The key to correct structure analysis now in its second edition. There have been many important advances in the field since the first publication of this book. Consequently, this edition has been extended to incorporate a number of pulse sequence developments. Nevertheless, it still details the basic experiments on a step-by-step basis, such that students and newcomers may come to understand basic data acquisition procedures, modular pulse sequence units, and complete sequences in NMR spectroscopy. The author applies the numerous possibilities of Bruker's simulation program NMR-SIM to provide a guided introduction to the world of pulse sequences. The effectiveness of particular NMR experiments is demonstrated by the "Check Its" section and that of data processing by the accompanying CD-ROM containing the Bruker processing software 1D and 2D WIN-NMR. Major revisions include increased coverage of simulations of multiple offset selective pulse experiments as well as filter elements. One new chapter is a collection of some of the latest published ideas to improve existing sequences, together with spin-state selective experiments. The result is a volume encouraging beginners to use high resolution NMR, while prompting experts to evaluate new experiments using the easy-manageable simulation program. From the first edition: "... not only of interest for the NMR operators but also for interpreters of spectral data'. Many mistakes made with the application of modern NMR spectroscopy because of a lack of understanding of basic principles may be avoided. This volume covers all these aspects and explains them in an interactive way." AFS Advances in Food Science, 2002, Vol. 24
Preface to 2nd Edition
Scope and Audience
The Check its
Book Layout
Background on Simulation
Description of real Samples - Spin Systems and Processes on Spin Systems
Description of Pulse Sequences
Signal Detection
Acquisition and Processing
Excitation of nuclear spins and their response detection
One dimensional Experiments
Two dimensional Experiments
NMR-SIM options
Experiment Setup in NMR-SIM
Spin Systems and Pulse Programs
Experiment and Processing Parameters
Using the Bloch Simulator
Complete Sequences, Elements and Building Blocks
The Philosophy of Pulse Sequences
Single Pulse and Simple Multi-Pulse Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part One
Homonuclear Correlation Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part Two
Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments I: nX Detected Experiments
Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments II: 1H Detected Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part Three
Latest Developments in NMR
Scope and Audience
The Check its
Book Layout
Background on Simulation
Description of real Samples - Spin Systems and Processes on Spin Systems
Description of Pulse Sequences
Signal Detection
Acquisition and Processing
Excitation of nuclear spins and their response detection
One dimensional Experiments
Two dimensional Experiments
NMR-SIM options
Experiment Setup in NMR-SIM
Spin Systems and Pulse Programs
Experiment and Processing Parameters
Using the Bloch Simulator
Complete Sequences, Elements and Building Blocks
The Philosophy of Pulse Sequences
Single Pulse and Simple Multi-Pulse Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part One
Homonuclear Correlation Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part Two
Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments I: nX Detected Experiments
Heteronuclear Correlation Experiments II: 1H Detected Experiments
Building Blocks and Elements - Part Three
Latest Developments in NMR
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