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Introducing the most dramatically revised edition of Harrison's ever! Now with NEW bonus DVD with 37 chapters and more than 500 brand new images and video clips! MORE THAN TRUSTED, BEYOND ESSENTIAL . . . The #1 selling medical textbook worldwide, Harrison's has defined internal medicine for millions of clinicians and students. The new Seventeenth Edition retains Harrison's acclaimed balance of pathobiology, cardinal signs and manifestations of disease, and best approaches to patient management, yet has been massively updated to give you an innovative array of bold new features and content. If ever there was one must-have resource for clinicians and students - this is it! UNMATCHED EXPERTISE AT YOUR FINGERTIPS. As an unprecedented amount of medical information bombards you and your patients, where do you go to sort it out and make sense of it all? When your patients request clarification on something they've 鈥減rinted off鈥?where do you turn for expert explanations? The same trusted resource physicians and students have turned to for over fifty years: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. Now more than ever, trust Harrison's to filter and clarify the exploding knowledge base, to highlight the breakthroughs, and to deliver a clear, balanced distillation of the best and most current information on which to base clinical decisions. THE MOST EXCITING AND EXTENSIVELY REVISED EDITION EVER! Here are just a few of the reasons why the new 17th Edition of Harrison's is the best edition yet: bonus companion DVD featuring: 37 new 鈥渆-chapters鈥? over 500 brand-new radiological, laboratory, and clinical images, including complete atlases; state-of-the-art video clips; an Image Bank of nearly all the illustrations contained in the parent text, and much more; expanded, modernized illustration program with more than 800 brand-new, additional illustrations-a 60% increase over the previous edition; dozens of brand new chapters on vital topics in medical education and clinical practice: Global Issues in Medicine: Patient Safety and Health Quality; Health Disparities: Atlas of EKGs; Clinical Management of Obesity: Atlas of Hematology: Atlases of Chest, Neurological, and Cardiovascular Radiology, and much more! Also included a complete new Section on biological foundations and emerging clinical applications of regenerative medicine!; brand new, reader-friendly text design optimizes the full-color format; an expanded, innovative focus on global health; NEW Global Advisory Board comprised of 11 prominent medical experts from Asia, Europe, and South America; revision of the popular On Line Learning Center, which offers more skill-sharpening self-assessment questions and answers, plus additional case studies for helping you apply Harrison's content to the daily care of patients; and Harrison's related products are available in a full suite of formats to meet all your educational and clinical needs. Harrison's Practice of Medicine is a complete database of more than 700 clinical topics formatted for use at the point of care. The Harrison's Manual of Medicine is one of the most popular and heavily used handbook-sized resources in internal medicine. The Harrison's Self-Assessment and Board Review features more than 1000 board-type cases and questions and highlights the use of Harrison's as a great board prep resource. - Publisher.


Part 1 Introduction to Clinical Medicine
1 The Practice of Medicine The Editors
2 Global Issues in Medicine Jim Yong Kim and Paul Farmer
3 Decision-Making in Clinical Medicine Daniel B. Mark
4 Screening and Prevention of Diseases Gary J. Martin
5 Principles of Clinical Pharmacology Dan M. Roden
6 Women's Health Andrea Dunaif
7 Medical Disorders during Pregnancy Robert L. Barbieri and John T. Repke
8 Medical Evaluation of the Surgical Patient Wei C. Lau and Kim A. Eagle
9 Geriatric Medicine Lisa B. Caruso and Rebecca A. Silliman
10 Complementary and Alternative Medicine Stephen E. Straus
11 Palliative and End-of-Life Care Ezekiel J. Emanuel and Joshua Hauser and Linda L. Emanuele
1 The Safety and Quality of Health Care David W. Batese
2 Economic Considerations in the Practice of Medicine David Meltzere
3 Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care Joseph R. Betancourt and David Blumenthale
4 Ethical Issues in Clinical Medicine Bernard Lo
Part 2 Cardina
11 Manifestations and Presentation of Diseases
Section 1 Pain
12 Pain: Pathophysiology and Management Howard L. Fields and Joseph B. Martin
13 Chest Discomfort Thomas H. Lee
14 Abdominal Pain William Silen
15 Headache Peter J. Goadsby and Neil H. Raskin
16 Back and Neck Pain John W. Engstrom
Section 2 Alterations in Body Temperature
17 Fever and Hyperthermia Charles A. Dinarello and Reuven Porat
18 Fever and Rash Elaine T. Kaye and Kenneth M. Kayee
5 Atlas of Rashes Associated with Fever Elaine T. Kaye and Kenneth M. Kaye
19 Fever of Unknown Origin Jeffery A. Gelfand and Michael V. Callahan
20 Hypothermia and Frostbite Daniel F. Danzl
Section 3 Nervous System Dysfunction
21 Syncope Mark D. Carlson
22 Dizziness and Vertigo Robert B. Daroff
23 Weakness and Paralysis Michael J. Aminoff
24 Gait and Balance Disorders Lewis Sudarsky
25 Numbness, Tingling, and Sensory Loss Michael J. Aminoff and Arthur K.Asbury
26 Confusion and Delirium S. Andrew Josephson and Bruce L. Millere
6 Memory Loss Thomas D. Bird and Bruce L. Miller
27 Aphasia, Memory Loss, and Other Focal Cerebral Disorders M.-Marsel Mesulam
28 Sleep Disorders Charles A. Czeisler and John W. Winkleman and Gary S. Richardson
Section 4 Disorders of Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat
29 Disord rs of the Eye Jonathan C. Horton
30 Disorders of Smell, Taste, and Hearing Anil K. Lalwani
31 Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, Otitis, and Other Upper Respiratory Infections Michael A. Rubin and Ralph Gonzales and Merle A. Sande
32 Oral Manifestations of Disease Samuel C. Dursoe
7 Atlas of Oral Manifestations of Disease Samuel C. Durso and Janet A. Yellowitz
Section 5 Alterations in Circulatory and Respiratory Functions
33 Dyspnea and Pulmonary Edema Richard M. Schwartzstein
34 Cough and Hemoptysis Steven E. Weinberger and David A. Lipson
35 Hypoxia and Cyanosis Eugene Braunwald
36 Edema Eugene Braunwald and Joseph Loscalzoe
8 Approach to the Patient with a Heart Murmur Patrick O'Gara and Eugene Braunwald
37 Palpitations Joseph Loscalzo
Section 6 Alterations in Gastrointestinal Function
38 Dysphagia Raj K. Goyal
39 Nausea, Vomiting, and Indigestion William L. Hasler
40 Diarrhea and Constipation Michael Camilleri and Joseph A. Murray
41 Weight Loss Carol M. Reife
42 Gastrointestinal Bleeding Loren Laine
43 Jaundice Daniel S. Pratt and Marshall M. Kaplan
44 Abdominal Swelling and Ascites Robert M. Glickman and Roshini Rajapaksa
Section 7 Alterations in Renal and Urinary Tract Function
45 Azotemia and Urinary Abnormalities Bradley M. Denker and Barry M. Brennere
9 Atlas of Urinary Sediments and Renal Biopsies Agnes B. Fogo and Eric G. Neilsen
46 Fluid and Electrolyte Disturbances Gary G. Singer and Barry M. Brenner
47 H



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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