Lesson 1: Text A: Paris
Text B: New York City
Conversation: At a Hotel
Grammar: Attributive Clauses
Exercises (Attributive clauses, retelling, translation)
Lesson 2: Text A: A Visit to London
Text B: A Visit to Washington D.C.
Conversation: Driving Round Washington D.C.
Grammar: Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs
Exercises (Attributive clauses, so that, etc.)
Lesson 3: Text A: The English Language
Text B: Two Languages Or One?
Conversation: Oral Examination
Grammar: Restrictive and Non睷estrictive Attributive Clauses
Exercises (Attributive clauses, word-building, etc.)
Lesson 4: Text A: Our Memory
Text B: Learning a Language
Conversation: English Studies
Grammar: The Relative what
Exercises (Relative what, used to, unless, etc.)
Lesson 5: Text A: A Wedding
Text B: Attending a Wedding
Conversation: Room睭unting
Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense
Exercises (Tense, some verb patterns, etc.)
Lesson 6: Text A: A Bad Accident
Text B: A Disaster
Conversation: A Car Accident
Grammar: The Present Participle
Exercises (Participles, word瞓uilding, etc.)
Lesson 7: Text A: The Great Fire of London
Text B: A Fire
Conversation: A Car Accident
Grammar: Prepositional Phrases as Predicative
Exercises (Prepositions, because of, etc.)
Lesson 8: Text A: Clarissa
Text B: Flying
Conversation: On the Plane
Grammar: Adverbs Identical in Form With Prepositions
Exercises (Prepositions and adverbs, phrasal verbs, etc.)
Lesson 9: Text A: Hong Kong
Text B: Macau
Conversation: Sightseeing in Hong Kong
Grammar: The Attribute
Exercises (Participles, nouns as attributes, etc.)
Lesson 10: Text A: The QE 2
Text B: The Hovercraft
Conversation: On the Bus
Grammar: Adverbial Modifiers
Exercises (Sentence analysis, -ful, etc.)
Lesson 11: Text A: The British Museum
Text B: In the Museum
Conversation: In the British Museum
Grammar: The Object
Exercises (The infinitive, complex object, etc.)
Lesson 12: Text A: Mr Walton餾 Diary
Text B: Diary of Mary Brown
Conversation: Keeping a Diary
Grammar: The Subject
Exercises (The infinitive, subject clauses, etc.)
Lesson 13: Text A: Seeing a Doctor
Text B: At the Doctor餾 Office
Conversation: At the Doctor餾 Office
Grammar: The Predicate
Exercises (Compound, predicate, link-verbs. etc.)
Lesson 14: Text A: Hollywood
Text B: Marilyn Monroe
Conversation: Seeing a Film
Grammar: Kinds of Sentences
Exercises (Sentence analysis, disjunctive questions, negative questions, etc.)
Lesson 15: Text A: A “Quiet” Evening
Text B: My Old Friend
Conversation: Moving into a Room
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense
Exercises (The past perfect tense, etc.)
Lesson 16: Text A: A Strange Woman
Text B: Our New Friends
Conversation: Offering a New Post
Grammar: Kinds of Adverbial Clauses
Exercises (Adverbial clauses, etc.)
Lesson 17: Text A: Our Christmas Holiday
Text B: A Visit to the Game Reserve
Conversation: Complaints
Grammar: The Future瞚n瞭he睵ast Tense
Exercises (Tense, use of verbs, etc.)
Lesson 18: Text A: A Job Interview
Text B: An Interview
Conversation: An Interview
Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅰ)
Exercises (Indirect statements, use of verbs, etc.)
Lesson 19: Text A: The Daily Help
Text B: Linda Felt Unhappy
Conversation: Looking for a Job
Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅱ)
Exercises (Indirect questions, either, etc.)
Lesson 20: Text A: On the Bank of the Amazon
Text B: A Primitive Tribe
Conversation: An Interview
Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense and the Past
Perfect Continuous Tense
Exercises (Perfect continuous tenses, un-,etc).
Lesson 21: Text A: Life in the Future
Text B: Progress
Conversation: Good News
Grammar: The Future Continuous and the Future Perfect Tense
Exercises (The future tenses, would, etc.)
Lesson 22: Text A: A Big Hole
Text B: UFOs
Conversation: UFOs
Grammar: The Perfect Infinitive
Exercises (The perfect infinitive, -less, etc.)
Lesson 23: Text A: George Washington
Text B: Abraham Lincoln
Conversation: Watching TV
Grammar: The Predicative
Exercises (The predicative, link-verbs, some adjectives, etc.)
Lesson 24: Text A: King Henry the Eighth餾 Wives
Text B: Thomas More
Conversation: Sightseeing in London
Grammar: An Infinitive Construction
Exercises (The infinitive, a type of object clause, etc.)
Ⅰ. Revision Exercises
1. Grammar Exercises
2. Conversations
Ⅱ. Supplementary Reading
1. Nursery rhymes and poems
2. Simplified reading
(1) Romeo and Juliet (from Tales from Shakespeare, adapted
(2) Swan Lake
3. Excerpts from world classics
(1) Excerpt from “Pride and Prejudice”
(2) Excerpts from “War and Peace”
Text B: New York City
Conversation: At a Hotel
Grammar: Attributive Clauses
Exercises (Attributive clauses, retelling, translation)
Lesson 2: Text A: A Visit to London
Text B: A Visit to Washington D.C.
