Applied Physics, 8/e, formerly titled Physics for Career Education, provides comprehensive and practical coverage of physics concepts for students in technical or industrial career programs. The new title reflects changes in this new edition that make the text an appropriate choice for an applied general education physics course as well as for a traditional technical physics course. The authors make challenging and difficult concepts easier to understand by applying physics concepts in everyday applications, with which the students are already familiar, as well as in technical applications. Concepts are explained and reinforced with numerous detailed examples, photos and illustrations, and more than 3200 problems and questions. To allow for customized programs of study, chapters have been written with flexibility of topic presentation in mind. (Midwest)
Applied Physics
Eighth Edition
Table of Contents
0 An Introduction to Physics
0.1 Why Study Physics?
0,2 Physics and its Role in Technology
0.3 Physics and its Connections to other Fields and Sciences
0.4 Theories, Laws, and the Problem-Solving Method
1 The Physics Tool Kit
1.1 Standards of Measure
1.2 Introduction to the Metric System
1.3 Length
1.4 Area and Volume
1.5 Other Units
1.6 Measurement: Significant Digits and Accuracy
1.7 Measurement: Precision
1.8 Calculations with Measurements
1.9 Problem-Solving Method
2 Vectors
2.1 Vectors and Scalars
2.2 Components of a Vector
2.3 Vectors in Standard Position
3 Motion
3.1 Speed vs. Velocity
3.2 Acceleration
3.3 Uniformly Accelerated Motion and Free Fall
3.4 Projectile Motion
4 Force
4.1 Force and the Law of Inertia
4.2 Force and the Law of Acceleration
4.3 Friction
4.4 Forces in One Dimension
4.5 Gravity and Weight
4.6 Law of Action and Reaction
5 Momentum
5.1 Impulse and Momentum
5.2 Collisions
6 Concurrent and Parallel Forces
6.1 Forces in Two Dimensions
6.2 Concurrent Forces in Equilibrium
6.3 Torque
6.4 Parallel Force Problems
6.5 Center of Gravity
7 Work and Energy
7.1 Work
7.2 Power
7.3 Energy
7.4 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
8 Rotational Motion
8.1 Measurement of Rotational Motion
8.2 Angular Momentum
8.3 Centripetal Force
8.4 Power in Rotational Systems
8.5 Transferring Rotational Motion
8.6 Gears
8.7 Pulleys Connected with a Belt
9 Simple Machines
9.1 Machines and Energy Transfer
9.2 The Lever
9.3 The Wheel-and-Axle
9.4 The Pulley
9.5 The inclined Plane
9.6 The Screw
9.7 The Wedge
9.8 Compound Machines
9.9 The Effect of Friction on Simple Machines
10 Universal Gravitation and Satellite Motion
10.1 Universal Gravitation
10.2 Gravitational Fields
10.3 Satellite Motion
11 Matter
11.1 Properties of Matter
.1,2 Properties of Solids
11.3 Properties of Liquids
11.4 Properties of Gases
11.5 Density
12 Fluids
12.1 Hydrostatic Pressure
12.2 Hydraulic Principle
12.3 Air Pressure
12.4 Buoyancy
12.5 Fluid Flow
13 Temperature and Heat Transfer
13.1 Temperature
13.2 Heat
13.3 Heat Transfer
13.4 Specific Heat
13.5 Method of Mixtures
13.6 Expansion of Solids
13.7 Expansion of Liquids
13.8 Change of Phase
14 Properties of Gases
14.1 Charles'Law
14.2 Boyle's Law
14.3 Charles' and Boyle's Laws Combined
15 Wave Motion and Sound
15.1 Characteristics of Waves
15.2 Electromagnetic Waves
15.3 SoundWaves
15.4 The Doppler Effect
15.5 Resonance
15.6 Simple Harmonic Motion
16 Basic Electricity
16.1 Electrical Charges
16.2 Induction
16.3 Coulomb's Law
16.4 Electric Fields
16.5 Simple Circuits
16.6 Ohm's Law
16.7 Series Circuits
16.8 Parallel Circuits
16.9 Compound Circuits
16.10 Electric Instruments
16.11 Voltage Sources
16.12 Cells in Series and Parallel
16.13 Electrical Power
17 Magnetism
17.1 Introduction to Magnetism
17.2 Magnetic Effects of Currents
17.3 Induced Magnetism and Electromagnets
17.4 Induced Current
17.5 Generators
17.6 The Motor Principle
17.7 Magnetic Forces on Moving Charged Particles
18 Alternating Current Electricity
18.1 What Is Alternating Current?
18.2 ac Power
18.3 Inductance
18.4 Inductance and Resistance in Series
18.5 Capacitance
18.6 Capacitance and Resistance in Series
18.7 Capacitance, Inductance, and Resistance in Series
18.8 Resonance
18.9 Rectification and Amplification
18.10 Commercial Generator Power Output
19 Light
19.1 Nature of Light
19.2 The Speed of Light
19.3 Light as a Wave
19.4 Light as a Particle
19.5 Photometry
20 Reflection and Refraction
20.1 Mirrors and Images
20.2 Images Formed by Plane Mirrors
20.3 Images Formed by Concave Mirrors
20.4 Images Formed by Convex Mirrors
20.5 The Mirror Formula
20.6 The Law of Refraction
20.7 Total Internal Reflection
20.8 Types of Lenses
20.9 Images Formed by Converging Lenses
20.10 Images Formed by Diverging Lenses
21 Color
21.1 The Color of Light
21.2 Diffraction of Light
21.3 Interference
21.4 Polarization of Light
22 Survey of Modern Physics
22.1 Quantum Theory
22.2 The Atom
22.3 Atomic Structure and Atomic Spectra
22.4 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Properties
22.5 The Nucleus-Structure and Properties
22.6 Nuclear Mass and Binding Energy
22.7 Radioactive Decay
22.8 Nuclear Reactions-Fission and Fusion
22.9 Detection and Measurement of Radiation
22.10 Radiation Penetrating Power
23 Special and General Relativity
23.1 Albert Einstein
23.2 Special Theory of Relativity
23.3 Space-Time
23.4 General Theory of Relativity
Appendix A Mathematics Review
A.1 Signed Numbers
A.2 Powers of 10
A.3 Scientific Notation
A.4 Solving Linear Equations
A.5 Solving Quadratic Equations
A.6 Formulas
A.7 Substituting Data into Formulas
A.8 Right Triangle Trigonometry
A.9 Law of Sines and Law of Cosines
Appendix B Scientific Calculator
B.1 Scientific Notation
B.2 Squares and Square Roots
B.3 Trigonometric Operations
B.4 Finding a Power
Appendix C Tables
1 U.S. Weights and Measures
2 Conversion Table for Length
3 Conversion Table for Area
4 Conversion Table for Volume
5 Conversion Table for Mass
6 Conversion Table for Density
7 Conversion Table for Time
8 Conversion Table for Speed
9 Conversion Table for Force
10 Conversion Table for Power
11 Conversion Table for Pressure
12 Mass and Weight Density
13 Specific Gravity of Certain Liquids
14 Conversion Table for Energy, Work, and Heat
15 Heat Constants
16 Coefficient of Linear Expansion
17 Coefficient of Volume Expansion
18 Charge
19 Relationships of Metric SI Base and Derived Units
20 Electrical Symbols
21 Periodic Table
22 The Greek Alphabet
Appendix D Glossary
Appendix E Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems and to Chapter Review
Questions and Problems
Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Physics
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