pronunciation table
unit 1
text a another school year--what for?
text b unforgettable miss bessie
unit 2
text a say yes
text b arrangement in black and white
unit 3
text a the rite of spring
text b what my garden taught me--the hard way
unit 4
text a the man in the water
text b two heroes for the price of one
unit 5
text a quick fix society
text b hooked on the quick fix
unit 6
.text a wisdom of bear wood
text b baby birds
unit 7
inter-lesson (i)
unit 8
text a the man in asbestos
text b harrison bergeron
unit 9
text a confessions of a miseducated man
text b understanding society and culture through eating
unit 10
text a pompeii
text b the dog of pompeii
unit 11
text a button, button
text b a doctor's dilemma
unit 12
text a a fundamental technique in handling people
text b remember, we're raising children, not flowers!
unit 13
text a mr. imagination
text b mr. phileas fogg's wager of 20,000
unit 14
inter-lesson (ii)
unit 15
text a obama's victory speech
text b obama's speech at shanghai science and technology museum
unit 16
text a the oyster and the pearl
text b the last word was love
glossary list
language items
grammar terms
pronunciation table
unit 1
text a another school year--what for?
text b unforgettable miss bessie
unit 2
text a say yes
text b arrangement in black and white
unit 3
text a the rite of spring
text b what my garden taught me--the hard way
unit 4
text a the man in the water
text b two heroes for the price of one
unit 5
text a quick fix society
text b hooked on the quick fix
unit 6
.text a wisdom of bear wood
text b baby birds
unit 7
inter-lesson (i)
unit 8
text a the man in asbestos
text b harrison bergeron
unit 9
text a confessions of a miseducated man
text b understanding society and culture through eating
unit 10
text a pompeii
text b the dog of pompeii
unit 11
text a button, button
text b a doctor's dilemma
unit 12
text a a fundamental technique in handling people
text b remember, we're raising children, not flowers!
unit 13
text a mr. imagination
text b mr. phileas fogg's wager of 20,000
unit 14
inter-lesson (ii)
unit 15
text a obama's victory speech
text b obama's speech at shanghai science and technology museum
unit 16
text a the oyster and the pearl
text b the last word was love
glossary list
language items
grammar terms
英文共同题名:Contemporary college English
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