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Summary: Publisher Summary 1 Reflecting the 2010 Emergency Cardiovascular Care guidelines, Mosby's Paramedic Textbook, 4th Editionprovides a comprehensive learning tool for both first-time and refresher paramedic students. Coverage includes an overview of key subjects such as pharmacology, airway management, medical disorders, patient assessment, and trauma. ALS patient care skills are presented step by step, both in the book and in online video clips. New to this edition are nine new chapters, many new topics, and 150 new photos. Written by paramedic expert Mick Sanders, Mosby's Paramedic Textbookfollows the National EMS Education Standardsand offers complete coverage of the National Standard Curriculum (NSC)for the EMT-Paramedic. More than 1,000 illustrations -- including 150 that are聽NEW-- accurately present different techniques and skills.Chapter openers, objectives and key termsset the stage for learning.Advanced Life Support (ALS) skillsare presented step by step and in full color. Critical thinking questionshelp in understanding concepts and in applying them to patient care.A summary and a list of referencesin each chapter make review easier.A herbal appendix in the pharmacology chapter provides access to herbal content.Drug monographs on the Evolve companion websiteinclude Mosby's Essential Drugs,with instant access to comprehensive, up-to-date information on the medications that are administered by paramedics as well as those most commonly prescribed to patients. NEW! Nine new chapters and thoroughly updated contentalign the text with the new National EMS Education Standards and reflect the 2010 ECC (Emergency Cardiovascular Care) guidelines. NEW topics include coronary bypass, endocarditis, adult IO infusion, bird flu, new fluid resuscitation guidelines for trauma patients, drugs of abuse (Vicodin, Oxycontin), prediabetes, and management of hypothermia and drowning.NEW Show Me the Evidenceboxesshow the value and impact of evidence-based research.NEW Did You Know?boxessupplement chapter content with interesting and relevant information.NEW Look Againfeatureincludes cross-references and specific page numbers for easy review of information that was covered in earlier chapters.聽 NEW farm considerationsin the Traumasection enhance rural practice with the kinematics of farm machinery incidents.Additional Critical Thinkingboxesencourage the application of critical thinking skills to "real-life" EMS.Additional cultural considerationsenhance your ability to deal with the issues of multicultural patients.NEW Advanced Practice Procedures in Critical Careappendixprovides an overview of specialty procedures for paramedics who work in critical care settings.Revised and updated Emergency Drug Indexreflects the new 2010 ECC guidelines with coverage of more than 75 emergency drugs, their dose and administration, onset and duration, indications and contraindications, adverse reactions, and special considerations.  


Table Of Contents:


1 EMS Systems: Roles, Responsibilities, And Professionalism 2(22)

Emergency Medical Services System Development 3(5)

Current Medical Services Systems 8(1)

EMS Education 9(2)

Emergency Medical Services Personnel Levels 11(2)

National Emergency Medical Services Group Involvement 13(1)

Licensure, Certification, and Registration 14(1)

Professionalism 14(1)

Roles and Responsibilities of the Paramedic 15(2)

Medical Direction for Emergency Medical Services 17(1)

Improving System Quality 18(1)

Patient Safety 19(5)

2 Well-Being Of The Paramedic 24(26)

Wellness Components 25(14)

Stress 39(6)

Dealing with Death, Dying, Grief, and Loss 45(2)

Prevention of Disease Transmission 47(3)

3 Injury Prevention And Public Health 50(13)

Injury Epidemiology 51(1)

Overview of Injury Prevention 51(3)

Basic Principles of Public Health 54(1)

Feasibility of Emergency Medical Services Involvement in Public Health 54(4)

Participation in Prevention Programs 58(5)

4 Documentation 63(10)

Importance of Documentation 63(1)

General Considerations 64(3)

The Narrative 67(1)

Elements of a Properly Written EMS Document 68(1)

Systems of Narrative Writing 69(1)

Special Considerations in Documentation 70(1)

Document Revision and Correction 71(1)

Consequences of Inappropriate Documentation 72(1)

