用。本书以Houdini 10.0最新版本为依托,全面、系统地介绍Houdini的动
第1章 动力学
1.1 关于Houdini动力学
1.2 布料仿真模拟
1.3 碰撞
1.4 动力学节点网络
1.5 流体密度和距离场
1.6 力
1.7 粘合
1.8 如何选择流体仿真模拟类型
1.9 输入输出和缓存
1.10 混合关键帧动画和仿真模拟
1.11 优化仿真模拟
1.12 粒子仿真模拟
1.13 RBD仿真模拟
1.14 关系
1.15 波纹仿真模拟
1.16 解算
1.17 将仿真模拟数据町视化
1.18 线仿真模拟
第2章 粒子
2.1 简单粒子体系(粒子SOP)
2.2 发射
2.3 经过网络的粒子数据流
2.4 施力
2.5 对曲面做出反应
2.6 限制粒子速度
2.7 吸引或排斥粒子
2.8 Follow一个或多个引导
2.9 给中心点设置轨道
2.10 导出到模型
2.11 对events做出反应
2.12 如何使用组控制粒子模拟
2.13 故障解决
2.14 Instance和渲染
2.15 透明sprites
2.16 检查属性
2.17 从几何图形上转移属性
2.18 手动设置属性
2.19 使用几何图形
2.20 粒子提醒与技巧
2.21 矢量和分向量定义
2.22 将力矩可视化
第3章 动力学节点(一)
3.1 Gas Field to Particle
3.2 Gas Geometry To SDF
3.3 Gas Particle To Field
3.4 Gas Particle To SDF
3.5 Gas Sand Forces
3.6 Instanced Object
3.7 ODE Solver
3.8 ODE Configure Object
3.9 POP对象
3.10 POP Solver
3.11 POP Shape Match
3.12 Pump Relationship
3.13 Pyro Solver
3.14 RBD Pin Constraint
3.15 RBD Spring Constraint
3.16 RBD点对象
3.17 RBD Fractured Object
3.18 RBD Object
3.19 RBD Hinge Constraint
3.20 RBD Keyframe Active
3.21 RBD Angular Spring Constraint
3.22 RBD 解算器
3.23 RBD Visualization
第4章 动力学节点(二)
4.1 RBD Configure Object
4.2 RBD 角度约束
4.3 RBD Glue Object
4.4 RBD State
4.5 RBD Auto Freeze
4.6 Sand Object
4.7 Sand Solver
4.8 Sand Configure Object
4.9 SBD Pin Constraint
4.10 SBD Spring Constraint
4.11 Scalar Field
4.12 SOP Geometry
4.13 SOP Solver
4.14 Vector Field
4.15 Gas Up Res
4.16 VOP Force
4.17 Scalar Field
4.18 Scalar Field Visualization
4.19 波纹对象
4.20 波纹解算器
4.21 Ripple Configure Object
4.22 Thin Plate/Thin Plate Collider
第5章 动力学节点 (三)
5.1 Cloth/Cloth Collider
5.2 Cloth Material
5.3 Cloth Object
5.4 布料缝合约束
5.5 Cloth Solver
5.6 Cloth Visualization
5.7 Cloth Configure Object
5.8 Cloth/Volume Collider
5.9 Cloth Physical Parameters
5.10 Reference Frame Force
5.11 Field Force
5.12 Magnet Force
5.13 SubNetwork
5.14 Spring Constraint Relationship
5.15 Ground Plane
5.16 Terrain Object
5.17 Point Force
5.18 Point Collider
5.19 OBJ Position
5.20 Multiple Solver
5.21 Partition
5.22 Split Object Stream
5.23 分组
5.24 Group Relationship
第6章 动力学节点(四)
6.1 风力
6.2 Fan Force
6.3 Copy Objects
6.4 Copy Object Information
6.5 复制数据
6.6 Copy Data Solver
6.7 RBD Solver
6.8 Blend Solver
6.9 Blend Factor
6.10 Active Value
6.11 Geometry Copy
6.12 Merge
6.13 Script Solver
6.14 Static Solver
6.15 Static Object
6.16 Matrix Field
6.17 Matrix Field Visualization
6.18 Uniform Force
6.19 空对象
6.20 Empty Relationship
6.21 Empty Data
6.22 Null
第7章 动力学节点(五)
7.1 Particle Fluid Object
7.2 Particle Fluid Emitter
7.3 粒子流体解算器
7.4 Particle Fluid Configure Object
7.6 Link to Source Object
7.7 Fluid Object
7.8 Fluid Solver
7.9 流体力
7.10 Fluid Configure Object
7.11 Anchor: Object Point Id Position
7.12 Anchor: Object Point Id Rotation
