chapter 1 求职话题
section 1 information of a position职位信息3
section 2 personal data个人信息7
section 3 educational background 教育背景11
section 4 behavior at school在校表现15
section 5 advantages and disadvantages优势与劣势19
section 6 work experience工作经验23
section 7 personal skills个人技能27
section 8 personality and hobbies性格爱好32
section 9 reasons for leaving and application离职与求职原因 35
section 10 goals for working工作目标41
section 11 remuneration and benefits薪资福利45
section 12 the end of interview结束面试50
chapter 2 日常办公
section 1 daily affairs日常事务57
section 2 communication工作交流60
section 3 file-keeping 档案管理65
section 4 reporting汇报工作69
section 5 working faults工作失误73
.section 6 working overtime and work shifts加班与换班77
section 7 asking for leave and late for work请假与迟到81
section 8 transferring department调换部门85
section 9 resigning and firing 辞职与解雇88
section 10 office automation办公自动化93
section 11 on the job orientation新人培训95
section 12 promotion and salary raise升职加薪102
chapter 3 文秘接待
section 1 making appointments订约会109
section 2 receiving visitors接待访客113
section 3 receiving calls接电话117
section 4 arranging business trips安排出差121
section 5 arranging meetings安排会议125
section 6 meeting clients at the airport接机129
section 7 entertaining guests招待客人133
section 8 guiding visitors带人参观136
section 9 sightseeing and shopping 观光购物140
section 10 seeing off foreign guests 送别外商144
chapter 4 职业英语
section 1 business english商务英语149
section 2 english for hotel workers宾馆英语153
section 3 english for restaurant workers餐馆英语158
section 4 english for shop assistants商场英语162
section 5 english for bank clerks银行英语166
section 6 english for post-office workers邮局英语170
section 7 english for taxi drivers出租司机英语174
section 8 english for doctors医生英语178
section 9 english for teachers教师英语183
section 10 english for tour-guides导游英语187
section 11 english for barber's理发店英语191
section 12 english for transportation service乘务英语194
chapter 5 职场礼仪
section 1 first day上班第一天199
section 2 corporate party公司聚会202
section 3 good news from colleagues同事有喜事205
section 4 colleagues get into trouble or misfortune同事遇到困难或不幸208
section 5 holidays节日祝福211
section 6 etiquette of talking谈话礼仪214
section 7 calling on拜访他人218
section 8 present giving赠送礼物221
chapter 6 工作之余
section 1 at the health center健身中心227
section 2 sports fan运动一族231
section 3 on vacation旅游度假235
section 4 at the pub酒吧狂欢239
section 5 fashionable clothes流行装束243
section 6 gossip闲话时间247
chapter 1 求职话题
section 1 information of a position职位信息3
section 2 personal data个人信息7
section 3 educational background 教育背景11
section 4 behavior at school在校表现15
section 5 advantages and disadvantages优势与劣势19
section 6 work experience工作经验23
section 7 personal skills个人技能27
section 8 personality and hobbies性格爱好32
section 9 reasons for leaving and application离职与求职原因 35
section 10 goals for working工作目标41
section 11 remuneration and benefits薪资福利45
section 12 the end of interview结束面试50
chapter 2 日常办公
section 1 daily affairs日常事务57
section 2 communication工作交流60
section 3 file-keeping 档案管理65
section 4 reporting汇报工作69
section 5 working faults工作失误73
.section 6 working overtime and work shifts加班与换班77
section 7 asking for leave and late for work请假与迟到81
section 8 transferring department调换部门85
section 9 resigning and firing 辞职与解雇88
section 10 office automation办公自动化93
section 11 on the job orientation新人培训95
section 12 promotion and salary raise升职加薪102
chapter 3 文秘接待
section 1 making appointments订约会109
section 2 receiving visitors接待访客113
section 3 receiving calls接电话117
section 4 arranging business trips安排出差121
section 5 arranging meetings安排会议125
section 6 meeting clients at the airport接机129
section 7 entertaining guests招待客人133
section 8 guiding visitors带人参观136
section 9 sightseeing and shopping 观光购物140
section 10 seeing off foreign guests 送别外商144
chapter 4 职业英语
section 1 business english商务英语149
section 2 english for hotel workers宾馆英语153
section 3 english for restaurant workers餐馆英语158
section 4 english for shop assistants商场英语162
section 5 english for bank clerks银行英语166
section 6 english for post-office workers邮局英语170
section 7 english for taxi drivers出租司机英语174
section 8 english for doctors医生英语178
section 9 english for teachers教师英语183
section 10 english for tour-guides导游英语187
section 11 english for barber's理发店英语191
section 12 english for transportation service乘务英语194
chapter 5 职场礼仪
section 1 first day上班第一天199
section 2 corporate party公司聚会202
section 3 good news from colleagues同事有喜事205
section 4 colleagues get into trouble or misfortune同事遇到困难或不幸208
section 5 holidays节日祝福211
section 6 etiquette of talking谈话礼仪214
section 7 calling on拜访他人218
section 8 present giving赠送礼物221
chapter 6 工作之余
section 1 at the health center健身中心227
section 2 sports fan运动一族231
section 3 on vacation旅游度假235
section 4 at the pub酒吧狂欢239
section 5 fashionable clothes流行装束243
section 6 gossip闲话时间247
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