5 EMS Communications 73(15)

Phases of Communications during a Typical EMS Event 74(1)

Role of Communications in Emergency Medical Services 75(2)

Communications Systems 77(4)

Components and Functions of Dispatch Communications Systems 81(1)

Regulation 82(2)

Procedures for EMS Communications 84(4)

6 Medical And Legal Issues 88(21)

Legal Duties and Ethical Responsibilities 89(1)

The Legal System 90(3)

Legal Accountability of the Paramedic 93(3)

Paramedic-Patient Relationships 96(6)

Resuscitation Issues 102(4)

Crime Scene Responsibilities 106(1)

Documentation 106(3)

7 Ethics 109(9)

Ethics Overview 109(4)

Rapid Approach to Ethical Problems in an Emergency 113(1)

Ethical Tests in Health Care 113(1)

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas 113(1)

Ethical Issues in Paramedic Practice 114(1)

Consent 115(1)

Other Ethical Principles for Patient Care Situations 115(3)

8 Research Principles And Evidence-Based Practice 118(9)

EMS Research 119(1)

Basic Principles of Research 119(5)

Evidence-Based Practice 124(3)


9 Medical Terminology 128(11)

The Language of Medicine 128(1)

Word Parts of Medical Terminology 129(1)

Plural Forms of Medical Terms 130(1)

Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols 131(1)

Pronunciation of Medical Terms 132(7)

10 Review Of Human Systems 139(72)

Terminology 146(1)

Cell Structure 147(6)

Body Tissues 153(2)

Organ Systems 155(50)

Special Senses 205(6)

11 General Principles Of Pathophysiology 211(46)

Section One Cellular Physiology 214(1)

Basic Cellular Review 214(1)

Cellular Environment 214(18)

Section Two Cellular Injury and Disease 232(1)

Alterations in Cells and Tissues 232(5)

Hypoperfusion 237(5)

Self-Defense Mechanisms 242(4)

Variances in Immunity and Inflammation 246(2)

Stress and Disease 248(1)

Genetics and Familial Diseases 249(8)

12 Life Span Development 257(18)

Newborn 258(5)

Toddler and Preschool Years 263(2)

School-Age Years 265(1)

Adolescence 266(2)

Early Adulthood 268(1)

Middle Adulthood 269(1)

Late Adulthood 269(6)


13 Principles Of Pharmacology And Emergency Medications 276(62)

Section One Drug Information 278(1)

Historical Trends in Pharmacology 278(4)

Section Two Mechanisms of Drug Action 282(1)

General Properties of Drugs 282(10)

Drug Interactions 292(1)

Drug Forms, Preparations, and Storage 293(1)

Drug Profiles and Special Considerations in Drug Therapy 293(4)

Section Three Drugs That Affect the Nervous System 297(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 297(14)

Section Four Drugs That Affect the Cardiovascular System 311(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 311(4)

Section Five Drugs That Affect the Blood 315(1)

Anticoagulants, Fibrinolytics, and Blood Components 315(3)

Section Six Drugs That Affect the Respiratory System 318(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 318(3)

Section Seven Drugs That Affect the Gastrointestinal System 321(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 321(1)

Section Eight Drugs That Affect the Eye and Ear 322(1)

Treatment of Eye Disorders 322(1)

Section Nine Drugs That Affect the Endocrine System 323(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 323(2)

Section Ten Drugs That Affect the Reproductive System 325(1)

Treatment of Disorders of the Reproductive System 325(1)

Section Eleven Drugs Used in Neoplastic Diseases 326(1)

Antineoplastic Agents 326(1)

Section Twelve Drugs Used in Infectious Disease and Inflammation 327(1)

Treatment of Infectious Disease and Inflammation 327(3)

Section Thirteen Drugs That Affect the Immunological System 330(1)

Review of Anatomy and Physiology 330(8)

14 Venous Access And Medication Administration 338(45)

Mathematical Equivalents Used in Pharmacology 339(3)

Drug Calculations 342(4)

Drug Administration 346(3)

Medical Asepsis 349(1)

Universal Precautions in Medication Administration 349(1)