7.13 Anchor: Object Point Group Rotation
7.14 Anchor: Object Point Group Position
7.15 Anchor: Object Point Number Position
7.16 Anchor: Object Point Number Rotation
7.17 Anchor: Object Primitive Position
7.18 Anchor: Object Space Rotation
7.19 Anchor: Object Space Position
7.20 Anchor: World Space Position
7.21 Anchor: World Space Rotation
7.22 Anchor: Align Axis
7.23 Gas Embed Fluid
第8章 动力学节点(六)
8.1 Collider Label
8.2 Collide Relationship
8.3 Gas DSD
8.4 Gas DSD Solver
8.5 Gas DSD Configure Object
8.6 Gas Lookup
8.7 Gas SPH Force
8.8 Gas SPH Density
8.9 Gas Correct By Markers
8.10 Volume Vop
8.11 Gas Elasticity
8.12 Gas Adjust Elasticity
8.13 Gas Adjust Coordinate System
8.14 Gas Vortex Confinement
8.15 Gas Feedback
8.16 Gas Seed Markers
8.17 Gas Seed Particles
8.18 Gas Analysis
8.19 Gas Buoyancy
8.20 Gas Upres Object
8.21 Gas Build Relationship Mask
8.22 Gas Build Collision Mask
8.23 Gas Calculate
第9章 动力学节点(七)
9.1 Gas Compute Particle Attributes
9.2 Gas Enforce Boundary
9.3 Gas Intermittent Solve
9.4 Gas Cross
9.5 Gas Diffuse
9.6 Gas Particle Forces
9.7 Gas Particle Pressure
9.8 Gas Particle Move To Iso
9.9 Gas Blur
9.10 Gas Match Field
9.11 Gas Advect
9.12 Gas Surface Snap
9.13 Gas Surface Tension
9.14 Gas Combustion
9.15 Gas Burn Geometry Objects
9.16 Gas Burn Geometry
9.17 Gas Velocity Stretch
9.18 Gas Reduce
9.19 Gas Fetch Fields to Embed
9.20 Gas Volume Ramp
9.21 Gas Project Non Divergent
9.22 Gas Extrapolate
9.23 Gas External Forces
第10章 动力学节点(八)
10.1 Gas Net Field Border Exchange
10.2 Gas Net Slice Exchange
10.3 Gas Net Slice Balance
10.4 Gas Net Fetch Data
10.5 Gas Vorticle Geometry
10.6 Gas Vorticle Forces
10.7 Gas Vorticle Recycle
10.8 Gas Dissipate
10.9 Gas Rest
10.10 Gas Feather Field
10.11 Gas Strain Forces
10.12 Gas Strain Integrate
10.13 Gas Integrator
10.14 Gas Reinitialize SDF
10.15 Gas Resize Field
10.16 Gas Resize Fluid
10.17 Sphere Edge Tree
10.18 Sphere Point Tree
10.19 Container
10.20 Delete
10.21 Vector Field
10.22 Vector Field Visualization
10.23 Two State Constraint Relationship
第11章 动力学节点(九)
11.1 Velocity Impulse Force
11.2 Index Field
11.3 Index Field Visualization
11.4 Fetch Data
11.5 Volumetric Representation-
11.6 Volume/Volume Collider
11.7 Impulse Force
11.8 Net Fetch Data
11.9 Position
11.10 Position From Point
11.11 File
11.12 File Data
11.13 Vortex Force
11.14 No Collider
11.15 No Constraint Relationship
11.16 Physical Parameters
11.17 Wire Elasticity
11.18 Wire Object
11.19 Wire Solver
11.20 Wire Visualization
11.21 Wire Configure Object
11.22 Wire Plasticity
11.23 Wire Physical Parameters
11.24 Wire Angular Spring Constraint
11.25 Wire Angular Constraint
11.26 Wire Glue Constraint
11.27 Wire/Volume Collider
第12章 动力学节点(十)
