Further Ahead a Communication Skills Course for Business English,Learner’s Book
作 者:[英]萨拉·琼斯-麦克齐奥拉(Sarah Jones-Macziola),[英]格雷格·怀特(Greg White)[著]
该套教材以日常工作中的市场营销、产品与服务、进出口业务以及企业文化与商业伦理等16个精心选择的专题为背景,再辅之4个单元的“复习与巩固”,着力培养学习者在实际工作中用英语进行沟通和解决问题的能力。其完备的多媒体系列化材料与交际法教学以及情景模拟学习相配合,体现出当今先进的教育理念和教学方法。Furtber Abead还被剑桥大学考试委员会推荐为适合BEC初级(2002年修订后的标准)应试者的学习教材,其随书免费赠送的《BEC初级考试介绍及测试题CD—ROM》是宝贵的配套练习材料。Furtber Abead系列可作为职业院校、专科高年级和大学本科低年级商务英语课的理想教材,尤其适合在职人员英语培训之用。
unit 1 people 4
1.1 meeting people 4
1.2 keeping the conversation going 6
1.3 finding out about people 8
unit 2 talking about companies 10
2.1 describing a company 10
2.2 starting a business 12
2.3 getting product information 14
unit 3 jobs 16
3.1 company structure 16
3.2 describing responsibilities 18
3.3 leaving a message 20
unit 4 work and play 22
4.1 inviting 22
4.2 getting to know you 24
4.3 market research 26
unit 5 revision and consolidation 28
summary 30
unit 6 transportation 32
6.1 describing infrastructure 32
.6.2 forms of transport 34
6.3 dealing with an order 36
unit 7 imports and exports 38
7.1 talking about industries 38
7.2 talking about imports and exports 40
7.3 made in america 42
unit 8 arrangements 44
8.1 discussing an itinerary 44
8.2 dealing with correspondence 46
8.3 making and changing an appointment 48
unit 9 products and services 50
9.1 services 50
9.2 describing a product 52
9.3 keeping the customer happy 54
unit 10 revision and consolidation 56
summary 58
unit 11 marketing 60
11.1 projecting an image 60
11.2 choosing your media 62
11.3 choosing a promotional product for your
company 64
unit 12 statistics 66
12.1 describing performance 66
12.2 cause and effect 68
12.3 presenting information 70
unit 13 money 72
13.1 negotiating the price 72
13.2 getting paid 74
13.3 chasing payment 76
unit 14 socializing 78
14.1 gift-giving 78
14.2 planning a free day 80
14.3 eating out 82
unit 15 revision and consolidation 84
summary 86
unit 16 business culture and ethics 88
16.1 corporate culture 88
16.2 everyday dilemmas 90
16.3 a woman's place 92
unit 17 meetings 94
17.1 greening the office 94
17.2 reporting 96
17.3 cutting costs 98
unit 18 processes 100
18.1 talking about regulations 100
18.2 describing a process 102
18.3 company history 104
unit 19 conferences 106
19.1 finding a location 106
19.2 organizing the conference 108
19.3 presenting your product 110
unit 20 revision and consolidation 112
summary 114
files 116
tapescripts 125
thanks and acknowledgements 135
附录:剑桥商务英语证书(bec初级)考试说明 137
1.1 meeting people 4
1.2 keeping the conversation going 6
1.3 finding out about people 8
unit 2 talking about companies 10
2.1 describing a company 10
2.2 starting a business 12
2.3 getting product information 14
unit 3 jobs 16
3.1 company structure 16
3.2 describing responsibilities 18
3.3 leaving a message 20
unit 4 work and play 22
4.1 inviting 22
4.2 getting to know you 24
4.3 market research 26
unit 5 revision and consolidation 28
summary 30
unit 6 transportation 32
6.1 describing infrastructure 32
.6.2 forms of transport 34
6.3 dealing with an order 36
unit 7 imports and exports 38
7.1 talking about industries 38
7.2 talking about imports and exports 40
7.3 made in america 42
unit 8 arrangements 44
8.1 discussing an itinerary 44
8.2 dealing with correspondence 46
8.3 making and changing an appointment 48
unit 9 products and services 50
9.1 services 50
9.2 describing a product 52
9.3 keeping the customer happy 54
unit 10 revision and consolidation 56
summary 58
unit 11 marketing 60
11.1 projecting an image 60
11.2 choosing your media 62
11.3 choosing a promotional product for your
company 64
unit 12 statistics 66
12.1 describing performance 66
12.2 cause and effect 68
12.3 presenting information 70
unit 13 money 72
13.1 negotiating the price 72
13.2 getting paid 74
13.3 chasing payment 76
unit 14 socializing 78
14.1 gift-giving 78
14.2 planning a free day 80
14.3 eating out 82
unit 15 revision and consolidation 84
summary 86
unit 16 business culture and ethics 88
16.1 corporate culture 88
16.2 everyday dilemmas 90
16.3 a woman's place 92
unit 17 meetings 94
17.1 greening the office 94
17.2 reporting 96
17.3 cutting costs 98
unit 18 processes 100
18.1 talking about regulations 100
18.2 describing a process 102
18.3 company history 104
unit 19 conferences 106
19.1 finding a location 106
19.2 organizing the conference 108
19.3 presenting your product 110
unit 20 revision and consolidation 112
summary 114
files 116
tapescripts 125
thanks and acknowledgements 135
附录:剑桥商务英语证书(bec初级)考试说明 137
Further Ahead a Communication Skills Course for Business English,Learner’s Book
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