为进一步提高英语听说课堂的教学质量, 培养MPA学员在对外交往中用英语进行会话、发言、讨论问题及解决问题的能力和技巧,MPA英语听说课题组在总结多年的课堂教学经验的基础上对原教材进行扩充和修订,编写成《新编MPA英语听说教程》,以适应21世纪MPA英语教学发展的需要。
《新编MPA英语听说教程》通过精心设计的强化听力训练、强化口语训练以及强化技能训练,旨在最大程度地激发MPA学员的学习能动性,帮助MPA学员实现英语听说能力的提高和突破,掌握听说沟通的方法和技能。本教材共分12个单元,每个单元由5个部分组成,即预备练习(warming-up exercise), 听力训练(listening), 交际技能(presentation), 针对性练习(controlled practice), 口头实践(oral practice)。每个单元的内容都经过精心策划,使之即适合政府公共管理人员,也适合企业公共管理人员。为帮助学生在课余时间进一步巩固、消化课堂所学内容,加强听力及口头训练,我们特配合课堂内容编写了12个单元的课外听力练习及8种口试类型的口语单项练习。 为方便MPA学员课外复习及教更多>>
Unit1 Introductions & Greetings
Unit2 Nonverbal Communication
Unit3 Stress & Intonation
Unit4 Effective Listening
Unit5 Participating in Social Events
Unit6 Organization & Responsibility
Unit7 Using the Telephone
Unit8 Job Routines
Unit9 Preparing for the Agenda
Unit10 Expressing Opinions
Unit11 Speaking in Public
Unit12 Extracting Information from Graphs
Listening Exercise1 Introductions & Greetings
Listening Exercise2 Nonverbal Communication
Listening Exercise3 Stress & Intonation
Listening Exercise4 Effective Listening
Listening Exercise5 Participating in Social Events
Listening Exercise6 Organization & Responsibility
Listening Exercise7 Using the Telephone
Listening Exercise8 Job Routines
Listening Exercise9 Preparing for the Agenda
Listening Exercise10 Expressing Opinions
Listening Exercise11 Speaking in Public
Listening Exercise12 Extracting Information from Graphs
Listening Exercise1 Questions & Answers
Listening Exercise2 Role Play
Listening Exercise3 Discussion
Listening Exercise4 Off-hand Speech
Listening Exercise5 Reading Aloud
Listening Exercise6 Retelling
Listening Exercise7 Describing Pictures
Listening Exercise8 Describing Graphs
Unit2 Nonverbal Communication
Unit3 Stress & Intonation
Unit4 Effective Listening
Unit5 Participating in Social Events
Unit6 Organization & Responsibility
Unit7 Using the Telephone
Unit8 Job Routines
Unit9 Preparing for the Agenda
Unit10 Expressing Opinions
Unit11 Speaking in Public
Unit12 Extracting Information from Graphs
Listening Exercise1 Introductions & Greetings
Listening Exercise2 Nonverbal Communication
Listening Exercise3 Stress & Intonation
Listening Exercise4 Effective Listening
Listening Exercise5 Participating in Social Events
Listening Exercise6 Organization & Responsibility
Listening Exercise7 Using the Telephone
Listening Exercise8 Job Routines
Listening Exercise9 Preparing for the Agenda
Listening Exercise10 Expressing Opinions
Listening Exercise11 Speaking in Public
Listening Exercise12 Extracting Information from Graphs
Listening Exercise1 Questions & Answers
Listening Exercise2 Role Play
Listening Exercise3 Discussion
Listening Exercise4 Off-hand Speech
Listening Exercise5 Reading Aloud
Listening Exercise6 Retelling
Listening Exercise7 Describing Pictures
Listening Exercise8 Describing Graphs
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