Electronics fundamentals : circuits, devices, and applications / 7th ed.


作   者:Thomas L. Floyd.





  pearson international edition    this is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. pearson education international published this special edition for the benefit of students outside the united states and canada.    if you purchased this book within the united states or canada you should be aware that it has been wrongfully imported without the approval of the publisher or the author.


Electronics Fundamentals 7th Edition TOC
DC Circuits
Quantities and Units
Scientific and Engineering Notation
Units and Metric Prefixes
Metric Unit Conversions
Measured Numbers
Electrical Safety
Voltage, Current, and Resistance
Electrical Charge
The Electric Circuit
Basic Circuit Measurements
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Ohm's Law, Energy, and Power
Ohm's Law
Application of Ohm's Law
Energy and Power
Power in an Electric Circuit
The Power Rating of Resistors
Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in a Resistance
Power Supplies
Introduction to Troubleshooting
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Series Circuits
Resistors in Series
Total Series Resistance
Current in a Series Circuit
Application of Ohm's Law
Voltage Sources in Series
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
Voltage Dividers
Power in Series Circuits
Voltage Measurements
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Parallel Circuits
Resistors in Parallel
Total Parallel Resistance
Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
Application of Ohm's Law
Kirchhoff's Current Law
Current Dividers
Power in Parallel Circuits
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Series-Parallel Circuits
Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships
Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits
Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads
Loading Effect of a Voltmeter
The Wheatstone Bridge
Thevenin's Theorem
The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
The Superposition Theorem
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
The Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Devices
Magnetic Hysteresis
Electromagnetic Induction
Applications of Electromagnetic Induction
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
AC Circuits
Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage
The Sinusoidal Waveform
Sinusoidal Voltage Sources
Voltage and Current Values of Sine Waves
Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave
The Sine Wave Formula
Analysis of AC Circuits
Superimposed DC and AC Voltages
Nonsinusoidal Waveforms
The Oscilloscope
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
The Basic Capacitor
Types of Capacitors
Series Capacitors
Parallel Capacitors
Capacitors in DC Circuits
Capacitors in AC Circuits
Capacitor Applications
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
RC Circuits
Sinusoidal Response of RC Circuits
Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RC Circuits
Analysis of Series RC Circuits
Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RC Circuits
Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits
Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits
Power in RC Circuits
Basic Applications
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
The Basic Inductor
Types of Inductors
Series and Parallel Inductors
Inductors in DC Circuits
Inductors in AC Circuits
Inductor Applications
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
RL Circuits
Sinusoidal Response of RL Circuits
Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RL Circuits
Analysis of Series RL Circuits
Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RL Circuits
Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits
Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits
Power in RL Circuits
Basic Applications
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
RLC Circuits and Resonance
Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RLC Circuits
Analysis of Series RLC Circuits
Series Resonance
Series Resonant Filters
Parallel RLC Circuits
Parallel Resonance
Parallel Resonant Filters
Application Assignment Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Time Response of Reactive Circuits
The RC Integrator
Response of RC Integrators to a Single Pulse
Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses
Response of RC Differentiators to a Single Pulse
Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses
Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs
Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Mutual Inductance
The Basic Transformer
Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers
Loading the Secondary
Reflected Load
Impedance Matching
Nonideal Transformer Characteristics
Tapped and Multiple-Winding Transformers
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Diodes and Applications
Introduction to Semiconductors
The PN Junction Diode
Diode Characteristics
Diode Rectifiers
Power Supplies
Special-Purpose Diodes
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Transistors and Applications
DC Operation of Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)
BJT Class A Amplifiers
BJT Class B Amplifiers
The BJT as a Switch
DC Operations of Field-Effect Transistors (FETs)
FET Amplifiers
Feedback Oscillators
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
The Operational Amplifier
Introduction to the Operational Amplifier
The Differential Amplifier
Op-Amp Parameters
Negative Feedback
Op-Amp Configurations with Negative Feedback
Op-Amp Impedances
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Basic Op-Amp Circuits
Summing Amplifiers
Integrators and Differentiators
Active Filters
Voltage Regulators
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Special-Purpose Op-Amp Circuits
Instrumentation Amplifiers
Isolation Amplifiers
Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs)
Active Diode Circuits
Other Op-Amp Circuits
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Measurement, Conversion, and Control
Temperature Measurement
Strain, Pressure, and Flow-Rate Measurements
Motion Measurement
Sample-and-Hold Circuits
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Power-Control Circuits
Application Assignment: Putting Your Knowledge to Work
Table of Standard Resistor Values
Capacitor Color Coding and Marking
The Current Source, Norton's Theorem, and Millman's Theorem
Devices Data Sheets
Field-Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs)
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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