Robitaille and Connelly (both: writing, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida) provide a textbook on writing for beginning college students. The text contains explanations of basic skills and forms--paragraphs, essays, and rhetorical patterns--examples of peer and professional writing, and descriptions of the writing process. Grammar, punctuation, and style are discussed separately. The section of readings includes excerpts by Pete Hamill, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Daniel Goleman, among others. This edition has more exercises (with some on editing), four new readings, an answer key, and appendices on MLA documentation, using journals, and common English problems experienced by those learning it as a second language. The reference of rules and tools has been expanded. Annotation 漏2006 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Part I Getting Started
1 The Power of Language
2 The Challenge Ahead
Part II Writing Paragraphs and Essays
3 First Steps: Generating Ideas
4 Writing a Paragraph
5 The Structure of the Paragraph
6 Writing an Essay
7 The Structure of the Essay
Part III Rhetorical Patterns
8 Description
9 Narration
10 Illustration or Example
11 Process Analysis
12 Cause and Effect
13 Comparison and Contrast
14 Definition
15 Classification
16 Summary
17 Analysis and Division
18 Argument and Persuasion
Part IV Writing Elements & Skills
19 Parts of Speech
20 Spelling
21 Problem Words
22 Capitalization
23 Word Choice
24 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
25 Subject/Verb Agreement
26 Verb Tenses
27 Sentence Types
28 Fragments
29 Run-ons
30 Sentence Combining
31 Sentence Variety
32 Commas
33 Apostrophes
34 Pronoun Agreement
35 Pronoun Reference and Case
36 Semicolons & Colons
37 Modifiers
38 Parallelism
39 Proofreading for English Errors
"Why White Lies Hurt," Grace Bennett
"Not in Our Town," Edwin Dobb
"Friends and Healers," Daniel Foster
"It's a Flat World After All," Thomas J. Friedman
"Growing Through a Phase," Jeff Galloway
"What's Your Emotional IQ?" Daniel Goleman
"Jordan is Never Afraid of Failure," Bob Greene
"Crack and the Box," Pete Hamill
"Breaking Bad Habits: How to Stop Doing the Same Destructive Thing Over . . . and Over?and Over," Sheila Heen
"Commencement Address at Stanford University," Steve Jobs
"Pilgrimage to Nonviolence," Martin Luther King
"Invisible Hand," Patrick Mazza
"Why Happy Families are Different," John Obedzinski
Excerpt from I JUST WANT TO BE AVERAGE Mike Rose
"Helping Children Through Divorce," Rita Rooney
"A Brother's Murder," Brent Staples
Appendix A Odd-numbered Answer Key
Appendix B Using Journals
Appendix B ESL Rules
Appendix C MLA Documentation Style
Appendix D Rules & Tools
1 The Power of Language
2 The Challenge Ahead
Part II Writing Paragraphs and Essays
3 First Steps: Generating Ideas
4 Writing a Paragraph
5 The Structure of the Paragraph
6 Writing an Essay
7 The Structure of the Essay
Part III Rhetorical Patterns
8 Description
9 Narration
10 Illustration or Example
11 Process Analysis
12 Cause and Effect
13 Comparison and Contrast
14 Definition
15 Classification
16 Summary
17 Analysis and Division
18 Argument and Persuasion
Part IV Writing Elements & Skills
19 Parts of Speech
20 Spelling
21 Problem Words
22 Capitalization
23 Word Choice
24 Identifying Subjects and Verbs
25 Subject/Verb Agreement
26 Verb Tenses
27 Sentence Types
28 Fragments
29 Run-ons
30 Sentence Combining
31 Sentence Variety
32 Commas
33 Apostrophes
34 Pronoun Agreement
35 Pronoun Reference and Case
36 Semicolons & Colons
37 Modifiers
38 Parallelism
39 Proofreading for English Errors
"Why White Lies Hurt," Grace Bennett
"Not in Our Town," Edwin Dobb
"Friends and Healers," Daniel Foster
"It's a Flat World After All," Thomas J. Friedman
"Growing Through a Phase," Jeff Galloway
"What's Your Emotional IQ?" Daniel Goleman
"Jordan is Never Afraid of Failure," Bob Greene
"Crack and the Box," Pete Hamill
"Breaking Bad Habits: How to Stop Doing the Same Destructive Thing Over . . . and Over?and Over," Sheila Heen
"Commencement Address at Stanford University," Steve Jobs
"Pilgrimage to Nonviolence," Martin Luther King
"Invisible Hand," Patrick Mazza
"Why Happy Families are Different," John Obedzinski
Excerpt from I JUST WANT TO BE AVERAGE Mike Rose
"Helping Children Through Divorce," Rita Rooney
"A Brother's Murder," Brent Staples
Appendix A Odd-numbered Answer Key
Appendix B Using Journals
Appendix B ESL Rules
Appendix C MLA Documentation Style
Appendix D Rules & Tools
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