本书为在企业系统内使用XML访问、处理和交换数据提供了专业指导。本书内容全面,检验了最新的与XML相关的数据交换技术,并说明了XML如何与进行分布式计算的Microsoft DNA结构相适应;对Microsoft VisualBasic编程语言、Microsoft VisualBasic、VBScript和Microsoft JScript的技术实例进行了探讨,以阐明如何为客户/服务器、n—tier系统及其他方案建立专门的XML解决方案。
part i introducing xml
chapter l xml within the entetprise
knowleoee workers
dns corporate model
goals of a dns
chapter 2 markup language
chapter 3 streeture of an xml document
basic comiponents of an xml document
understanding html basics
building an xml wen document template
creating a web help page
what have you gained?
other xml viewers
criteria for well.formed xml documents
addine the xml declaration
the final xml document
chapter 4 an introduction to document type definitions
. building a dtd
the !element statement
the !attlist statement
the revised dtd
associating the dtd with an xml document
chapter 5 entitin and ether components
overview of entities
internal entities
external entities
processine order
conditional sections
chapter 6 xml namespace, xpath, xpointer, and xlink
chapter 7 xml schemas
simple schema data types
complex data types
namespaces and schemas
cbapter 8 soap
communication over distributed svstems
soap and the request/response model
http headers and soap
simple soap payloads
soap encoding
chapter 9 biztalk
biztalk message structure
biztalk documents
xml data reduced schemas
the northwind traders biztalk schema
sharing biztalk schemas
dtd, w3c schema, or biztalk schema?
identifving information for a schema
part ii xml and windows dna
cbapter 1o overview of windows dna
loelcal three-tler model
phvslcal three-tier model
stateful vs. stateless components
designing a distributed svstem
chapter 11 the xml document object model
internet explorer 5's implementation of the xml dom
soap application using xml dom
xml parser version 2.6 and version 3.0
chapter 12 xml prnentation with xsl and css
xhtml and cascading style sheets
using xsl to present xml documents
xslt, xpath, and xsl formanine objects
xsl and xslt support in xml dom
programming with xsl and xslt
chapter 13 creating dynamic user serviee components
the xml oso
xml dso examples
chapter 14 busines sewices componts
using the htc to create business services components
compiled components
chapter 15 data services components and xml
ado 2.5 and xml
updating the data source
xml sql server isapi extension
xsl isapi extension
chapter 16 microsoft biztalk server 2000
the biztalk editor
biztalk mapper
biztalk management desk
submitting and receiving biztalk documents
biztalk server administration console
biztalk server tracking user interface
chapter l xml within the entetprise
knowleoee workers
dns corporate model
goals of a dns
chapter 2 markup language
chapter 3 streeture of an xml document
basic comiponents of an xml document
understanding html basics
building an xml wen document template
creating a web help page
what have you gained?
other xml viewers
criteria for well.formed xml documents
addine the xml declaration
the final xml document
chapter 4 an introduction to document type definitions
. building a dtd
the !element statement
the !attlist statement
the revised dtd
associating the dtd with an xml document
chapter 5 entitin and ether components
overview of entities
internal entities
external entities
processine order
conditional sections
chapter 6 xml namespace, xpath, xpointer, and xlink
chapter 7 xml schemas
simple schema data types
complex data types
namespaces and schemas
cbapter 8 soap
communication over distributed svstems
soap and the request/response model
http headers and soap
simple soap payloads
soap encoding
chapter 9 biztalk
biztalk message structure
biztalk documents
xml data reduced schemas
the northwind traders biztalk schema
sharing biztalk schemas
dtd, w3c schema, or biztalk schema?
identifving information for a schema
part ii xml and windows dna
cbapter 1o overview of windows dna
loelcal three-tler model
phvslcal three-tier model
stateful vs. stateless components
designing a distributed svstem
chapter 11 the xml document object model
internet explorer 5's implementation of the xml dom
soap application using xml dom
xml parser version 2.6 and version 3.0
chapter 12 xml prnentation with xsl and css
xhtml and cascading style sheets
using xsl to present xml documents
xslt, xpath, and xsl formanine objects
xsl and xslt support in xml dom
programming with xsl and xslt
chapter 13 creating dynamic user serviee components
the xml oso
xml dso examples
chapter 14 busines sewices componts
using the htc to create business services components
compiled components
chapter 15 data services components and xml
ado 2.5 and xml
updating the data source
xml sql server isapi extension
xsl isapi extension
chapter 16 microsoft biztalk server 2000
the biztalk editor
biztalk mapper
biztalk management desk
submitting and receiving biztalk documents
biztalk server administration console
biztalk server tracking user interface
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