Enteral Administration of Medications 350(1)

Parenteral Administration of Medications 351(19)

Administration of Percutaneous Medications 370(5)

Special Considerations for Pediatric Patients 375(1)

Obtaining a Blood Sample 375(2)

Disposal of Contaminated Items and Sharps 377(6)


15 Airway Management, Respiration, And Artificial Ventilation 384(87)

Section One The Airway 386(1)

Airway Anatomy 386(5)

Section Two Respiratory Physiology 391(1)

Mechanics of Respiration 391(7)

Measurement of Gases 398(1)

Pulmonary Circulation 399(8)

Regulation of Respiration 407(4)

Section Three Respiratory Pathophysiology 411(1)

Upper Airway Obstruction 411(3)

Aspiration by Inhalation 414(2)

Section Four Ventilation 416(1)

Essential Parameters of Airway Evaluation 416(2)

Supplemental Oxygen Therapy 418(4)

Augmenting Patient Ventilations 422(3)

Rescue Breathing and Mechanical Ventilation 425(5)

Airway Management 430(1)

Suction 431(5)

Mechanical Adjuncts in Airway Management 436(2)

Advanced Airway Procedures 438(21)

Pharmacological Adjuncts to Airway Management and Ventilation 459(5)

Translaryngeal Cannula Ventilation 464(2)

Cricothyrotomy 466(5)


16 Scene Size-Up 472(7)

Scene Size-Up 472(1)

Scene Safety 473(2)

Evaluation of the Scene 475(1)

Scene Management 475(4)

17 Therapeutic Communications 479(12)

Communication 479(2)

Internal Factors in Effective Communication 481(1)

External Factors in Effective Communication 482(1)

Patient Interview 483(2)

Strategies for Obtaining Information 485(1)

Methods of Assessing Mental Status During the Interview 485(1)

Special Interview Situations 486(5)

18 History Taking 491(12)

Components of the Patient History 491(1)

Content of the Patient History 492(1)

Techniques of History Taking 492(4)

Current Health Status 496(2)

Getting More Information 498(1)

Clinical Reasoning 498(1)

Special Challenges 499(4)

19 Primary Assessment 503(9)

Scene Size-Up and Personal Safety 503(1)

Patient Assessment Priorities 504(5)

Identifying Patients Who Need Priority Care and Transport 509(3)

20 Secondary Assessment 512(48)

Secondary Assessment: Approach and Overview 513(4)

Mental Status 517(1)

General Survey 518(12)

Anatomical Regions 530(25)

Physical Examination of Infants and Children 555(2)

Physical Examination of Older Adults 557(3)

21 Clinical Decision Making 560(9)

The Spectrum of Prehospital Care 561(1)

Critical Thinking Process for Paramedics 561(2)

Fundamental Elements of Critical Thinking for Paramedics 563(1)

Field Application of Assessment-Based Patient Management 563(2)

Putting It All Together: The Six R's 565(4)


22 Cardiology 570(149)

Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies for Cardiovascular Disease 575(1)

Section One Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart 575(1)

Anatomy Review 575(1)

Physiology 576(6)

Section Two Electrophysiology of the Heart 582(1)

Electrical Activity of Cardiac Cells and Membrane Potentials 582(1)

Cell Excitability 583(3)

Electrical Conduction System of the Heart 586(3)

Section Three Electrocardiogram Monitoring 589(1)

Basic Concepts of Electrocardiogram Monitoring 589(8)

Relationship of the Electrocardiogram to Electrical Activity 597(3)

Section Four Electrocardiogram Interpretation 600(1)

Steps in Rhythm Analysis 600(10)

Section Five Introduction to Dysrhythmias 609(1)

Classification of Dysrhythmias 610(1)

Dysrhythmias Originating in the Sinoatrial Node 611(6)

Dysrhythmias Originating in the Atria 617(13)

Dysrhythmias Sustained or Originating in the Atrioventricular Junction 630(3)

Dysrhythmias Originating in the Ventricles 633(16)

Dysrhythmias That Are Disorders of Conduction 649(13)

