Rudolph's pediatrics /


作   者:Rudolph, Colin David,





Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The landmark pediatrics reference -- now extensively updated in full color and more clinically relevant than everA Doody's Core Title ESSENTIAL PURCHASE for 2011!Rudolph's Pediatricshas virtually defined the pediatric field for over a century, becoming one of the most important and well-respected pediatrics texts ever published. Renowned for its balance of clinical features and treatment of disease with underlying biological principles, this classic sourcebook has helped generations of pediatricians optimize their care of infants, children, and adolescents. The 22nd edition of Rudolph's Pediatricscontinues a long tradition of adapting its content to changes in our understanding of children's health and disease, providing an up-to-date, in-depth survey of pediatric medicine unmatched by any other text. With its algorithmic approach to pediatric systems, the book facilitates the diagnosis and treatment of both common and uncommon pediatric illnesses; and it reflects new technologies and advances in molecular medicine that continue to evolve with current thinking about normal childhood development and pediatric disease processes.NEW TO THIS EDITION: New four-color design adds depth and clarity to the book's content Over 900 full-color, high-quality images and illustrations A reorganized, reader-friendly format broken down into sections and chapters for easier navigation and referenceNew emphasis on the clinical management of the patient makes this the most practical edition to dateNew sections provide a timely overview of pediatric care fundamentals and an entirely revised discussion of health promotion and disease preventionSubstantially revised sections cover key areas of pediatric study and practice, including infectious diseases, immunology, allergy, neoplastic disorders, the cardiovascular system, urinary complications, and more Greater use of tables and lists conveniently summarize need-to-know diagnostic and therapeutic informationNew DVD of additional content featuring over 1700 figures, 1100 tables, and 30,000 references  


Table Of Contents:
Contributors xxvii
Preface liii
Acknowledgments lv

Section 1 Fundamentals of Pediatrics

Thomas G. DeWitt

1 Role of the Pediatrician 1(2)

Thomas G. DeWitt

Neal Halfon

2 Decision Making: Use of Evidence-Based Medicine 3(2)

Suresh Nagappan

Kenneth B. Roberts

3 Communication 5(7)

Elizabeth A. Rider

4 Interviewing Techniques 12(3)

Christopher F. Boiling

5 Systems of Practice and Office Management 15(2)

Peter Margolis

6 Core Competencies 17(2)

Theodore C. Sectish

7 Patient and Family-Centered Care 19(2)

Jeffrey M. Simmons

Stephen E. Muething

Kathleen L. Dressman

8 Disaster Preparedness 21(3)

Janet M. Berreman

Linda Rudolph

9 Law, Ethics, and Clinical Judgment 24(3)

Angela Roddey Holder

Section 2 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Eve R. Colson

Part 1 Health Maintenance Issues

10 Well-Child Care 27(7)

Judith S. Shaw

Judith S. Palfrey

11 Child Development 34(8)

Ilgi Ozturk Ertem

Carol Cohen Weitzman

12 Screening 42(5)

Ada M. Fenick

13 Oral Health Supervision 47(5)

Ada M. Fenick

Linda P. Nelson

14 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) 52(8)

Anju Sawni

15 Culture and Pediatric Practice 60(3)

Sakena Abedin

16 Gay and Lesbian Parents 63(3)

Cindy M. Schorzman

Melanie A. Gold

17 Environmental Pediatrics 66(6)

Ruth A. Etzel

18 Travel Medicine 72(5)

Joseph A. Zenel

Chandy C. John

Part 2 Managing Family Transition

19 Family Function and Birth of a Child 77(2)

William I. Cohen

20 Foster Care and Adoption 79(5)

Brad D. Berman

Carol Cohen Weitzman

21 Family Discord and Divorce 84(2)

Michael Jellinek

22 Supporting the Grieving Child and Family 86(3)

David J. Schonfeld

Section 3 Nutrition

Praveen S. Goday

23 Normal Nutritional Requirements 89(6)

Praveen S. Goday

24 Breast-Feeding 95(4)

Jane Morton

Ruth A. Lawrence

25 Infant Formula and Complementary Foods 99(6)

Margaret Kirby

26 Postdischarge Nutritional Management of the Premature Infant 105

Utpala G. Das
Contributors xxvii
Preface liii
Acknowledgments lv

Section 1 Fundamentals of Pediatrics

Thomas G. DeWitt

1 Role of the Pediatrician 1(2)

Thomas G. DeWitt

Neal Halfon

2 Decision Making: Use of Evidence-Based Medicine 3(2)

Suresh Nagappan

Kenneth B. Roberts

3 Communication 5(7)

Elizabeth A. Rider

4 Interviewing Techniques 12(3)

Christopher F. Boiling

5 Systems of Practice and Office Management 15(2)

Peter Margolis

6 Core Competencies 17(2)

Theodore C. Sectish

7 Patient and Family-Centered Care 19(2)

Jeffrey M. Simmons

Stephen E. Muething

Kathleen L. Dressman

8 Disaster Preparedness 21(3)

Janet M. Berreman

Linda Rudolph

9 Law, Ethics, and Clinical Judgment 24(3)

Angela Roddey Holder

Section 2 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Eve R. Colson

Part 1 Health Maintenance Issues

10 Well-Child Care 27(7)

Judith S. Shaw

Judith S. Palfrey

11 Child Development 34(8)

Ilgi Ozturk Ertem

Carol Cohen Weitzman

12 Screening 42(5)

Ada M. Fenick

13 Oral Health Supervision 47(5)

Ada M. Fenick

Linda P. Nelson

14 Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) 52(8)

