新标准高职公共英语系列教材 行业英语系列银行英语 学生用书(第二版)
unit title content
Introducing Banks in everyday life
banking The services offered in a bank branch
page 7 The branch as a workplace
Home—banking services
types of Current accounts
account Savings accounts
page 17 Statements of account
Types of customers and their needs
Opening an The account application form
account The SCHUFA declaration
page 27 Power of attorney
Proof of identity
Transferring Direct debits
money Standing orders
page 38 Credit transfers
Cheques and cheque cards
Credit cards Credit cards
and traveller's The credit card application form
cheques Traveller's cheques
page 50 Currencies and exchange rates
Personal Personal loans
borrowing Overdrafts
page 63 The loan agreement
Loan repayment
Corporate The terms of a corporate loan
loans A company balance sheet
page 75 Assessing creditworthiness
Security for loans
Financing A new issue of shares
page 85 Going public
Issuing bonds
A dghts issue of shares
Foreign trade Terms of payment in trade
page 97 The bill of lading and commercial invoice
Collection of documents against payment
Letters of credit
Appendices" Transcripts page 111
Unit word list page 115
A—Z word list page 127
Basic word list page 135
Banking word list: English—Chinese page 141
Internet banking Greeting customers The present
Making introductions
Serving at the counter
Arranging appointments
Financial supermarkets Offering help Negative forms
Giving basic information
Making a group presentation
Expressing one's opinion
Banking in Britain Telephoning Interrogative forms
Describing simple formalities
Finding out personal information
Requesting politely
E—money Helping customers fill in forms Adjectives and adverbs
Giving advice on payments
Explaining basic banking procedures
Expressing agreement and disagreement
E—commerce Giving advice to travellers Comparative and
Making comparisons superlative forms
Creative writing
Dealing with debt Giving advice to borrowers The present perfect and
Asking for detailed information the simple past
Expressing sums and percentages
Venture capital Writing an e—mail The passive
Assessing a balance sheet
Reporting, analysing and discussing
Weighing up pros and cons
The Neuer Markt Advising customers on new issues Gerunds
Describing methods of corporate financing
Comparing ways of raising capital
Dealing with charts and statistics
Globalisation Describing terms of payment in trade Reported speech
Understanding foreign trade documents
Explaining the bank's role in foreign trade
Reportincl and mediatincl
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问