
88 Cook up a low-cal storm!低卡美食亲手做!
89 Eat in one place.在固定位置用餐。
90 Fill up your fridge.把冰箱装满食物。
91 Watch yourself.看清自己的吃相。
92 Get enough sleep.睡眠充足。
93 Give yourself a break.放自己一马。
Chapter 2 What's so good about exercise?运动有什么好处?
94 Do a little if you can't(or just don't want to)do a lot.如果你无法(或者只是不想)多做运动就少做一点吧。
95 Set realistic goals.制定切合实际的目标。
96 Keep a log.做记录。
97 Aerobicize.有氧运动好处多。
98 Walk it off.“走”掉肥胖。
99 Take 10,000 steps a day.每天走一万步。
100 Walk to work.走路上班。
101 Walk the mall.逛街减肥。
102 Walk someplace different.四处走走。
103 Put on the speed.速度加快。
104 Run for it.跑出好身材。
105 Ride a bike.骑脚踏车。
106 Climb away calories.“爬”掉你的卡路里。
107 Plug in the circuit.来个全套的健身训练充充电吧。
108 Get into the swim.游泳去。
109 Get out of the swim.远离游泳。
110 Row,row,row your boat.来划船吧。
111 Swing your partner!与你的舞伴一起摇摆!
112 Get out into the cold.迎向寒冷。
113 Get lean by lifting.举重使你苗条。
114 Play with your kids.与孩子同乐。
115 Play with your pet.与宠物玩耍。
116 Walk in peace.在宁静中散步。
117 Make good choices.做正确的选择。
118 Mix'em up.混合做多种运动。
119 Latch onto a high-powered pal.结交精力充沛的伙伴。
120 Join a gym or health club.加入某个健身俱乐部。
121 Have a walk for lunch.利用午餐时间散步。
122 Just do it.做就对了。
123 Plant a garden.开辟一座花园。
124 Get physical at least two hours before bedtime.睡前两小时不要运动。
125 Run yourself more ragged at the gym.让自己在健身房里耗尽精力。
126 Make age no barrier.年龄不是障碍。
127 Be an early-bird exerciser.做个早起的运动者。
128 Add energy to your environs.在运动的环境中添加活力。
129 Distract yourself.分散你的注意力。
130 Buy some fabulous exercise clothes.为自己买些很炫的运动服。
131 Take a stand.站一站吧。
132 Go for the biggest burns.尽情地燃烧热量吧!
133 Burn around the house.在家里燃烧脂肪。
134 Take a break.休息一下。
135 Get an education.受教育。
136 Walk with a pal.结伴散步。
137 Gear up for the competition.准备面对竞赛。
138 Go ahead and boast.尽量吹嘘吧。
139 Read up.多阅读运动信息。
140 Get a new slant on things.用新的观点看事情。
141 Exercise at your desk.在办公桌旁运动。
142 Let yourself go.放逐自己。
143 Exercise on the cheap.运动不需花大钱。
144 Exercise before you eat.饭前运动。
145 Exercise after you eat.饭后也要运动。
146 Become a gymnast.使自己成为体操专家。
147 Go solo.单独运动也可以。
148 Make it a social occasion.让运动成为你的社交活动。
149 Reward yourself.犒赏自己。
150 Keep it up.持续下去。
151 If at first you don't succeed,try,try again.如果开始不成功,就一试再试吧。
Chapter 1 You are what you eat吃什么像什么
1 Be realistic.要务实一点。
2 Don't even call it a diet.甚至不要称之为节食。
3 Make your diet/eating plan a healthy one.让你的节食/饮食计划成为一个健康的计划。
4 Join a weight-loss program.参加减肥课程。
5 Stay with the program.减肥计划要执行到底。
6 Forget fad diets.别管那些时下流行的节食方法。
7 Show a little restraint.克制一下食欲。
8 Conduct research on yourself.对自己进行研究。
9 Eat a well-balanced diet.饮食均衡。