12.1 Modify Data
12.2 Rendering Parameters
12.3 Rendering Parameters Volatile
12.4 Smoke Object
12.5 Smoke Solver
12.6 Smoke Configure Object
12.7 Slice by Plane
12.8 Slice Along Line
12.9 Squishy Object
12.10 Apply Relationship
12.11 Apply Data
12.12 Affector
12.13 Hard Constraint Relationship
12.14 Constraint
12.15 Constraint Relationship.
12.16 Motion
12.17 Noise Field
12.18 Mask Field
12.19 Gravity Force
12.20 Switch Value
12.21 Switch Solver
12.22 Switch
12.23 Gas Wavelets
12.24 Drag Force
1.1 关于Houdini动力学
1.2 布料仿真模拟
1.3 碰撞
1.4 动力学节点网络
1.5 流体密度和距离场
1.6 力
1.7 粘合
1.8 如何选择流体仿真模拟类型
1.9 输入输出和缓存
1.10 混合关键帧动画和仿真模拟
1.11 优化仿真模拟
1.12 粒子仿真模拟
1.13 RBD仿真模拟
1.14 关系
1.15 波纹仿真模拟
1.16 解算
1.17 将仿真模拟数据町视化
1.18 线仿真模拟
第2章 粒子
2.1 简单粒子体系(粒子SOP)
2.2 发射
2.3 经过网络的粒子数据流
2.4 施力
2.5 对曲面做出反应
2.6 限制粒子速度
2.7 吸引或排斥粒子
2.8 Follow一个或多个引导
2.9 给中心点设置轨道
2.10 导出到模型
2.11 对events做出反应
2.12 如何使用组控制粒子模拟
2.13 故障解决
2.14 Instance和渲染
2.15 透明sprites
2.16 检查属性
2.17 从几何图形上转移属性
2.18 手动设置属性
2.19 使用几何图形
2.20 粒子提醒与技巧
2.21 矢量和分向量定义
2.22 将力矩可视化
第3章 动力学节点(一)
3.1 Gas Field to Particle
3.2 Gas Geometry To SDF
3.3 Gas Particle To Field
3.4 Gas Particle To SDF
3.5 Gas Sand Forces
3.6 Instanced Object
3.7 ODE Solver
3.8 ODE Configure Object
3.9 POP对象
3.10 POP Solver
3.11 POP Shape Match
3.12 Pump Relationship
3.13 Pyro Solver
3.14 RBD Pin Constraint
3.15 RBD Spring Constraint
3.16 RBD点对象
3.17 RBD Fractured Object
3.18 RBD Object
3.19 RBD Hinge Constraint
3.20 RBD Keyframe Active
3.21 RBD Angular Spring Constraint
3.22 RBD 解算器
3.23 RBD Visualization
第4章 动力学节点(二)
4.1 RBD Configure Object
4.2 RBD 角度约束
4.3 RBD Glue Object
4.4 RBD State
4.5 RBD Auto Freeze
4.6 Sand Object
4.7 Sand Solver
4.8 Sand Configure Object
4.9 SBD Pin Constraint
4.10 SBD Spring Constraint
4.11 Scalar Field
4.12 SOP Geometry
4.13 SOP Solver
4.14 Vector Field
4.15 Gas Up Res
4.16 VOP Force
4.17 Scalar Field
4.18 Scalar Field Visualization
4.19 波纹对象
4.20 波纹解算器
4.21 Ripple Configure Object
4.22 Thin Plate/Thin Plate Collider
第5章 动力学节点 (三)
5.1 Cloth/Cloth Collider
5.2 Cloth Material
5.3 Cloth Object
5.4 布料缝合约束
5.5 Cloth Solver
5.6 Cloth Visualization
5.7 Cloth Configure Object
5.8 Cloth/Volume Collider
5.9 Cloth Physical Parameters
5.10 Reference Frame Force
5.11 Field Force
5.12 Magnet Force
5.13 SubNetwork
5.14 Spring Constraint Relationship
5.15 Ground Plane
5.16 Terrain Object
5.17 Point Force
5.18 Point Collider
5.19 OBJ Position
5.20 Multiple Solver
5.21 Partition
5.22 Split Object Stream
5.23 分组
5.24 Group Relationship
第6章 动力学节点(四)
6.1 风力
6.2 Fan Force
6.3 Copy Objects
6.4 Copy Object Information
6.5 复制数据
6.6 Copy Data Solver
6.7 RBD Solver
6.8 Blend Solver
6.9 Blend Factor
6.10 Active Value
6.11 Geometry Copy
6.12 Merge
6.13 Script Solver
6.14 Static Solver
6.15 Static Object
6.16 Matrix Field
6.17 Matrix Field Visualization
6.18 Uniform Force
6.19 空对象
6.20 Empty Relationship
6.21 Empty Data
6.22 Null
第7章 动力学节点(五)
7.1 Particle Fluid Object
7.2 Particle Fluid Emitter
7.3 粒子流体解算器
7.4 Particle Fluid Configure Object
7.6 Link to Source Object
7.7 Fluid Object
7.8 Fluid Solver
7.9 流体力
7.10 Fluid Configure Object
7.11 Anchor: Object Point Id Position
7.12 Anchor: Object Point Id Rotation
7.13 Anchor: Object Point Group Rotation