Section Six The 12-Lead Electrocardiogram 662(1)

12-Lead Monitoring 662(3)

12-Lead ECG and Bundle Branch Blocks 665(1)

Determination of the Axis 666(3)

Axis and Hemiblocks 669(1)

12-Lead Strategies for Wide-Complex Tachycardias 669(2)

ST-Segment and T-Wave Changes 671(1)

Use of a 12-Lead ECG to Assess Infarcts 672(2)

15- and 18-Lead Diagnostics 674(1)

Section Seven Assessment of the Patient with Cardiac Disease 674(1)

Assessment 674(5)

Section Eight Specific Cardiovascular Diseases 679(1)

Pathophysiology and Management of Cardiovascular Disease 679(1)

Acute Coronary Syndromes 679(20)

Specific Heart Diseases 699(3)

Cardiomyopathy 702(1)

Section Nine Techniques for Managing Cardiac Emergencies 703(1)

Basic Cardiac Life Support 703(3)

Defibrillation 706(2)

Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators 708(1)

Left Ventricular Assist Device 709(1)

Synchronized Cardioversion 710(1)

Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing 710(2)

Cardiac Arrest and Sudden Death 712(1)

Termination of Resuscitation 713(6)


23 Diseases Of The Eyes, Ears, Nose, And Throat 720(20)

Conditions of the Eye 721(6)

Conditions of the Ear 727(3)

Conditions of the Nose 730(3)

Conditions of the Oropharynx and Throat 733(7)

24 Respiratory 740(24)

Anatomy and Physiology Review 741(1)

Pathophysiology 742(1)

Assessment Findings 743(2)

Diagnostic Testing 745(3)

Obstructive Airway Disease 748(7)

Pneumonia 755(2)

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 757(1)

Pulmonary Embolism 758(1)

Upper Respiratory Infection 759(1)

Spontaneous Pneumothorax 760(1)

Hyperventilation Syndrome 760(1)

Lung Cancer 761(3)

25 Neurology 764(36)

Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System 766(4)

Neurological Pathophysiology 770(5)

Neurological Evaluation 775(2)

Pathophysiology and Management of Specific Central Nervous System Disorders 777(19)

Differential Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders 796(4)

26 Endocrinology 800(24)

Anatomy and Physiology of the Endocrine System 801(1)

Hormone Receptors 801(3)

Specific Disorders of the Endocrine System 804(1)

Disorders of the Pancreas: Diabetes Mellitus 804(13)

Disorders of the Thyroid Gland 817(3)

Disorders of the Adrenal Glands 820(2)

Other Endocrine Disorders 822(2)

27 Immune System Disorders 824(19)

Section One Immune System and Allergic Reaction 825(1)

Overview of the Immune System 825(3)

Immune Response 828(1)

Allergic Reactions 828(3)

Anaphylaxis 831(6)

Section Two Collagen Vascular Disease 837(1)

Systemic Lupus 837(1)

Scleroderma 838(1)

Section Three Transplant Complications 839(1)

Infection 839(1)

Rejection 840(3)

28 Infectious And Communicable Diseases 843(43)

Public Health Principles Related to Infectious Diseases 845(6)

Pathophysiology of Infectious Disease 851(3)

Physiology of the Human Response to Infection 854(3)

Stages of Infectious Disease 857(1)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus 858(4)

Hepatitis 862(3)

Tuberculosis 865(2)

Meningococcal Meningitis 867(2)

Pneumonia 869(1)

Tetanus 870(1)

Rabies 871(1)

Hantavirus 871(1)

Viral Diseases of Childhood 872(2)

Other Viral Diseases 874(2)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases 876(4)

Lice and Scabies 880(1)

Reporting an Exposure to an Infectious or a Communicable Disease 881(2)

Paramedic's Role in Preventing Disease Transmission 883(3)

29 Abdominal And Gastrointestinal Disorders 886(20)

Review of Gastrointestinal Anatomy 887(1)

Assessment of the Patient with Acute Abdominal Pain 887(6)