Anju Sawni

15 Culture and Pediatric Practice 60(3)

Sakena Abedin

16 Gay and Lesbian Parents 63(3)

Cindy M. Schorzman

Melanie A. Gold

17 Environmental Pediatrics 66(6)

Ruth A. Etzel

18 Travel Medicine 72(5)

Joseph A. Zenel

Chandy C. John

Part 2 Managing Family Transition

19 Family Function and Birth of a Child 77(2)

William I. Cohen

20 Foster Care and Adoption 79(5)

Brad D. Berman

Carol Cohen Weitzman

21 Family Discord and Divorce 84(2)

Michael Jellinek

22 Supporting the Grieving Child and Family 86(3)

David J. Schonfeld

Section 3 Nutrition

Praveen S. Goday

23 Normal Nutritional Requirements 89(6)

Praveen S. Goday

24 Breast-Feeding 95(4)

Jane Morton

Ruth A. Lawrence

25 Infant Formula and Complementary Foods 99(6)

Margaret Kirby

26 Postdischarge Nutritional Management of the Premature Infant 105(2)

Utpala G. Das

27 Nutritional Issues: Toddler to Adolescent 107(3)

Margaret Kirby

Praveen S. Goday

28 Assessment of Nutritional Adequacy 110(1)

Praveen S. Goday

29 Malnutrition and Refeeding 111(3)

Praveen S. Goday

30 Poor Weight Gain 114(3)

Karen A. Francolla

Praveen S. Goday

31 Approach to the Infant and Child with Feeding Difficulty 117(6)

Richard J. Noel

32 The Overweight or Obese Child 123(3)

Michelle Smith-Beckley

Brian M. Fidlin

33 Specialized Nutrition Support 126(8)

Praveen S. Goday

34 Nutritional Access Devices 134(3)

Lillian Sablan

Karen Sherry

Section 4 Abuse, Neglect, Violence

John M. Leventhal

35 Child Maltreatment: Neglect to Abuse 137(7)

John M. Leventhal

Andrea G. Asnes

36 Family and Community Violence 144(6)

Renee Boynton-Jarrett

Robert Sege

37 Child Abuse Prevention: What Pediatricians Can Do 150(5)

Wendy Gwirtzman Lane

Howard Dubowitz

Section 5 Newborn

Alan H. Jobe

James M. Greenberg

Part 1 Care of the Newborn

38 Historical Perspectives 155(1)

James M. Greenberg

39 Care of the Fetus 155(3)

Alan H. Jobe

40 Fetal Disorders 158(2)

Timothy M. Crombleholme

Foong-Yen Lim

41 Neonatal Mortality and Morbidity 160(4)

Avroy A. Fanaroff

42 Delivery Room Resuscitation 164(6)

Myra H. Wyckoff

43 Transitional Changes in the Newborn 170(4)

David P. Carlton

44 Examination of the Newborn Infant 174(10)

Joseph A. Zenel

45 Postnatal Care and Observation 184(6)

Anthony E. Burgos

Part 2 Infants at Risk

46 Multiple Births 190(1)

James M. Greenberg

47 The Small-for-Gestational-Age Infant 191(4)

William W. Hay Jr

48 Infant of a Diabetic Mother 195(4)

Heather Morein French

Rebecca A. Simmons

Part 3 Specific Neonatal Conditions

49 Approach to the Cyanotic Infant 198(3)

Robin H. Steinhorn

50 Abnormalities of the Lungs 201(10)

M. Grisel Galarza

Ilene R. S. Sosenko

51 Metabolic Abnormalities 211(10)

William W. Hay Jr

52 Brain Abnormalities and Injuries 221(5)

Seetha Shankaran

C. Michael Cotton

53 Hematologic Abnormalities and Jaundice 226(7)

Henry C. Lee

Ashima Madan

Part 4 Disorders Specifically Related to Preterm Birth

54 Respiratory Distress Syndrome 233(5)

Thomas N. Hansen

Samuel Hawgood

55 Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Ductus Venosus 238(4)

Ronald I. Clyman

56 Hemodynamics 242(4)

Nick Evans

57 Necrotizing Enterocolitis 246(3)

Barbara Warner

58 Intraventricular Hemorrhage 249(4)

Henrietta S. Bada

59 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 253(3)

Alan H. Jobe

60 Emergencies 256(2)

James M. Greenberg

61 Special Intensive Care 258(3)

Thomas A. Parker

62 Outcomes of Preterm and Term Infants 261(4)

Marilee C. Allen

Section 6 Principles of Adolescent Care

Charles E. Irwin Jr.

Mary-Ann Shafer

Anna-Barbara Moscicki

Part 1 Growth and Development

63 Somatic Growth and Development 265(2)

Charles E. Irwin Jr.

64 Reproductive Growth and Development in the Female Adolescent 267(2)

Melissa Slivka

Anna-Barbara Moscicki

Mary-Ann Shafer

65 Reproductive Growth and Development in the Male Adolescent 269(2)

David J. Breland

Mark L. Rubinstein

66 Psychological Development 271(1)

Elizabeth M. Ozer

Charles E. Irwin Jr.

67 The Adolescent Visit 272(5)

Charles E. Irwin Jr.

Part 2 Health Problems of Adolescents

68 Mortality 277(1)

Elizabeth M. Ozer

69 Morbidity 277(1)

Charles E. Irwin Jr.

70 Sexual Behavior 278(1)

Erica B. Monasterio

71 Substance Use and Abuse 278(4)

Stephanie N. Crewe

Arik V. Marcell

Part 3 Mental Health Disorders in the Adolescent

72 Depression, Anxiety, and Other Disorders 282(6)

Kim Peter Norman

73 Disorders of Eating 288(4)

Kim Peter Norman

Sara M. Buckelew

Andrea K. Garber

Part 4 Reproductive Health Problems

74 Breast Masses 292(2)

Jennifer C. Edman

Mary-Ann Shafer

75 Scrotal Masses 294(2)

David J. Breland

Mark L. Rubinstein

76 Menstrual Problems 296(3)

Jennifer C. Edman

Mary-Ann Shafer

77 Intrauterine and Ectopic Pregnancy 299(2)

Erica B. Monasterio

Mary-Ann Shafer

78 Contraception 301(4)

Erica B. Monasterio

Mary-Ann Shafer

Section 7 Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics

Martin T. Stein

Part 1 General Concepts

79 Introduction to Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 305(1)

Martin T. Stein

80 Fundamental Concepts of Child Development 306(4)

W. Thomas Boyce

Jack P. Shonkoff

81 Brain Development and Behavior 310(3)

Charles A. Nelson III

82 Standardized Developmental Screening and Assessment Instruments 313(5)

Martin T. Stein

Part 2 Developmental Variation to Disorder

83 Crying in Infants 318(3)

Ronald G. Ban

Takeo Fujiwara

84 Hyperactivity and Inattention 321(6)

Martin T. Stein

Michael I. Reiff

85 Learning Problems 327(4)

Michael I. Reiff

Martin T. Stein

86 Language Delay 331(4)

James S. Andrews

Heidi M. Feldman

87 Difficult Behavior 335(3)

Martin T. Stein

88 Anxiety 338(4)

Denise A. Chavira

89 Repetitive Behaviors 342(4)

Adrian D. Sandler

90 Gender Identity and Sexual Behavior 346(2)

Kenneth J. Zucker

91 Developmental Delay 348(4)

Nathan J. Blum

Part 3 Major Psychopathologic Disorders

92 Autistic Spectrum Disorders 352(4)

Michael I. Reiff

93 Affective Disorders and Suicide 356(4)

Laura Prager

Steven C. Schlozman

Michael Jellinek

94 Pediatric Condition Falsification 360(1)

Herbert Schreier

95 Childhood Schizophrenia 361(2)

Fred R. Volkmar

Part 4 Psychosocial Context of Development and Behavior

96 Families in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Families 363(1)

Laurie J. Bauman

Ruth E. K. Stein

97 Nonparental Childcare 364(2)

Nerissa S. Bauer

98 Vulnerable Child Syndrome 366(2)

Yi Hui Liu

99 Adaptation to Illness 368(2)

David J. Schonfeld

Ellen C. Perrin

100 Poverty, Homelessness, and Social Disorganization 370(2)

Barry S. Zuckerman

Megan Sandel

101 Resiliency in Children and Adolescents 372(3)

Saul Levine

Section 8 The Acutely III Infant and Child

Julio Perez Fontan

George E. Lister

Part 1 Assessment of the Acutely III Infant and Child

102 Respiratory Distress and Failure 375(8)

Julio Perez Fontan

103 Decreased Perfusion and Circulatory Shock 383(8)

George E. Lister

104 Acute Neurological Dysfunction 391(6)

Susan T. Arnold

105 The Febrile Child 397(3)

M. Douglas Baker

Jeffrey R. Avner

Part 2 Stabilization and Management of the Acutely III Infant and Child

106 Monitoring of Vital Function 400(4)

George E. Lister

107 Vascular Access 404(4)

Andreas A. Theodorou

Robert A. Berg

108 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 408(4)