Conversation: Driving Round Washington D.C.
Grammar: Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs
Exercises (Attributive clauses, so that, etc.)
Lesson 3: Text A: The English Language
Text B: Two Languages Or One?
Conversation: Oral Examination
Grammar: Restrictive and Non睷estrictive Attributive Clauses
Exercises (Attributive clauses, word-building, etc.)
Lesson 4: Text A: Our Memory
Text B: Learning a Language
Conversation: English Studies
Grammar: The Relative what
Exercises (Relative what, used to, unless, etc.)
Lesson 5: Text A: A Wedding
Text B: Attending a Wedding
Conversation: Room睭unting
Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense
Exercises (Tense, some verb patterns, etc.)
Lesson 6: Text A: A Bad Accident
Text B: A Disaster
Conversation: A Car Accident
Grammar: The Present Participle
Exercises (Participles, word瞓uilding, etc.)
Lesson 7: Text A: The Great Fire of London
Text B: A Fire
Conversation: A Car Accident
Grammar: Prepositional Phrases as Predicative
Exercises (Prepositions, because of, etc.)
Lesson 8: Text A: Clarissa
Text B: Flying
Conversation: On the Plane
Grammar: Adverbs Identical in Form With Prepositions
Exercises (Prepositions and adverbs, phrasal verbs, etc.)
Lesson 9: Text A: Hong Kong
Text B: Macau
Conversation: Sightseeing in Hong Kong
Grammar: The Attribute
Exercises (Participles, nouns as attributes, etc.)
Lesson 10: Text A: The QE 2
Text B: The Hovercraft
Conversation: On the Bus
Grammar: Adverbial Modifiers
Exercises (Sentence analysis, -ful, etc.)
Lesson 11: Text A: The British Museum
Text B: In the Museum
Conversation: In the British Museum
Grammar: The Object
Exercises (The infinitive, complex object, etc.)
Lesson 12: Text A: Mr Walton餾 Diary
Text B: Diary of Mary Brown
Conversation: Keeping a Diary
Grammar: The Subject
Exercises (The infinitive, subject clauses, etc.)
Lesson 13: Text A: Seeing a Doctor
Text B: At the Doctor餾 Office
Conversation: At the Doctor餾 Office
Grammar: The Predicate
Exercises (Compound, predicate, link-verbs. etc.)
Lesson 14: Text A: Hollywood
Text B: Marilyn Monroe
Conversation: Seeing a Film
Grammar: Kinds of Sentences
Exercises (Sentence analysis, disjunctive questions, negative questions, etc.)
Lesson 15: Text A: A “Quiet” Evening
Text B: My Old Friend
Conversation: Moving into a Room
Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense
Exercises (The past perfect tense, etc.)
Lesson 16: Text A: A Strange Woman
Text B: Our New Friends
Conversation: Offering a New Post
Grammar: Kinds of Adverbial Clauses
Exercises (Adverbial clauses, etc.)
Lesson 17: Text A: Our Christmas Holiday
Text B: A Visit to the Game Reserve
Conversation: Complaints
Grammar: The Future瞚n瞭he睵ast Tense
Exercises (Tense, use of verbs, etc.)
Lesson 18: Text A: A Job Interview
Text B: An Interview
Conversation: An Interview
Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅰ)
Exercises (Indirect statements, use of verbs, etc.)
Lesson 19: Text A: The Daily Help
Text B: Linda Felt Unhappy
Conversation: Looking for a Job
Grammar: Indirect Speech (Ⅱ)
Exercises (Indirect questions, either, etc.)
Lesson 20: Text A: On the Bank of the Amazon
Text B: A Primitive Tribe
Conversation: An Interview
Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense and the Past
Perfect Continuous Tense
Exercises (Perfect continuous tenses, un-,etc).
Lesson 21: Text A: Life in the Future
Text B: Progress
Conversation: Good News
Grammar: The Future Continuous and the Future Perfect Tense
Exercises (The future tenses, would, etc.)
Lesson 22: Text A: A Big Hole
Text B: UFOs
Conversation: UFOs
Grammar: The Perfect Infinitive
Exercises (The perfect infinitive, -less, etc.)
Lesson 23: Text A: George Washington
Text B: Abraham Lincoln
Conversation: Watching TV
Grammar: The Predicative
Exercises (The predicative, link-verbs, some adjectives, etc.)
Lesson 24: Text A: King Henry the Eighth餾 Wives
Text B: Thomas More
Conversation: Sightseeing in London
Grammar: An Infinitive Construction
Exercises (The infinitive, a type of object clause, etc.)
Ⅰ. Revision Exercises
1. Grammar Exercises
2. Conversations
Ⅱ. Supplementary Reading
1. Nursery rhymes and poems
2. Simplified reading
(1) Romeo and Juliet (from Tales from Shakespeare, adapted
(2) Swan Lake
3. Excerpts from world classics
(1) Excerpt from “Pride and Prejudice”
(2) Excerpts from “War and Peace”
Teach Yourself English.Book 3
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