Classic legends of traditional Chinese culture


作   者:姚丽,国宁主编译;任秀荣插图







Traditional Chinese Festivals 中华时节
1. The Origin of Laba Porridge 腊八粥的来历
2. The Tale of Nian “年”的传说
3. Eating Cold Food at Qingming 清明冷餐的来历
4. The Fifth Day of the Fifth Lunar Month 农历五月初五
5. Mountain Climbing on Double-Ninth Day 重九登高
6. The Lantern Festival 元宵节
7. Water-Splashing Festival 泼水节
Heroic Women 巾帼英雄
8. Wang Zhaojun 昭君出塞
9. Wenji Told the Broken Strings 文姬辨琴
10. The Story of Su Liu 宿瘤的故事
11. Wu Yan—the Ugly Concubine 丑女无盐
12. Daoyun's Poem of Catkins 道韫咏絮
13. Power of Skirts 裙子的力量
14. Mulan Joined the Army 木兰从军
15. Huang Daopo 黄道婆
Diligent Learners 黾勉求学
16. Giving up Halfway 半途而废
17. Zheng Banqiao's Way of Learning 郑板桥读书
18. Lu Wenshu Copied Books 路温舒抄书
19. Great Minds Mature Slowly 大器晚成
20. Zu Ying Loved Reading 祖莹读书
21. Confucius's Feeling of Music 孔子学琴
22. Wei Xuancheng Learned from Others 韦玄成求教
23. Grinding a Pestle into a Needle 铁杵磨成针
24. Hard-working Learners 悬梁刺股
Impressive Sincerity 至诚感天
25. Lady Meng Jiang's Wail at the Great Wall 孟姜女哭长城
26. Bian Heh's Jade 卞和泣玉
27. Meeting on the Bridge of Magpies 七夕鹊桥会
28. Brothers Contended for Filial Piety 兄弟争孝
29. A Broken Mirror Joined Together 破镜重圆
Being Resourceful and Upright 智圆行方
30. Battle at the Fei River 淝水之战
31. Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles 千里走单骑
32. Quenching Thirst by Watching Plums 望梅止渴
33. Watching the Tigers Fighting 坐山观虎斗
34. Tang Bohu Cheated the Imperial Secretary ofthe State 唐伯虎赖阁老
35. Bao Gong Tried the Stone 包公审石
36. Zheng Banqiao Settled a Lawsuit 郑板桥断案
37. Bole and the Winged Steed 伯乐与千里马
38. The Tea Saint—Lu Yu 茶神陆羽
39. Cang Jie Created the Characters 仓颉造字
Chaitting at the Starry Night 星空夜话
40. “50 Steps”Laughed at“100 Steps” 五十步笑百步
41. No Silver Here 此地无银三百两
42. Governing the State with Half of the Analects 半部论语治天下
43. Buying the Casket and Retuming the Pearl 买椟还珠
44. Jiang Ziya's Fishing 姜太公钓鱼
45. Who Tied the Bell 解铃还须系铃人
46. Hou Ji's Teaching of Cultivation 后稷教民稼穑
Mute Thunderous Sound 大音稀声
47. Feng Xuan Collected Debts 冯谖收账
48. Zeng Zi Killed the Pig 曾子杀猪
49. Yue Fei's Tattoo by His Mother 岳母刺字
50. Xi Yong and the Bandits 郄雍与盗贼
51. The Carpenter Tricked the Rich Man 木匠作弄富人
52. He Bo Merried Girls 河伯娶妻
53. A Kid from the Bao Family 鲍家小儿
54. 500 Gold Coins for a Dead Horse 五百金买死马
55. Resound through the Skies 响遏行云
Anecdotes of Folk Customs 民俗趣谈
56. The Earliest Firecrackers 最早的爆竹
57. Farmland Mother 田母
58. Tiger Shoes 虎头鞋
59. Double Happiness 红双喜
60. Braised Dong Po Pork 东坡肉
61. Soup of Pearls with Emeralds and White Jade 珍珠翡翠白玉汤



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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