Mary Fran Hazinski

109 Life Support Systems 412(5)

Julio Perez Fontan

110 Stabilization and Transport 417(3)

Deborah Lerner

George E. Lister

Julio Perez Fontan

111 Management of Cerebral Edema and Elevated Intracranial Pressure 420(2)

Steven G. Kernie

112 Perioperative Care 422(4)

Desmond B. Henry

113 Pain Management and Sedation 426(6)

Alan Farrow-Gillespie

114 Acute Metabolic Dysfunction 432(4)

Ralph J. DeBerardinis

Part 3 Injuries and Untoward Events

115 Acute Inflammation 436(4)

Clifford W. Bogue

116 Trauma, Burns, and Bites 440(6)

Robert P. Foglia

117 Submersion Injury 446(3)

Pamela J. Okada

M. Douglas Baker

118 Foreign-Body Aspiration 449(2)

Margaret A. Kenna

119 Apparent Life-Threatening Events and SIDS 451(4)

Michael J. Corwin

120 Toxic Ingestions and Exposures 455(15)

Sing-Yi Feng

Collin S. Goto

M. Douglas Baker

121 Heat Stress 470(2)

Michael Apkon

122 Poisonous Bites and Stings 472(7)

Dee Hodge III

Carl R. Baum

Section 9 The Chronically III Infant and Child

Julia Perez Fontan

George E Lister

Part 1 The Changing Outlook of Chronic Illness in Childhood

123 Psychological and Behavioral Responses 479(5)

Patricia J. Hicks

124 The Technology-Dependent Child 484(10)

John B. Gordon

Sarah P. Brown

Jerie Beth Karkos

Lynn A. D Andrea

Part 2 Death and Dying in Childhood

125 Caring for Children Dying from Chronic Disease 494(7)

Arthur R. Ablin

126 Hospice and Palliative Care 501(9)

Julie Hauer

Barbara L. Jones

Joanne Wolfe

127 Law, Ethics, and Caring Near the End of Life 510(3)

Angela Roddey Holder

Section 10 Transplantation

Patrick J. Healey

128 Pediatric Transplantation 513(5)

Patrick J. Healey

129 Kidney Transplantation 518(3)

Jodi M. Smith

Ruth A. McDonald

130 Liver Transplantation 521(4)

Patrick J. Healey

131 Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplant 525(3)

Simon Horslen

132 Heart Transplant 528(3)

Beth D. Kaufman

133 Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation 531(10)

Ann E. Woolfrey

Paul A. Carpenter

Jean E. Sanders

Section 11 Inherited Disorders of Metabolism

Jean-Marie Saudubray

Part 1 Inborn Errors of Metabolism

134 Principles of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 541(20)

Jean-Marie Saudubray

Joe T. R. Clarke

Part 2 Disorders of Amino Acid (AA) and Organic Acid (OA) Metabolism

135 Hyperphenylalaninemias 561(2)

Bernd Christian Schwahn

136 Disorders of Tyrosine Metabolism 563(2)

Bernd Christian Schwahn

137 Disorders of Branched Chain Amino and Organic Acid Metabolism 565(4)

Stephen I. Goodman

Jean-Marie Saudubray

138 Disorders of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acid Metabolism 569(3)

Bernd Christian Schwahn

139 Disorders of Glycine, Serine, and Proline Metabolism 572(2)

Bernd Christian Schwahn

140 Disorders of Metabolism of Lysine, Hydroxylysine, and Related Compounds 574(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

141 Disorders of Metabolism of Neurotransmitter Amino Acids 574(3)

Jaak Jaeken

142 Disorders of Creatine and Ornithine Metabolism 577(2)

Sylvia Stockler-Ipsiroglu

143 Disorders of Amino Acid Transport Across Cell Membranes 579(2)

Kirsti Nanto-Salonen

Ollie Simell

144 Other Disorders of Amino Acid Metabolism 581(1)

Jean-Marie Saudubray

145 Urea Cycle and Related Disorders 582(6)

Mendel Tuchman

Uta Lichter-Konecki

Mark L. Batshaw

Part 3 Inborn Errors of Water Soluble Vitamins

146 Introduction 588(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

147 Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid 588(3)

David Watkins

David S. Rosenblatt

148 Biotin Responsive Disorders 591(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

149 Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B1 Responsive Disorders 592(2)

Jean-Marie Saudubray

Part 4 Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation, Ketogenesis, and Ketolysis

150 Disorders of Fatty Acid Oxidation 594(3)

Stephen I. Goodman

151 Disorders of Ketogenesis 597(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

152 Disorders of Ketolysis 598(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

153 Disorders of Leukotriene Synthesis and Fatty Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 598(1)

Stephen I. Goodman

Part 5 Carbohydrate Metabolism

154 Disorders of Glycogen Metabolism 599(8)

Priya S. Kishnani

Yuan-Tsong Chen

155 Disorders of Galactose and Fructose Metabolism and Gluconeogenesis 607(3)

Priya S. Kishnani

Yuan-Tsong Chen

156 Disorders of Pentose Phosphate Pathway 610(1)

Priya S. Kishnani

Yuan-Tsong Chen

157 Disorders of Glucose Transporters 610(4)

Rene Santer

Part 6 Disorders of Oxidative Phosphorylation and Pyruvate Oxidation

158 Respiratory Chain Disorders 614(6)

Salvatore DiMauro

159 Disorders of Energy Metabolism 620(2)

Juan M. Pascual

Salvatore DiMauro

Part 7 Organelle-Related Disorders

160 Mucopolysaccharidosis, Glycoproteinosis, and Mucolipidosis 622(11)

James Edmond Wraith

161 Sphingolipidoses 633(4)

Joe T. R. Clarke

162 Peroxisomal Disorders 637(5)

David Valle

Gerald V. Raymond

Stephen J. Gould

163 Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation 642(3)