10 Learn more about nutrition.多了解营养。
11 Cut back on fat.减少脂肪的摄取。
12 Zap the main culprits.向主要的罪魁祸首说不。
13 Take your salad naked.吃“纯”沙拉。
14 Use whipped butter or margarine.使用搅打过的奶油或麦淇淋。
15 De-fat your meat.去除肉类脂肪。
16 Put the nix on frying.拒绝油炸品。
17 When you have to fry,use an oil spray.如果你必须油炸食物,使用喷油罐吧。
18 When you do use oils,make sure they're low-fat.当你真的要用油时,务必使用低脂油。
19 Skin the chicken.鸡肉要去皮。
20 Substitute with soy.多吃黄豆食物。
21 Cut a percentage point in your milk.喝低脂牛奶。
22 Chuck high-fat cheese.拒吃高脂肪奶酪。
23 Make plans for plain yogurt.拟订饮用原味酸奶计划。
24 Don't skip breakfast.早餐一定要吃。
25 Eat three meals a day——at least!一天“至少”吃三餐!
26 Pile it on at lunchtime.午餐吃得丰盛些。
27 Eat at least half your daily calories in complex carbohydrates.日常摄取的卡路里中,至少要有一半是复合碳水化合物。
28 Bake potatoes.烤马铃薯。
29 Slow down on salt.少放点盐。
30 Spice it up.加点香料吧。
31 Cut down on sugar.少吃点糖。
32 Go fruity.多吃水果。
33 Sweeten up with fruit juice.用果汁来添加甜味。
34 Say“cheerio”to sugary cereals.对甜麦片说“拜拜”吧!
35 Chew sugar-free gum.嚼无糖口香糖。
36 Drink diet soda.喝低糖汽水。
37 Use artificial sweeteners.用人造代糖。
38 Be sober about alcohol.清醒地面对含酒精饮料。
39 Diet on weekdays,splurge on weekends.平日节食、周末大吃。
40 Lay low on(some)legumes.减少摄取(某些)豆科植物。
41 Chew on seeds in their shells.种子类食品要连壳一起吃。
42 Don't give up,even if you slip up.即使出了小差错,也别放弃。
43 Listen to your stomach.听听你的胃怎么说。
44 Listen to your conscience.听听你的良心怎么说。
45 Steer clear of junk foods.和垃圾食物划清界限。
46 Snack if you must.如果有必要的话,可以吃点零食。
47 Watch your impulses.当心你一时的冲动。
48 Don't expose yourself.别让自己置身食物堆中。
49 Have weekly tea-vegetable days.每周一天茶水蔬菜日。
50 Make a move.采取行动。
5l Don't be swayed by the crowd.别受大伙的影响。
52 Travel with diet-friendly food.旅游时携带有利节食的食物。
53 Watch what you take in with take-out.留心你外带回家的食物。
54 Take your vitamins.服用适合自己的维他命。
55 Eat more fiber.多吃纤维质。
56 Become a vegetarian.改吃素吧。
57 Be on the lookout for substitutes.留意替代品。
58 Put your food on a plate.把食物放在盘子上。
59 Eat like a kid.吃东西要像小孩一样。
60 Eat with ambience.吃东西要讲求气氛。
61 Make your food beautiful.把食物弄得漂漂亮亮的。
62 Concentrate on your food.专心吃东西。
63 Eat with a friend.和朋友共餐。
64 Chew thoroughly,eat slowly.细嚼慢咽。
65 Drink plenty of water.大量喝水。
66 Cut coffee and cigarettes.戒除咖啡和香烟。
67 Eat low-calorie frozen foods.吃低卡路里的冷冻食品。
68 Make your own frozen treats.做自己的冷冻大餐。
69 Don't tell yourself“I'll never have such-and-such again!”别对自己说:“下不为例!”
70 Shop smart.聪明购物法。
71 Diet for 12 weeks.持续节食十二周。
72 Slow down on fast foods.少吃快餐。
73 Take a break during PMS.经前症候群期间暂停节食。
74 Keep food out of the wrong places.勿把食物置于错误的地方。
75 Don't eat like a mouse.别吃得像老鼠那么少。
76 Eat smart when you eat out.外出用餐有“高招”。
