BSAVA manual of canine and feline behavioural medicine / 2nd ed.


作   者:edited by Debbie Horwitz, Daniel Mills.





Summary: Publisher Summary 1 The importance of animal behavior and psychological well-being is increasingly being recognized in the veterinary profession. This new edition is designed to be even more practical and user-friendly than the first. For a range of behavioral presentations, consideration is given to evaluation of the patient, including any possible underlying disease; evaluation of client attitudes, beliefs and behavior; risk evaluation; behavioral biology of the condition; acute management protocols; long-term treatment strategies; prognosis; follow-up; and preventive measures. A special chapter on shelter animals has been added, as this is an area where veterinary support is increasingly sought in both health and husbandry.聽 An included CD offers client handouts,聽history-taking forms, detailed behavioral questionaires for each species and a referral form.  


Table Of Contents:

List of contributors vi
Foreword vii
Preface ix

Medical and metabolic influences on behavioural disorders 1(9)

Jaume Fatjo

Jon Bowen

Behavioural medicine as an integral part of veterinary practice 10(25)

Kendal Shepherd

Basic requirements for good behavioural health and welfare in cats 35(14)

Irene Rochlitz

Training and learning protocols 49(16)

Daniel S. Mills

Preventive behavioural medicine for dogs 65(10)

Wayne Hunthausen

Preventive behavioural medicine for cats 75(8)

Kersti Seksel

Management problems in dogs 83(15)

Ellen Lindell

Management problems in cats 98(13)

Rachel Casey

House soiling by dogs 111(6)

Katherine A. Houpt

House soiling by cats 117(10)

Jacqueline C. Neilson

Behaviour problems in the senior pet 127(9)

Gary M. Landsberg

Sagi Denenberg

Stress in veterinary behavioural medicine 136(10)

Lorella Notari

Separation-related problems in dogs and cats 146(13)

Debra F. Horwitz

Sound sensitivities 159(10)

Emily D. Levine

Situational sensitivities 169(13)

Clara Palestrini

Aggression toward familiar people and animals 182(29)

Tiny De Keuster

Hildegard Jung

Aggression toward unfamiliar people and animals 211(12)

Melissa Bain

Aggression in cats 223(13)

Sarah Heath

Repetitive and compulsive behaviour in dogs and cats 236(9)

Andrew U. Luescher

Pharmacology and pheromone therapy 245(14)

Sharon L. Crowell-Davies

Gary M. Landsberg

Complementary therapies 259(11)

Samantha Lindley

Managing and rehoming the rescue dog and cat 270(11)

Sheila Segurson
Glossary 281(4)
Appendix 285(33)
Index 318



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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