《21世纪大学新英语快速阅读.3》共分八个单元,每个单元由text a、text b和text c三篇文章组成。text a和text b供课堂使用,text c供学生课外阅读。
unit 1 teaching and learning
passage 1 "see spot run": teaching my grandmother to read
passage 2 learning cultural differences in nonverbal communications
passage 3 15 steps to cultivate lifelong learning
unit 2 helping people in need
passage 1 finding a good volunteer opportunity
passage 2 a joyful philanthropist (慈善家)
passage 3 the overview of the debate over euthanasia (安乐死)
unit 3 friendship
passage 1 friendship from the animals
passage 2 is true friendship dying away'?
passage 3 importance of friendship in childhood and adolescence ( 青春期 )
unit 4 hobbles
passage 1 fdr's stamp collection: a childhood hobby he took to the oval office
passage 2 music in my family
passage 3 pet owner to pet trainer -- transforming your pastime into a profession
unit 5 famous people
passage 1 movic stars aren't happy -- the public struggles of celebrity perfomers can lead to misery
passage 2 the inspirational story of steve jobs
.passage 3 how to overcome or stop celebrity worship
unit 6 success
passage 1 is education tile key to success?
passage 2 charactcr and success
passage 3 honesty in success
unit 7 honesty
passage 1 lies are never a part of your own truth
passage 2 how to tell if someone is lying to you?
passage 3 analysis of ethics: is honesty the best policy?
unit 8 environment
passage 1 celebrating earth day celebrating forty years of grassroots efforts of saving our earth
passage 2 walking and the environment "'"
passage 3 reflections: saving the environment
keys and answers
unit 1 teaching and learning
passage 1 "see spot run": teaching my grandmother to read
passage 2 learning cultural differences in nonverbal communications
passage 3 15 steps to cultivate lifelong learning
unit 2 helping people in need
passage 1 finding a good volunteer opportunity
passage 2 a joyful philanthropist (慈善家)
passage 3 the overview of the debate over euthanasia (安乐死)
unit 3 friendship
passage 1 friendship from the animals
passage 2 is true friendship dying away'?
passage 3 importance of friendship in childhood and adolescence ( 青春期 )
unit 4 hobbles
passage 1 fdr's stamp collection: a childhood hobby he took to the oval office
passage 2 music in my family
passage 3 pet owner to pet trainer -- transforming your pastime into a profession
unit 5 famous people
passage 1 movic stars aren't happy -- the public struggles of celebrity perfomers can lead to misery
passage 2 the inspirational story of steve jobs
.passage 3 how to overcome or stop celebrity worship
unit 6 success
passage 1 is education tile key to success?
passage 2 charactcr and success
passage 3 honesty in success
unit 7 honesty
passage 1 lies are never a part of your own truth
passage 2 how to tell if someone is lying to you?
passage 3 analysis of ethics: is honesty the best policy?
unit 8 environment
passage 1 celebrating earth day celebrating forty years of grassroots efforts of saving our earth
passage 2 walking and the environment "'"
passage 3 reflections: saving the environment
keys and answers
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