Jaak Jaeken

Part 8 Disorders of Lipid and Bile Acid Metabolism

164 Disorders of Cholesterol Synthesis 645(2)

Peter T. Clayton

165 Disorders of Bile Acid Synthesis 647(4)

Peter T. Clayton

166 Disorders of Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism 651(11)

Peter O. Kwiterovich Jr

Part 9 Disorders of Nucleic Acids, Heme Metabolism, and Metals Transport

167 Disorders of Heme Biosynthesis: The Porphyrias 662(6)

Robert J. Desnick

168 Disorders of Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism 668(5)

Georges van den Berghe

169 Disorders of Metal Metabolism 673(4)

Jean-Marie Saudubray

Section 12 Clinical Genetics and Dysmorphology

John C. Carey

Michael J. Bamshad

Part 1 The Genetic Approach to Disorders of Children

170 Key Principles in Human Genetics 677(7)

Michael J. Bamshad

Lynn B. Jorde

171 Multifactorial Inheritance 684(3)

Lynn B. Jorde

172 Principles of Care 687(1)

Claire O. Leonard

Part 2 Chromosomal Disorders

173 Human Cytogenetics 688(3)

Sarah T. South

John C. Carey

174 Chromosome Disorders 691(6)

John C. Carey

Part 3 Birth Defects, Malformations, and Syndromes

175 Birth Defects, Malformations, and Syndromes 697(3)

John C. Carey

Michael J. Bamshad

176 Syndromes of Multiple Congenital Anomalies/Dysplasias 700(5)

John C. Carey

177 Craniofacial Disorders 705(8)

Carrie Lyn Heike

Michael L. Cunningham

178 Approach to the Child with Birth Defects 713(3)

John C. Carey

Michael J. Bamshad

179 Genetic Skeletal Disorders 716(5)

John C. Carey

Michael J. Bamshad

180 Congenital Contractures 721(1)

Michael J. Bamshad

John C. Carey

181 Connective Tissue Dysplasias 722(6)

Alan Rope

182 Neurocutaneous Disorders 728(4)

David H. Viskochil

183 Environmental Causes of Birth Defects 732(7)

Elizabeth Balken

Marsha Leen-Mitchell

Lynn P. Martinez

Julia A. Robertson

184 Disorders of Accelerated Aging 739(3)

John C. Carey

185 Genetic Evaluation of Developmental Delay/Mental Retardation 742(7)

Agatino Battaglia

John C. Carey

Section 13 Immunologic Disorders

Talal A. Chatila

186 Overview of the Immune System 749(6)

Eli M. Eisenstein

Kathleen E. Sullivan

Calvin B. Williams

187 Undue Susceptibility to Infection 755(2)

Talal A. Chatila

188 Primary Immunodeficiencies 757(8)

Talal A. Chatila

189 Complement Disorders 765(4)

Patricia C. Giclas

Ashley A. Frazer-Abel

Section 14 Allergic Disorders

Talal A. Chatila

190 Allergic Disease and Atopy 769(2)

Talal A. Chatila

191 Clinical Aspects of Allergic Diseases 771(4)

Maria Garcia-Lloret

192 Allergic Rhinitis and Conjunctivitis 775(2)

Maria Garcia-Lloret

193 Anaphylaxis, Urticaria, and Angioedema 777(3)

Marc A. Riedel

194 Food Allergy 780(2)

Maria Garcia-Lloret

195 Insect Allergy 782(1)

Maria Garcia-Lloret

196 Latex Allergy 783(1)

Marc A. Riedel

197 Adverse Reactions to Drugs 784(3)

Marc A. Riedel

Section 15 Rheumatology

Robert P. Sundel

Part 1 General Principles in Rheumatology

198 Pathogenesis of Inflammatory and Autoimmune Disorders 787(5)

Kathleen E. Sullivan

199 History and Physical Examination in Rheumatology 792(3)

Robert P. Sundel

200 Diagnostic Testing in Rheumatology 795(5)

Peter A. Nigrovic

Part 2 Specific Rheumatologic Disorders

201 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis 800(6)

Carol A. Wallace

David A. Cabral

Robert P. Sundel

202 Spondyloarthropathies 806(4)

David A. Cabral

Lori B. Tucker

203 Vasculitides 810(4)

Karyl S. Barron

204 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Overlap Connective Tissue Diseases, and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 814(4)

Earl D. Silverman

205 Juvenile Dermatomyositis 818(5)

Lisa G. Rider

206 Scleroderma 823(3)

Francesco Zulian

Part 3 Systemic Syndromes in Rheumatology

207 Musculoskeletal Pain Syndromes 826(4)

Yukiko Kimura

208 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 830(2)

David S. Leslie

209 Autoinflammatory Disorders 832(7)

Philip J. Hashkes

Section 16 The Musculoskeletal System

John A. Herring

210 Growth and Development 839(2)

John G. Birch

211 The Limping Child 841(1)

Lawson A. B. Copley

212 Torsional and Angular Deformities 842(3)

Karl E. Rathjen

213 Disorders of the Foot 845(6)

Charles E. Johnston

214 Disorders of the Knee 851(1)

John A. Herring

215 Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip 852(4)