Management of the Patient with an Abdominal Emergency 893(1)

Specific Abdominal Emergencies 894(10)

Age-Related Variations in Abdominal Pain 904(2)

30 Genitourinary And Renal Disorders 906(22)

Anatomy and Physiology Review 907(2)

Renal Diseases 909(8)

Urinary System Conditions 917(2)

Male Genital Tract Conditions 919(7)

Physical Examination of Patients with Genitourinary or Renal Disorders 926(2)

31 Gynecology 928(14)

Organs of the Female Reproductive System 929(1)

Menstruation and Ovulation 930(2)

Gynecological Emergencies 932(5)

Assessment and Management of Gynecologic Emergencies 937(2)

Sexual Assault 939(3)

32 Hematology 942(19)

Blood and Blood Components 943(3)

Hemostasis 946(1)

Specific Hematological Disorders 947(11)

General Assessment and Management of Patients with Hematological Disorders 958(3)

33 Nontraumatic Musculoskeletal Disorders 961(20)

Anatomy and Physiology Review 963(1)

General Assessment Strategies 964(1)

General Management Strategies 965(1)

Osteomyelitis 966(1)

Bone Tumors 966(1)

Low Back Pain 967(2)

Joint Disorders 969(3)

Muscle Disorders 972(1)

Overuse Syndromes 973(2)

Peripheral Nerve Syndromes 975(1)

Soft Tissue Infections 976(5)

34 Toxicology 981(44)

Section One Poisonings 982(1)

Poison Control Centers 982(1)

General Guidelines for Managing a Poisoned Patient 983(1)

Poisoning by Ingestion 983(8)

Poisoning by Inhalation 991(4)

Poisoning by Injection 995(7)

Poisoning by Absorption 1002(3)

Section Two Drug Abuse 1004(1)

Toxic Effects of Drugs 1005(11)

Section Three Alcoholism 1015(1)

Alcohol Dependence 1016(1)

Medical Consequences of Chronic Alcohol Ingestion 1016(2)

Alcohol Emergencies 1018(2)

Section Four Management of Toxic Syndromes 1020(1)

General Management Principles for Toxic Syndromes 1020(5)

35 Behavioral And Psychiatric Disorders 1025(26)

Understanding Behavioral Emergencies 1027(1)

Assessment and Management of Behavioral Emergencies 1028(5)

Specific Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders 1033(11)

Special Considerations for Patients with Behavioral Problems 1044(7)


36 Shock 1052(23)

Shock 1053(1)

Tissue Oxygenation 1053(2)

The Body as a Container 1055(1)

Capillary-Cellular Relationship in Shock 1056(2)

Classifications of Shock 1058(2)

Stages of Shock 1060(4)

Management and Treatment Plan for the Patient in Shock 1064(3)

Resuscitation 1067(3)

Management of Specific Forms of Shock 1070(2)

Integration of Patient Assessment and the Treatment Plan 1072(3)


37 Trauma Overview And Mechanism Of Injury 1076(24)

Epidemiology of Trauma 1077(4)

Section One Kinematics 1081(1)

Energy 1081(1)

Section Two Blunt Trauma 1082(1)

Blunt Trauma 1082(2)

Restraints 1084(2)

Organ Collision Injuries 1086(2)

Other Motorized Vehicular Collisions 1088(1)

Pedestrian Injuries 1089(1)

Other Causes of Blunt Trauma 1090(3)

Section Three Penetrating Trauma 1093(1)

Penetrating Trauma 1093(4)

Trauma Assessment 1097(1)

Role of Documentation in Trauma 1098(2)

38 Bleeding And Soft Tissue Trauma 1100(22)

Hemorrhage 1101(1)

Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin 1101(1)

Pathophysiology 1102(3)

Pathophysiology and Assessment of Soft Tissue Injuries 1105(6)

Management Principles for Soft Tissue Injuries 1111(1)

Hemorrhage and Control of Bleeding 1112(2)

Dressing Materials Used with Soft Tissue Trauma 1114(1)

Management of Specific Soft Tissue Injuries Not Requiring Closure 1114(5)