7.14 Anchor: Object Point Group Position
7.15 Anchor: Object Point Number Position
7.16 Anchor: Object Point Number Rotation
7.17 Anchor: Object Primitive Position
7.18 Anchor: Object Space Rotation
7.19 Anchor: Object Space Position
7.20 Anchor: World Space Position
7.21 Anchor: World Space Rotation
7.22 Anchor: Align Axis
7.23 Gas Embed Fluid
第8章 动力学节点(六)
8.1 Collider Label
8.2 Collide Relationship
8.3 Gas DSD
8.4 Gas DSD Solver
8.5 Gas DSD Configure Object
8.6 Gas Lookup
8.7 Gas SPH Force
8.8 Gas SPH Density
8.9 Gas Correct By Markers
8.10 Volume Vop
8.11 Gas Elasticity
8.12 Gas Adjust Elasticity
8.13 Gas Adjust Coordinate System
8.14 Gas Vortex Confinement
8.15 Gas Feedback
8.16 Gas Seed Markers
8.17 Gas Seed Particles
8.18 Gas Analysis
8.19 Gas Buoyancy
8.20 Gas Upres Object
8.21 Gas Build Relationship Mask
8.22 Gas Build Collision Mask
8.23 Gas Calculate
第9章 动力学节点(七)
9.1 Gas Compute Particle Attributes
9.2 Gas Enforce Boundary
9.3 Gas Intermittent Solve
9.4 Gas Cross
9.5 Gas Diffuse
9.6 Gas Particle Forces
9.7 Gas Particle Pressure
9.8 Gas Particle Move To Iso
9.9 Gas Blur
9.10 Gas Match Field
9.11 Gas Advect
9.12 Gas Surface Snap
9.13 Gas Surface Tension
9.14 Gas Combustion
9.15 Gas Burn Geometry Objects
9.16 Gas Burn Geometry
9.17 Gas Velocity Stretch
9.18 Gas Reduce
9.19 Gas Fetch Fields to Embed
9.20 Gas Volume Ramp
9.21 Gas Project Non Divergent
9.22 Gas Extrapolate
9.23 Gas External Forces
第10章 动力学节点(八)
10.1 Gas Net Field Border Exchange
10.2 Gas Net Slice Exchange
10.3 Gas Net Slice Balance
10.4 Gas Net Fetch Data
10.5 Gas Vorticle Geometry
10.6 Gas Vorticle Forces
10.7 Gas Vorticle Recycle
10.8 Gas Dissipate
10.9 Gas Rest
10.10 Gas Feather Field
10.11 Gas Strain Forces
10.12 Gas Strain Integrate
10.13 Gas Integrator
10.14 Gas Reinitialize SDF
10.15 Gas Resize Field
10.16 Gas Resize Fluid
10.17 Sphere Edge Tree
10.18 Sphere Point Tree
10.19 Container
10.20 Delete
10.21 Vector Field
10.22 Vector Field Visualization
10.23 Two State Constraint Relationship
第11章 动力学节点(九)
11.1 Velocity Impulse Force
11.2 Index Field
11.3 Index Field Visualization
11.4 Fetch Data
11.5 Volumetric Representation-
11.6 Volume/Volume Collider
11.7 Impulse Force
11.8 Net Fetch Data
11.9 Position
11.10 Position From Point
11.11 File
11.12 File Data
11.13 Vortex Force
11.14 No Collider
11.15 No Constraint Relationship
11.16 Physical Parameters
11.17 Wire Elasticity
11.18 Wire Object
11.19 Wire Solver
11.20 Wire Visualization
11.21 Wire Configure Object
11.22 Wire Plasticity
11.23 Wire Physical Parameters
11.24 Wire Angular Spring Constraint
11.25 Wire Angular Constraint
11.26 Wire Glue Constraint
11.27 Wire/Volume Collider
第12章 动力学节点(十)
12.1 Modify Data
12.2 Rendering Parameters
12.3 Rendering Parameters Volatile
12.4 Smoke Object
12.5 Smoke Solver
12.6 Smoke Configure Object
12.7 Slice by Plane
12.8 Slice Along Line
12.9 Squishy Object
12.10 Apply Relationship
12.11 Apply Data
12.12 Affector
12.13 Hard Constraint Relationship
12.14 Constraint
12.15 Constraint Relationship.
12.16 Motion
12.17 Noise Field
12.18 Mask Field
12.19 Gravity Force
12.20 Switch Value
12.21 Switch Solver
12.22 Switch
12.23 Gas Wavelets
12.24 Drag Force
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