David A. Podeszwa

216 Disorders of the Neck and Spine 856(6)

Daniel J. Sucato

217 Disorders of the Upper Extremity 862(3)

Marybeth Ezaki

218 Injuries 865(5)

Philip Wilson

219 Tumors 870(2)

B. Stephens Richards

220 Neuromuscular Disorders 872(2)

Lori A. Karol

221 Common Orthopedic Misses 874(3)

John A. Herring

Section 17 Infectious Diseases

Anne A. Gershon

Peter J. Hotez

Part 1 Principles of Infectious Disease

222 Bacterial Pathogenesis 877(3)

Janet R. Gilsdorf

Carl F. Marrs

223 Bacteremia, Sepsis, and Septic Shock 880(3)

Stephanie H. Stovall

Richard F. Jacobs

224 Viral Pathogenesis 883(2)

Anne Moscona

Anne A. Gershon

225 Infection Control 885(3)

Margaret C. Fisher

226 Diagnostic Approaches for Infectious Diseases 888(5)

John C. Christenson

E. Kent Korgenski

227 Acute Fever without a Focus 893(2)

Steven Black

228 Fever of Unknown Origin 895(2)

Russell W. Steele

229 Fever and Infection in the Immunocompromised Patient 897(5)

David B. Haslam

Jeffrey Scott McKinney

230 Therapy for Perinatal and Neonatal Infections 902(11)

David W. Kimberlin

Debra L. Palazzi

Richard J. Whitley

Part 2 Infections of Organ Systems

231 Bacterial Infections of the Central Nervous System 913(6)

Thomas S. Murray

Robert S. Baltimore

232 Viral Infections of the Central Nervous System 919(4)

John F. Modlin

233 Sexually Transmitted Infections 923(11)

Loris Y. Hwang

Anna-Barbara Moscicki

Mary-Ann Shafer

234 Bone, Joint, Soft Tissue Infections 934(5)

Robin B. Churchill

Blanca E. Gonzalez

235 Cardiac Infections 939(6)

Janet A. Stockheim

Stanford T. Shulman

236 Gastrointestinal Infections 945(2)

Matthew B. Laurens

Michael S. Donnenberg

237 Infections of the Liver 947(3)

M. Kyle Jensen

Grzegorz Telega

238 Urinary Tract Infections 950(6)

Keith M. Krasinski

239 Catheter-Associated Infections 956(3)

Marc Foca

Part 3 Infections of the Respiratory System

240 Community-Acquired and Bacterial Pneumonia in Children 959(2)

Stephen I. Pelton

241 Viral Respiratory Infections Including Influenza 961(9)

J. Robert Honegger

Michael T. Brady

242 Fungal Respiratory Infections 970(3)

Hana Hakim

Aditya H. Gaur

243 Infections of the Ear 973(7)

Jerome O. Klein

Part 4 Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases

244 Immunizations 980(12)

Kristina A. Bryant

245 Antiviral Therapy 992(4)

David K. Hong

Charles G. Prober

246 Antibacterial Therapy 996(15)

David K. Hong

Charles G. Prober

247 Antifungal Therapy 1011(5)

Patricia M. Flynn

Part 5 Bacterial Infections

248 Actinomycosis 1016(2)

Nahed Abdel-Haq

Ashir Kumar

249 Anaerobic Infections 1018(3)

Ayesha Mirza

Mobeen H. Rathore

250 Clostridial Infections 1021(2)

Jose Zayas

Mobeen H. Rathore

251 Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) 1023(1)

Denise Bratcher

252 Arcanobacterium 1024(1)

Dennis L. Murray

253 Bacillus cereus 1024(1)

Denise Bratcher

254 Brucellosis 1025(1)

Ziad M. Shehab

255 Burkholderia and Pseudomonas 1026(1)

Jane L. Burns

256 Campylobacter 1027(1)

Guillermo M. Ruiz-Palacios

257 Cat Scratch Disease (Bartonella henselae) 1028(2)

Moshe Ephros

Michael Giladi

258 Chancroid (Hemophilus ducreyi) 1030(1)

Mary Allen Staat

259 Chlamydia 1031(3)

Navjyot K. Vidwan

Mary Allen Staat

260 Cholera 1034(2)

Chokechai Rongkavilit

Ashir Kumar

261 Diphtheria 1036(2)

Gary D. Overturf

262 Enterococcus 1038(1)

Dwight A. Powell

263 Haemophilus influenzae 1039(4)

Mark R. Schleiss

Arnold L. Smith

264 Legionella Pneumonia 1043(1)

Lorry G. Rubin

265 Leptospirosis 1044(1)

Anne A. Gershon

Michael Katz

266 Listeriosis 1045(1)

Ziad M. Shehab

267 Lyme Disease 1046(2)

Michael A. Gerber

268 Moraxella catarrhalis 1048(1)

Basim I. Asmar

269 Tuberculosis (Mycobacteria tuberculosis) 1049(9)

Jeffrey R. Starke

270 Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections 1058(3)

Jeffrey R. Starke

271 Leprosy 1061(3)

Wayne M. Meyers

Francoise Portaels

Douglas S. Walsh

272 Buruli Ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection) 1064(2)

Wayne M. Meyers

Francoise Portaels

Douglas S. Walsh

273 Mycoplasma Infections 1066(2)

Julia A. McMillan

274 Neisseria gonorrhoeae 1068(2)

Mary Allen Staat

275 Neisseria meningitidis 1070(3)

Michele Estabrook

276 Nocardiosis 1073(1)

Nahed Abdel-Haq

Ashir Kumar

277 Pasteurella multocida 1074(1)

Morven S. Edwards

278 Pertussis 1075(2)

Beverly L. Connelly

279 Plague 1077(1)

Gary D. Overturf

280 Pneumococcal Infections 1078(2)

Sandra R. Arnold

P. Joan Chesney

281 Rat-Bite Fever 1080(1)

Lorry G. Rubin

282 Relapsing Fever 1081(176)

Dennis L. Murray

358 Disorders of the Epidermis 1257(6)

Kristen B. Holland

359 Disorders of the Dermis and Subcutaneous Tissue 1263(1)

Anita N. Haggstrom

360 Genetic Disorders of the Skin 1264(7)

Brook E. Tlougan

Amy S. Paller

361 Melanocytic Lesions and Disorders of Pigmentation 1271(6)

Julie V. Schaffer

Seth J. Orlow

362 Immunologic Diseases 1277(5)

Julie Prendiville

363 Neoplastic and Proliferative Disorders 1282(1)

Victoria R. Barrio

Lawrence F. Eichenfield

364 Vascular Tumors and Malformations 1283(4)

Ilona J. Frieden

Sheilagh M. Maguiness

365 Acne and Other Disorders of the Pilosebaceous Unit 1287(3)

Sara W. Dill

Bari B. Cunningham

366 Disorders of Nails 1290(1)

Liborka Kos

367 Skin Infections and Exanthems 1291(10)

Jane S. Bellet

Anthony J. Mancini

368 Infestations 1301(4)

Denise W. Metry

Section 19 Disorders of the Ear, Nose, and Throat

Joseph Kerschner

369 The Ear 1305(12)

John H. Greinwald Jr.

Margaret A. Kenna

Blake C. Papsin

370 Nose and Sinus 1317(7)

Ellen S. Deutsch

Cecille G. Sulman

371 The Pharynx and Upper Airway 1324(11)

Marshall E. Smith

372 The Head, Face, and Neck 1335(3)

Craig S. Derkay

Michael J. Cunningham

373 Head and Neck Masses 1338(5)

David E. Tunkel

Jonathan A. Perkins

Section 20 Disorders of the Oral Cavity

Howard L. Needleman

Stephen Shusterman

374 Dental Caries 1343(3)

Man Wai Ng

Isabelle I. Chase

375 Dental Emergency Care 1346(4)

Howard L. Needleman

Brian Grove

376 Dental Occlusion and Its Management 1350(4)

Richard Bruun

Sivabalan Vasudavan

377 Periodontal and Gingival Health and Diseases 1354(2)

Nadeem Y. Karimbux

David M. Kim

378 Oral Pathology 1356(5)

Andrew L. Sonis

Brian Grove

379 Temporomandibular Joint Disorders 1361(1)

Bonnie L. Padwa

380 Behavioral Treatment Options in Pediatric Dentistry 1362(3)

Stephen Shusterman

Linda P. Nelson

Section 21 Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System

Colin D. Rudolph

Part 1 Presenting Signs and Symptoms

381 Normal Structure and Function of the Gastrointestinal Tract 1365(7)

Alan N. Mayer

382 Approach to the Child with Acute, Chronic, or Cyclic Vomiting 1372(3)

B U. K. Li

383 Acute Abdominal Pain 1375(2)

J. Craig Egan

John J. Aiken

Colin D. Rudolph

384 Chronic Abdominal Pain 1377(4)

Adrian Miranda

385 Diarrhea 1381(5)

Ricardo A. Caicedo

Ivor D. Hill

386 Constipation and Fecal Incontinence 1386(3)

Manu R. Sood

387 Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding 1389(2)