77 Make variety the spice of your life.饮食多样,生活多彩。
78 Brush and floss.用餐后要刷牙和剔牙。
79 Stroll after supper.晚饭后散个步。
80 Don't eat after dark——within reason.天黑之后勿作不必要的进食。
81 Take good measure.精确测量。
82 Try to be normal.试着用正常的速度进食。
83 Freeze for one.一人份冷藏法。
84 Chop chop.食物要一切再切。
85 Make every day a salad day.天天吃沙拉。
86 Keep count.每月数一次。
87 Say a little prayer.感恩祷告。
88 Cook up a low-cal storm!低卡美食亲手做!
89 Eat in one place.在固定位置用餐。
90 Fill up your fridge.把冰箱装满食物。
91 Watch yourself.看清自己的吃相。
92 Get enough sleep.睡眠充足。
93 Give yourself a break.放自己一马。
Chapter 2 What's so good about exercise?运动有什么好处?
94 Do a little if you can't(or just don't want to)do a lot.如果你无法(或者只是不想)多做运动就少做一点吧。
95 Set realistic goals.制定切合实际的目标。
96 Keep a log.做记录。
97 Aerobicize.有氧运动好处多。
98 Walk it off.“走”掉肥胖。
99 Take 10,000 steps a day.每天走一万步。
100 Walk to work.走路上班。
101 Walk the mall.逛街减肥。
102 Walk someplace different.四处走走。
103 Put on the speed.速度加快。
104 Run for it.跑出好身材。
105 Ride a bike.骑脚踏车。
106 Climb away calories.“爬”掉你的卡路里。
107 Plug in the circuit.来个全套的健身训练充充电吧。
108 Get into the swim.游泳去。
109 Get out of the swim.远离游泳。
110 Row,row,row your boat.来划船吧。
111 Swing your partner!与你的舞伴一起摇摆!
112 Get out into the cold.迎向寒冷。
113 Get lean by lifting.举重使你苗条。
114 Play with your kids.与孩子同乐。
115 Play with your pet.与宠物玩耍。
116 Walk in peace.在宁静中散步。
117 Make good choices.做正确的选择。
118 Mix'em up.混合做多种运动。
119 Latch onto a high-powered pal.结交精力充沛的伙伴。
120 Join a gym or health club.加入某个健身俱乐部。
121 Have a walk for lunch.利用午餐时间散步。
122 Just do it.做就对了。
123 Plant a garden.开辟一座花园。
124 Get physical at least two hours before bedtime.睡前两小时不要运动。
125 Run yourself more ragged at the gym.让自己在健身房里耗尽精力。
126 Make age no barrier.年龄不是障碍。
127 Be an early-bird exerciser.做个早起的运动者。
128 Add energy to your environs.在运动的环境中添加活力。
129 Distract yourself.分散你的注意力。
130 Buy some fabulous exercise clothes.为自己买些很炫的运动服。
131 Take a stand.站一站吧。
132 Go for the biggest burns.尽情地燃烧热量吧!
133 Burn around the house.在家里燃烧脂肪。
134 Take a break.休息一下。
135 Get an education.受教育。
136 Walk with a pal.结伴散步。
137 Gear up for the competition.准备面对竞赛。
138 Go ahead and boast.尽量吹嘘吧。
139 Read up.多阅读运动信息。
140 Get a new slant on things.用新的观点看事情。
141 Exercise at your desk.在办公桌旁运动。
142 Let yourself go.放逐自己。
143 Exercise on the cheap.运动不需花大钱。
144 Exercise before you eat.饭前运动。
145 Exercise after you eat.饭后也要运动。
146 Become a gymnast.使自己成为体操专家。
147 Go solo.单独运动也可以。
148 Make it a social occasion.让运动成为你的社交活动。
149 Reward yourself.犒赏自己。
150 Keep it up.持续下去。
151 If at first you don't succeed,try,try again.如果开始不成功,就一试再试吧。
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