This world history textbook emphasizes the development of the major religious traditions around the world, not just Europe. The abridged version eliminates 25 percent of the original text and moves source documents to the accompanying CD-ROM. The fifth edition transfers sections of the chapter on North America into related chapters. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
The Coming of Civilization
Birth of Civilization
The Four Great Revolutions in Thought and Religion
empires and Cultures of the Ancient World
Greek and Hellenistic Civilization
Iran, India, and Inner Asia to 200 c.e
Republican and Imperial Rome
Africa: Early History to 1000 c.e
China's First Empire (221 b.c.e.-220 c.e.)
Consolidation and Interaction of World Civilizations
Imperial China (589-1368)
Japan: Early History (to 1467)
Iran and India Before Islam
The Formation of Islamic Civilization (622-945)
The Early Middle Ages in the West to 1000: The Birth of Europe
The High Middle Ages (1000-1300)
The Islamic Heartlands and India (1000-1500)
Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
The World in Transition
The Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the West (1300-1527)
The Age of Reformation and Religious Wars
Africa (ca. 1000-1800)
Conquest and Exploitation: The Development of the Transatlantic Economy
East Asia in the Late Traditional Era
European State-Building and Worldwide Conflict
European Society Under the Old Regime
The Last Great Islamic Empires (1500-1800)
Enlightenment and Revolution in the West
The Age of European Enlightenment
Revolution in the Transatlantic World
Europe and the North America 1815-1850: Political Reform, Economic Advance, and Social Unrest
Into the Modern World
Political Consolidation in Europe and North America
The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I
The Birth of Contemporary Western Thought
Latin America from Independence to the 1940s
India, The Islamic Heartlands, and Africa: The Encounter with the Modern West (1800-1945)
Modern East Asia
Global Conflict and Change
Imperialism and World War I
Depression, European Dictators, and the American New Deal
World War II
The West Since World War II
East Asia in the Late Twentieth Century
The Emerging Nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America Since 1945
Combined Edition:
Birth of Civilization
The Four Great Revolutions in Thought and Religion
empires and Cultures of the Ancient World
Greek and Hellenistic Civilization
Iran, India, and Inner Asia to 200 c.e
Republican and Imperial Rome
Africa: Early History to 1000 c.e
China's First Empire (221 b.c.e.-220 c.e.)
Consolidation and Interaction of World Civilizations
Imperial China (589-1368)
Japan: Early History (to 1467)
Iran and India Before Islam
The Formation of Islamic Civilization (622-945)
The Early Middle Ages in the West to 1000: The Birth of Europe
The High Middle Ages (1000-1300)
The Islamic Heartlands and India (1000-1500)
Ancient Civilizations of the Americas
The World in Transition
The Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the West (1300-1527)
The Age of Reformation and Religious Wars
Africa (ca. 1000-1800)
Conquest and Exploitation: The Development of the Transatlantic Economy
East Asia in the Late Traditional Era
European State-Building and Worldwide Conflict
European Society Under the Old Regime
The Last Great Islamic Empires (1500-1800)
Enlightenment and Revolution in the West
The Age of European Enlightenment
Revolution in the Transatlantic World
Europe and the North America 1815-1850: Political Reform, Economic Advance, and Social Unrest
Into the Modern World
Political Consolidation in Europe and North America
The Building of European Supremacy: Society and Politics to World War I
The Birth of Contemporary Western Thought
Latin America from Independence to the 1940s
India, The Islamic Heartlands, and Africa: The Encounter with the Modern West (1800-1945)
Modern East Asia
Global Conflict and Change
Imperialism and World War I
Depression, European Dictators, and the American New Deal
World War II
The West Since World War II
East Asia in the Late Twentieth Century
The Emerging Nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America Since 1945
Combined Edition:
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