Special Considerations for Soft Tissue Injuries 1119(3)

39 Burns 1122(24)

Incidence and Patterns of Burn Injury 1123(3)

Classifications of Burn Injury 1126(4)

Pathophysiology of Burn Shock 1130(1)

Assessment of the Burn Patient 1131(1)

General Principles in Burn Management 1132(2)

Inhalation Burn Injuries 1134(2)

Chemical Burn Injuries 1136(2)

Electrical Burn Injuries 1138(4)

Radiation Exposure 1142(4)

40 Head, Face, And Neck Trauma 1146(30)

Maxillofacial Injuries 1147(5)

Ear, Eye, and Dental Trauma 1152(6)

Anterior Neck Trauma 1158(3)

Head Trauma 1161(3)

Traumatic Brain Injury 1164(8)

Injury Rating Systems 1172(4)

41 Spine And Nervous System Trauma 1176(27)

Spinal Trauma: Incidence, Morbidity, and Mortality 1177(1)

Review of Spinal Anatomy 1177(1)

Traditional Spinal Assessment Criteria 1178(4)

General Assessment of Spinal Injury 1182(1)

Classifications of Spinal Injury 1182(4)

Evaluation and Assessment of Spinal Cord Injury 1186(2)

General Management of Spinal Injuries 1188(12)

Cord Injury Presentations 1200(1)

Nontraumatic Spinal Conditions 1200(1)

Assessment and Management of Nontraumatic Spinal Conditions 1201(2)

42 Chest Trauma 1203(17)

Skeletal Injuries 1204(3)

Pulmonary Injuries 1207(7)

Heart and Great Vessel Injuries 1214(3)

Other Thoracic Injuries 1217(3)

43 Abdominal Trauma 1220(10)

Review of Abdominal Anatomy 1221(1)

Mechanisms of Abdominal Injury 1221(2)

Specific Abdominal Injuries 1223(3)

Vascular Structure Injuries 1226(1)

Assessment of Abdominal Trauma 1226(1)

Management of Abdominal Trauma 1227(3)

44 Orthopedic Trauma 1230(23)

Review of the Musculoskeletal System 1231(1)

Classifications of Musculoskeletal Injuries 1231(2)

Signs and Symptoms of Extremity Trauma 1233(2)

Assessment of Musculoskeletal Injuries 1235(2)

Upper Extremity Injuries 1237(5)

Lower Extremity Injuries 1242(7)

Open Fractures 1249(1)

Straightening Angular Fractures and Reducing Dislocations 1249(2)

Referral of Patients with Minor Musculoskeletal Injury 1251(2)

45 Environmental Conditions 1253(20)

Thermoregulation 1254(3)

Hyperthermia 1257(2)

Hypothermia 1259(2)

Frostbite 1261(2)

Submersion 1263(2)

Diving Emergencies 1265(3)

High-Altitude Illness 1268(5)


46 Obstetrics 1274(33)

Review of Female Reproductive Anatomy 1276(1)

Normal Events of Pregnancy 1277(1)

Specialized Structures of Pregnancy 1277(2)

Fetal Growth and Development 1279(1)

Pregnancy Terminology (GTPAL) 1280(1)

Patient Assessment 1280(5)

Trauma During Pregnancy 1285(2)

Medical Conditions and Disease Processes That Can Complicate Pregnancy 1287(4)

Bleeding Complications Related to Pregnancy 1291(2)

Labor and Delivery 1293(7)

Delivery Complications 1300(7)

47 Neonatal Care 1307(26)

Risk Factors Associated with the Need for Resuscitation 1308(1)

Congenital Anomalies 1309(8)

Physiological Adaptations at Birth 1317(1)

Assessment and Management of the Neonate 1317(4)

Resuscitation of the Distressed Neonate 1321(2)

Routes of Drug Administration 1323(1)

Postresuscitation Care 1324(1)

Neonatal Transport 1324(1)

Specific Situations 1325(5)

Psychological and Emotional Support 1330(3)