Richard J. Noel

388 Abdominal Masses 1391(3)

John C. Densmore

Keith T. Oldham

389 Gastrointestinal Obstruction 1394(2)

Pradeep Nazarey

Thomas T. Sato

390 Protein-Losing Enteropathy 1396(2)

Richard J. Noel

391 Gastrointestinal Disorders Associated with Immunodeficiency 1398(2)

Richard J. Noel

Part 2 Esophageal Disorders

392 Anatomic Disorders of the Esophagus 1400(3)

Dave R. Lai

393 Disorders of Esophageal Motility 1403(2)

Neelesh A. Tipnis

394 Gastroesophageal Reflux and Other Causes of Esophageal Inflammation 1405(7)

Colin D. Rudolph

395 Other Esophageal Disorders 1412(3)

Tonya Adamiak

Colin D. Rudolph

Part 3 Congenital and Anatomic Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine

396 Abdominal Wall Defects 1415(2)

Danielle B. Peterson

Marjorie J. Area

397 Malrotation and Volvulus 1417(3)

John J. Aiken

398 Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 1420(1)

Rachel Adams Greenup

Casey M. Calkins

399 Congenital Atresias, Stenosis, and Webs 1421(1)

Andrea Winthrop

Jill Whitehouse

400 Microgastria and Gastric Perforation 1422(1)

Andrea Winthrop

Jill Whitehouse

401 Duplications and Cysts 1423(2)

Denise B. Klinkner

David M. Gourlay

402 Omphalo-Mesenteric Duct Remnants 1425(2)

Denise B. Klinkner

David M. Gourlay

403 Meconium Diseases of Infancy and Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome 1427(1)

Pradeep Nazarey

Thomas T. Sato

404 Intussusception 1428(1)

John C. Densmore

Dave R. Lal

405 Inguinal and Other Hernias 1429(3)

John J. Aiken

406 Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome 1432(1)

Vincent P. Biank

407 Motor Disorders of the Stomach, Small Bowel, and Colon 1433(5)

Manu R. Sood

Casey M. Calkins

Part 4 Disorders of Digestion and Absorption

408 Disorders of Digestion and Absorption 1438(16)

Ivor D. Hill

Ricardo A. Caicedo

Part 5 Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine

409 Inflammatory Disorders of the Stomach 1454(6)

Ranjan Dohil

Eric Hassall

410 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 1460(8)

Michael C. Stephens

Subra Kugathasan

Thomas T. Sato

411 Allergic and Eosinophilic Gastroenteropathies 1468(3)

B U. K. Li

412 Vascular, Systemic, and Other Disorders Affecting the Gastrointestinal Tract 1471(2)

Grzegorz Telega

Vincent F. Blank

B U. K. Li

413 Acute Appendicitis, Typhlitis, and Chronic Appendicitis 1473(2)

J. Craig Egan

John J. Aiken

Grzegorz Telega

B U. K. Li

414 Polyps and Tumors of the Gastrointestinal Tract 1475(5)

Steven H. Erdman

Edward J. Hoffenberg

415 Congenital Anomalies of the Anorectum 1480(2)

Casey M. Calkins

Manu R. Sood

416 Other Anorectal Disorders 1482(3)

Judith M. Sondheimer

Part 6 The Exocrine Pancreas

417 Disorders of the Exocrine Pancreas 1485(6)

Steven L. Werlin

Section 22 Disorders of the Liver and Biliary Tract

Saul Karpen

418 Structure and Function of the Liver 1491(4)

Jonathan E. Teitelbaum

419 Evaluation of the Infant and Child with Liver Disease 1495(6)

Robert H. Squires Jr

420 Autoimmune Disorders of the Liver 1501(2)

Nada Yazigi

421 Metabolic and Genetic Disorders of the Liver 1503(9)

Frederick J. Suchy

422 Drug, Toxin, and TPN Liver Disease 1512(3)

Christopher D. Jolley

Regino P. Gonzalez-Peralta

Beth A. Carter

423 The Liver in Systemic Disease 1515(2)

Maureen M. Jonas

424 Acute Liver Failure 1517(3)

Vicky Lee Ng

425 End-Stage Liver Disease 1520(4)

Vicky Lee Ng

426 Other Disorders of the Liver 1524(3)

Stephanie Abrams

Gregorz Telega

427 The Biliary Tract 1527(8)

Colin D. Rudolph

Gregorz Telega

Vincent F. Blank

Douglas S. Fishman

Section 23 Disorders of the Blood

George R. Buchanan

Part 1 Principles of Blood Disorders

428 Approach to Suspected Hematologic Disorders 1535(3)

George R. Buchanan

429 Hematopoeisis 1538(4)

Charles T. Quinn

Part 2 Disorders of Red Blood Cells and Anemia

430 Anemia 1542(4)

Matthew M. Heeney

431 Iron Deficiency 1546(3)

Matthew M. Heeney

432 Anemia Due to Diminished Red Blood Cell Production 1549(3)

Zora R. Rogers

433 Hemolytic Anemia 1552(4)

Amber Mayfield Yates

Russell E. Ware

434 Hemoglobinopathies 1556(11)

Charles T. Quinn

Part 3 Disorders of Coagulation and Platelets

435 Normal and Abnormal Hemostasis 1567(3)

Janna M. Journeycake

Janet Yang

Anthony K. C. Chan

436 Inherited Bleeding Disorders 1570(4)

Amy L. Dunn

Shannon L. Meeks

Thomas C. Abshire

437 Acquired Coagulation Disorders 1574(3)

Guy Young

438 Diagnosis and Management of Thrombosis 1577(4)

Janna M. Journeycake

Anthony K. C. Chan

439 Disorders of Platelets 1581(6)

Cindy E. Neunert

Donald L. Yee

Part 4 Disorders of the Spleen and Lymph Nodes

440 The Spleen and Lymph Nodes 1587(3)

Shelley E. Crary

Part 5 Disorders of White Blood Cells

441 Disorders of Granulocytes 1590(7)

R. Alexander Blackwood

Lawrence A. Boxer

Part 6 Principles of Transfusion

442 Transfusion Medicine 1597(6)

Cassandra D. Josephson

Section 24 Neoplastic Disorders

Robert J. Arced

Part 1 Principles of Oncology

443 Cancer Genetics and Biology 1603(4)

David Malkin

444 Epidemiology of Childhood Cancer 1607(1)

Louise Parker

445 Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy 1608(4)

Peter C. Adamson

Larry E. Kun

446 Clinical Trials in Pediatric Oncology 1612(2)

Malcolm A. Smith

Gregory H. Reaman

447 Neonatal Oncology 1614(2)

Sheila Weitzman

Yaron Finkelstein

Robert J. Arceci

448 Cancer Survivorship and Recommendations for Follow-Up 1616(4)

Smita Bhatia

Anna T. Meadows

Part 2 Hematologic Malignancies

449 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 1620(5)

James B. Nachman

450 Myeloid Malignancies 1625(5)

Soheil Meshinchi

Robert J. Arceci

Howard J. Weinstein

451 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma 1630(2)

