Oxford business English skills (China edition with CD-ROM),Effective socializing
作 者:Jeremy Comfort著;陈苏东总改编;李平,张翠萍本册改编
page 2
Who's who in Effective Socializing
page 5
Communication skills Language knowledge Socializing practice
First contact welcoming a visitor introductions first meetings
page 6 opening small talk
Getting to know effective question and answer asking and responding to developing conversation
each ether techniques questions
page 12
More contacts everyday meetings greetings, requests, favours, everyday meetings
page 18 inclusive behaviour small talk
Arrangements understanding and inviting, accepting, declining, making arrangements
page 24 responding to invitations offering, refusing
AtrMng for dinner hosting: time, dress, gifts thanking, offering and welcoming and entertaining
page 30 responding guests
Dinner complimenting showing appreciation, stimulating discussion
page 36 inclusive behaviour offering opinions, comments
After work choosing and developing structuring and developing conversation topics
page 42 topics of conversation conversation
Farewells wishing farewell leaving, farewells, reinforcing saying goodbye
page 48 contacts
Vocabulary & notes
page 53
Ustenlng tapescript
page 77
Answer key
page 90
VCD transcript
page 103
page 2
Who's who in Effective Socializing
page 5
Communication skills Language knowledge Socializing practice
First contact welcoming a visitor introductions first meetings
page 6 opening small talk
Getting to know effective question and answer asking and responding to developing conversation
each ether techniques questions
page 12
More contacts everyday meetings greetings, requests, favours, everyday meetings
page 18 inclusive behaviour small talk
Arrangements understanding and inviting, accepting, declining, making arrangements
page 24 responding to invitations offering, refusing
AtrMng for dinner hosting: time, dress, gifts thanking, offering and welcoming and entertaining
page 30 responding guests
Dinner complimenting showing appreciation, stimulating discussion
page 36 inclusive behaviour offering opinions, comments
After work choosing and developing structuring and developing conversation topics
page 42 topics of conversation conversation
Farewells wishing farewell leaving, farewells, reinforcing saying goodbye
page 48 contacts
Vocabulary & notes
page 53
Ustenlng tapescript
page 77
Answer key
page 90
VCD transcript
page 103
Oxford business English skills (China edition with CD-ROM),Effective socializing
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