48 Pediatrics 1333(55)

The Paramedic's Role in Caring for Pediatric Patients 1334(1)

Emergency Medical Services for Children 1334(1)

Growth and Development Review 1335(5)

Anatomy and Physiology Review 1340(2)

General Principles of Pediatric Assessment 1342(2)

General Principles of Patient Management 1344(2)

Specific Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Management 1346(32)

Infants and Children with Special Needs 1378(10)

49 Geriatrics 1388(27)

Demographics, Epidemiology, and Societal Issues 1389(1)

Living Environments and Referral Sources 1389(1)

Physiological Changes of Aging 1390(4)

General Principles in Assessment of the Geriatric Patient 1394(1)

System Pathophysiology, Assessment, and Management 1395(20)

50 Abuse And Neglect 1415(14)

Battering 1416(4)

Elder Abuse 1420(1)

Child Abuse 1421(4)

Sexual Assault 1425(4)

51 Patients With Special Challenges 1429(16)

Physical Challenges 1430(4)

Mental Challenges 1434(1)

Pathological Challenges 1435(6)

Culturally Diverse Patients 1441(1)

Terminally Ill Patients 1441(1)

Patients with Communicable Diseases 1442(1)

Financial Challenges 1442(3)

52 Acute Interventions For Home Care 1445(20)

Overview of Home Health Care 1446(2)

General Principles and Management 1448(1)

Specific Acute Home Health Care Interventions 1449(16)


53 Ground And Air Ambulance Operations 1466(11)

Ambulance Standards 1466(1)

Checking Ambulances 1467(1)

Ambulance Stationing 1468(1)

Safe Ambulance Operation 1468(3)

Aeromedical Transportation 1471(6)

54 Medical Incident Command 1477(17)

Incident Command System 1479(5)

Mass Casualty Incidents 1484(3)

Principles and Technology of Triage 1487(5)

Critical Incident Stress Management 1492(2)

55 Rescue Awareness And Operations 1494(21)

Appropriate Training for Rescue Operations 1495(3)

Rescuer Personal Protective Equipment 1498(1)

Surface Water Rescue 1499(2)

Hazardous Atmospheres 1501(4)

Highway Operations 1505(4)

Hazardous Terrain 1509(4)

Assessment Procedures during Rescue 1513(2)

56 Crime Scene Awareness 1515(12)

Approaching the Scene 1516(1)

Dangerous Residence 1517(1)

Dangerous Highway Encounters 1517(1)

Violent Street Incidents 1518(1)

Violent Groups and Situations 1519(2)

Safety Tactics 1521(2)

Tactical Patient Care 1523(1)

EMS at Crime Scenes 1524(3)

57 Hazardous Materials Awareness 1527(22)

Scope of Hazardous Materials 1528(1)

Laws and Regulations 1529(1)

Identification of Hazardous Materials 1529(3)

Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment 1532(3)

Health Hazards 1535(3)

Response to Hazardous Materials Emergencies 1538(3)

Rehabilitation and Medical Monitoring 1541(1)

Emergency Management of Contaminated Patients 1542(2)

Decontamination of Rescue Personnel and Equipment 1544(5)

58 Bioterrorism And Weapons Of Mass Destruction 1549(18)

History of Biological Weapons 1550(1)

Critical Biological Agents and Responder Databases 1550(3)

Methods of Dissemination 1553(1)

Specific Biological Threats 1553(4)

Nuclear and Radiological Threats 1557(1)

Incendiary Threats 1557(1)

Specific Chemical Threats 1558(2)

Explosive Threats 1560(1)

Department of Homeland Security 1561(1)

General Guidelines for Emergency Response 1562(5)

59 Putting It All Together: Assessment-Based Management 1567(7)

Effective Assessment 1568(3)

The "Right Stuff" 1571(1)

Optional "Take-In" Equipment 1571(1)

General Approach to the Patient 1572(1)

Presenting the Patient 1573(1)
Emergency Drug Index (EDI) 1574(55)
Glossary 1629(65)
CCT Appendix: Advanced Practice Procedures For The Critical Care Paramedic 1694



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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