Mitchell S. Cairo

Thomas G. Gross

452 Hodgkin Lymphoma 1632(5)

Melissa M. Hudson

Tanya M. Trippett

Part 3 Solid Tumors

453 Osteosarcoma 1637(2)

Richard Gorlick

Paul A. Meyers

454 Ewing Sarcoma and Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor 1639(2)

Crystal L. Mackall

Jeffrey A. Toretsky

455 Rhabdomyosarcoma 1641(3)

Douglas S. Hawkins

Frederic G. Ban

456 Renal Tumors 1644(3)

Elizabeth Mullen

457 Neuroblastoma 1647(4)

Michael D. Hogarty

Garrett M. Brodeur

458 Malignant Liver Tumors 1651(3)

Gail E. Tomlinson

Howard M. Katzenstein

459 Germ Cell Tumors 1654(2)

Thomas A. Olson

460 Brain Tumors and Spinal Tumors 1656(5)

Kenneth J. Cohen

Ian F. Pollack

461 Retinoblastoma 1661(1)

Rima F. Jubran

Anna T. Meadows

462 Vascular Neoplasms 1662(2)

Denise M. Adams

Michael E. Kelly

Part 4 Mononuclear Phagocytic System Disorders

463 Histiocytic Disorders 1664(5)

R. Maarten Egeler

Robert J. Arceci

Jan-Inge Henter

Section 25 Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract

Norman D. Rosenblum

Part 1 Principles of Nephrology

464 Renal Morphogenesis 1669(2)

Sunder Sims-Lucas

Carlton M. Bates

465 Development of Renal Function 1671(6)

Tino D. Piscione

466 Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders 1677(9)

Manjula Gowrishankar

467 Diagnostic Approach to Renal Disease 1686(5)

John W. Foreman

Part 2 Abnormalities of the Kidney and Urinary Tract

468 Kidney or Urinary Tract Disorders 1691(6)

John W. Foreman

469 Renal Malformations 1697(3)

Norman D. Rosenblum

470 Cystic Diseases of the Kidney 1700(6)

Friedhelm Hildebrandt

471 Acute Renal Failure 1706(4)

Prasad Devarajan

472 Glomerular Diseases 1710(19)

Allison A. Eddy

473 Hereditary Glomerulopathies 1729(3)

Clifford E. Kashtan

474 Renal Tubular Disorders 1732(6)

Michel Baum

475 Urinary Tract Stone Diseases 1738(3)

Valerie Langlois

476 Urologie Abnormalities of the Genitourinary Tract 1741(8)

Luis H. P. Braga

Darius J. Bagli

Part 3 Chronic Kidney Disease

477 Chronic Kidney Disease 1749(6)

Denis F. Geary

478 Chronic Dialysis 1755(2)

Stuart L. Goldstein

479 Systemic Hypertension 1757(12)

Craig W. Belsha

Joseph T. Flynn

Section 26 Disorders of the Cardiovascular System

Julien I. E. Hoffman

David F. Teitel

Part 1 Principles of Cardiology

480 Development of the Cardiovascular System 1769(6)

Deepak Srivastava

481 Genetics of Heart Disease 1775(7)

Kathleen M. Ruppel

Part 2 Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease

482 Fetal Cardiology 1782(7)

Lisa K. Hornberger

Jean Trines

483 Neonate and Infant with Cardiovascular Disease 1789(15)

David F. Teitel

484 Congenital Heart Disease 1804(31)

Julien I. E. Hoffman

485 Arrhythmias 1835(13)

George F. Van Hare

486 Child and Adolescent with Cardiovascular Disease 1848(7)

Howard P. Gutgesell

George M. McDaniel

Part 3 Acquired Cardiovascular Disease

487 Cardiac Tumors 1855(1)

Julien I. E. Hoffman

488 Kawasaki Disease 1855(3)

Mary Beth Son

Jane W. Newburger

489 Diseases of Myocardium 1858(3)

Jeffrey A. Towbin

490 Infective Endocarditis 1861(2)

Jane W. Newburger

491 Pericardial Diseases 1863(4)

Julien I. E. Hoffman

492 Pulmonary Hypertension 1867(2)

Julien I. E. Hoffman

Part 4 Diagnostic Tools in Heart Disease

493 Electrocardiography 1869(4)

George F. Van Hare

494 Radiologic Imaging 1873(6)

Alison Knauth Meadows

Michael W. Dae

495 Echocardiography 1879(4)

Theresa A. Tacy

496 Cardiac Catherization 1883(4)

Phillip Moore

Part 5 Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

497 Heart Failure 1887(6)

Robert E. Shaddy

Chitra Ravishankar

498 The Patient with Single Ventricle 1893(4)

Jacqueline Kreutzer

499 Interventional Cardiology 1897(6)

Phillip Moore

500 Health Care Management for the Child with Cardiovascular Disease 1903(3)

Mark Cocalis

501 Sports Screening for Cardiovascular Risk 1906(3)

Mark Cocalis

Julien I. E. Hoffman

Section 27 Disorders of the Respiratory System

Jay K. Kolls

Part 1 Principles of Pulmonology

502 Lung Growth in Infancy and Childhood 1909(4)

Richard L. Auten

503 Physiologic Basis of Pulmonary Function 1913(4)

Daniel J. Weiner

504 Global Burden of Respiratory Infections and Mucosal Immunology of the Respiratory Tract 1917(3)

Jay K. Kolls

Joseph P. Mizgerd

505 Clinical Presentation of Respiratory Illness 1920(4)

Hans Pasterkamp

506 Tools for Diagnosis and Management of Respiratory Disease 1924(4)

Beverley Newman

Geoffrey Kurland

Part 2 Disorders of the Respiratory System

507 Congenital Disorders of the Lower Airways and Mediastinum 1928(5)

Andrew Bush

508 Disorders of Respiratory Control and Sleep-Disordered Breathing 1933(9)

David Gozal

Leila Kheirandish-Gozal

509 Sleep Disorders 1942(7)

Hemant Sawnani

Narong Simakajornboon

510 Disorders Causing Airway Obstruction 1949(9)

Shean J. Aujla

Jonathan E. Spahr

511 Aspiration Syndromes 1958(4)

Cori L. Daines

512 Asthma 1962(12)

Gurjit K. Khurana Hershey

513 Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia 1974(3)

Timothy D. Murphy

514 Cystic Fibrosis 1977(9)

David M. Orenstein

515 Interstitial Lung Disease 1986(3)

Jennifer A. Rama

Leland L. Fan

516 Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Lung Disease 1989(1)

Terence R. Flotte

Christian Mueller

517 Pulmonary Vasculitis Syndromes 1990(3)

Paul Rosen

518 Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis 1993(3)

