I. Introduction to Chinese Phonetics
1. How to Learn the Chinese Phonetics
2. Knowledge of Phonetics
3. Vocal Organs
4. The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
5. Alphabet
6. Contents of Phonetics
Ⅱ. The Initials
1. The Classification of the Initials
2. Pronunciation of the Initials
3. A Comparison among j , q , x
4. A Comparison among z, c, s
5. A Comparison among zh, ch, sh, r
6. A Comparison Between z, c, s and zh, ch, sh
7. Exercises on the Pronunciations of the Initials
Ⅲ. The Finals
1. The Classification of the Finals
2. Simple Finals
3. Compound Finals
4. Finals with Nasal Endings
5. The Syllable with a Retroflex Ending
6. Exercises on the Pronunciation of the Finals
IV. Tones
1. Basic Concepts of Tones
2. The Tonal Value and the Tone Category
3. Tones of Modern Standard Chinese
4. The Neutral Tone and Tone-sandhi
5. Tone Exercises
V. The Dividing Mark
VI. The Spelling Rules of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
VII. Reading Exercises
1. Short Stories
2. Prose
3. Fable
1. How to Learn the Chinese Phonetics
2. Knowledge of Phonetics
3. Vocal Organs
4. The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
5. Alphabet
6. Contents of Phonetics
Ⅱ. The Initials
1. The Classification of the Initials
2. Pronunciation of the Initials
3. A Comparison among j , q , x
4. A Comparison among z, c, s
5. A Comparison among zh, ch, sh, r
6. A Comparison Between z, c, s and zh, ch, sh
7. Exercises on the Pronunciations of the Initials
Ⅲ. The Finals
1. The Classification of the Finals
2. Simple Finals
3. Compound Finals
4. Finals with Nasal Endings
5. The Syllable with a Retroflex Ending
6. Exercises on the Pronunciation of the Finals
IV. Tones
1. Basic Concepts of Tones
2. The Tonal Value and the Tone Category
3. Tones of Modern Standard Chinese
4. The Neutral Tone and Tone-sandhi
5. Tone Exercises
V. The Dividing Mark
VI. The Spelling Rules of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet
VII. Reading Exercises
1. Short Stories
2. Prose
3. Fable
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