Bruce C. Trapnell

Lisa R. Young

519 Chest Wall and Respiratory Muscle Disorders 1996(5)

Jonathan D. Finder

Section 28 Disorders of the Endocrine System

Allen W. Root

520 Mechanisms of Hormone Action 2001(8)

Adda Grimberg

Linda A. DiMeglio

521 Disorders of the Anterior Pituitary Gland 2009(3)

Edward O. Reiter

522 Growth and Growth Impairment 2012(5)

Edward O. Reiter

523 Endocrine Abnormalities Causing Growth Impairment 2017(6)

Edward O. Reiter

524 Tall Stature 2023(1)

Edward O. Reiter

525 Primary Disturbances in Water Homeostasis 2024(4)

Abhinash Srivatsa

Joseph A. Majzoub

526 The Thyroid 2028(3)

Delbert A. Fisher

527 Hypothyroidism in the Infant 2031(6)

Delbert A. Fisher

528 Acquired Hypothyroidism 2037(2)

Delbert A. Fisher

529 Hyperthyroidism 2039(2)

Delbert A. Fisher

530 Other Disorders of the Thyroid 2041(2)

Delbert A. Fisher

531 The Adrenal Cortex 2043(3)

Walter L. Miller

532 Evaluation of Adrenal Function 2046(2)

Walter L. Miller

533 Genetic Lesions in Steroidogenesis 2048(4)

Walter L. Miller

534 Adrenal Insufficiency 2052(3)

Walter L. Miller

535 Adrenal Excess 2055(2)

Walter L. Miller

536 Glucocorticoid Therapy and Withdrawal 2057(1)

Walter L. Miller

537 Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes 2058(4)

Steven D. Chernausek

Constantine A. Stratakis

538 Normal Human Sex Differentiation 2062(1)

Melvin M. Grumbach

539 Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD) 2063(11)

Melvin M. Grumbach

540 Normal Pubertal Development 2074(3)

Dennis M. Styne

Leonna Cuttler

541 Abnormal Pubertal Development 2077(9)

Dennis M. Styne

Leonna Cuttler

542 Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Metabolism 2086(11)

Allen W. Root

543 Disorders of Bone Formation 2097(7)

Allen W. Root

544 Diabetes Mellitus 2104(21)

Arlan L. Rosenbloom

545 Endocrine Causes of Hypoglycemia 2125(6)

Andrea Kelly

Charles A. Stanley

Section 29 Disorders of the Nervous System

Scott L. Pomeroy

Blaise F. D. Bourgeois

Basil T. Darras

Edward M. Kaye

Part 1 Principles of Neurology

546 Introduction to Neurology 2131(2)

Mustafa Sahin

547 Clinical Approach to Neurologic Disease 2133(16)

Maitreyi Mazumdar

Part 2 Abnormal Development of the Nervous System

548 Cranial Developmental Abnormalities 2149(5)

Omar Khwaja

549 Disturbances of the Neural Tube and Spine Closure 2154(2)

Omar Khwaja

550 Macrocephaly and Microcephaly 2156(2)

Nicole J. Ullrich

Part 3 Acute Deterioration of Neurologic Function

551 Trauma to the Nervous System 2158(7)

Magdi M. Sobeih

552 Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease 2165(9)

Michael J. Rivkin

553 Hydrocephalus and Pseudotumor Cerebri 2174(4)

Nicole J. Ullrich

554 Cerebral Palsy and Static Encephalopathies 2178(4)

Robert S. Rust

David K. Urion

555 Infections of the Central Nervous System 2182(6)

Kiran P. Maski

Nicole J. Ullrich

556 Immune- and Inflammatory-Mediated Central Nervous System Syndromes 2188(10)

Mark P. Gorman

Part 4 Epilepsy

557 Epidemiology of Epilepsy, Seizure Classification, Epilepsy Syndromes 2198(4)

Mark H. Libenson

Ann M. Bergin

558 Etiologies of Epilepsies 2202(2)

Annapurna Poduri

559 Febrile Seizures 2204(2)

Masanori Takeoka

560 Evaluation of New Onset Seizures 2206(1)

Alexander Rotenberg

561 Status Epilepticus 2206(2)

Alexander Rotenberg

562 Epilepsy Treatment: Antiepileptic Drug Therapy 2208(5)

Blaise F. D. Bourgeois

563 Epilepsy Treatment: Ketogenic Diet and Neurostimulation 2213(1)

Ann M. Bergin

564 Epilepsy Treatment: Surgery 2214(2)

Dean P. Sarco

Part 5 Paroxysmal Disorders

565 Migraine and Headache Disorders 2216(3)

Alyssa Ann LeBel

Anna Minster

566 Movement Disorders, Tics, and Tourette Syndrome 2219(4)

Diana Apetauerova

567 Other Paroxysmal Disorders 2223(1)

Sanjeev V. Kothare

Part 6 Disorders of Strength, Tone, and Sensation

568 General Evaluation of Strength, Tone, and Sensation 2224(2)

Peter B. Kang

Basil T. Darras

569 The Hypotonic Infant 2226(2)

Basil T. Darras

570 Peripheral Nerve Disorders and Anterior Horn Cell Diseases 2228(7)

Peter B. Kang

571 Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction 2235(6)

H. Royden Jones Jr

572 Myopathies 2241(7)

Basil T. Darras

Part 7 Developmental Delay and Regression

573 Neurologic Aspects of Disorders of Metal Metabolism 2248(2)

Cecilia Mellado

Mustafa Sahin

574 Lysosomal Storage Disorders 2250(6)

Irina A. Anselm

575 Rett Syndrome (MECP2-Related Disorders) 2256(1)

Cecilia Mellado

Mustafa Sahin

576 Leukoencephalopathies 2257(8)

Mark P. Gorman

577 Neurotransmitter Disorders 2265(4)

Erika Fulhvood Augustine

Annapurna Poduri

578 Phakomatoses 2269(4)

Mustafa Sahin

Section 30 Disorders of the Eyes

Alex V. Levin

Part 1 General Principles

579 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye and Ocular System 2273(2)

Monte A. Del Monte

580 Office Evaluation of the Eyes 2275(4)

Gregg T. Lueder

581 Special Tests of the Eyes 2279(3)

Daniel J. Karr

Alex V. Levin

582 International Pediatric Ophthalmology 2282(2)

Sherwin J. Isenberg

Leonard Apt

Part 2 Disorders of the Eye

583 Eye Emergencies and Trauma 2284(5)

Daniel J. Karr

Alex V. Levin

584 Visual Impairment in Childhood 2289(2)

David S. Walton

585 Amblyopia 2291(2)

Anthony G. Quinn

Alex V. Levin

586 Strabismus 2293(5)

Robert W. Enzenauer

Mary Ellen Hoehn

Monte A. Del Monte

587 The Eye in Child Abuse 2298(2)

Alex V. Levin

588 Red Eye 2300(4)

Anthony G. Quinn

589 Lid and Lacrimal System Disorders 2304(4)

Gregg T. Lueder

590 Anterior Segment Disorders 2308(5)

David S. Walton

591 Retinopathy of Prematurity 2313(3)

Earl A. Palmer

Irene Hsu-Dresden

592 Genetic Eye Diseases 2316(10)

J. Bronwyn Bateman

John Roarty

Christina L. Butera

Alex V. Levin

593 Optic Nerve Disorders 2326(5)

John Roarty
Index 2331



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