Authored by two longtime researchers in tobacco science, The Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke, Second Edition chronicles the progress made from late 2008 through 2011 by scientists in the field of tobacco science. The book examines the isolation and characterization of each component. It explores developments in pertinent analytical technology and results of experimental studies on biological activity, toxicity, and tumorigenicity, including the inhibition of adverse biological activity of one specific tobacco smoke component by another tobacco smoke component. Adding to the progress reported in the First Edition, the comprehensive Second Edition provides nearly 7,000 references on almost 9,600 components. The authors discuss the controversies over the extrapolation of the biological effect of a specific component administered individually by one route versus its biological effect when the component is in a highly complex mixture and is administered by a different route. They also cite studies in which cigarette design technologies were developed to control the per-cigarette mainstream smoke yield of Federal Trade Commission-defined tar and one or more specific tobacco smoke components of concern. New in the Second Edition: Approximately 1,000 newly reported components have been inserted and several dozen duplicates have been deleted from various tables and from the Alphabetical Index Improved and sharper chemical structures Insertion of new pertinent references for the components in each of the major chapter tables devoted to a particular functional component Updated Index organized by the CAS Registry Number listing of the components Updated discussions in the Introduction and at the beginning of each chapter A searchable companion CD-ROM containing the 350-page alphabetical Component Index Authors Alan Rodgman and Thomas A. Perfetti were jointly awarded the 2010 CORESTA (Cooperative Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco) Prize for their extensive work on documenting the vast literature on the chemical composition of tobacco and tobacco smoke in their original edition.
Hydrocarbons Alkanes Alkenes and Alkynes Alicyclic Hydrocarbons Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Summary Alcohols and Phytosterols Alcohols Phytosterols Aldehydes and Ketones Assertion of Aldehydes and Ketones as Ciliastatic Tobacco Smoke Components Ciliastasis Studies with Cigarette Smoke Condensate Fractions Ciliastasis Studies with Individual Cigarette Mainstream Smoke Components Nose Inhalation of Environmental Tobacco Smoke vs. Mouth Inhalation of Mainstream Smoke Carboxylic Acids Carboxylic Acids Amino Acids and Related Compounds Esters Lactones Anhydrides Carbohydrates and Their Derivatives Phenols and Quinones Phenols Quinones Ethers Overall Summary of Oxygen-Containing Components of Tobacco and/or Smoke: Chapters 2 through 10 Nitriles Acyclic Amines Amides Imides N-Nitrosamines Volatile NNAs Nonvolatile NNAs Tobacco-Specific NNAs N-Nitrosamino Acids Tobacco-Specific NNAs: An Exception among the Major MSS Toxicants Direct Transfer of TSNAs from Tobacco vs. Their Formation during the Smoking Process Infrequently Studied Tobacco and/or Smoke Secondary Amines and Their N-Nitroamines Flue Curing and TSNAs Nitroalkanes, Nitroarenes, and Nitrophenols Nitrogen Heterocyclic Components Monocyclic Four and Five-Membered N-Containing Ring Compounds Monocyclic Six-Membered N-Containing Ring Compounds Lactams Oxazoles and Oxazines Aza-Arenes N-Heterocyclic Amines Miscellaneous Components Sulfur-Containing Components Halogenated Components Fixed and Variable Gases Analytical Methods Metallic and Nonmetallic Elements, Isotopes, Ions, and Salts Elements, Isotopes, and Ions in Plants Methods for the Detection and Identification of Metals, Ions, and Isotopes in Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke The Transference of Elements, Isotopes, and Ions from Tobacco to Tobacco Smoke Summary Pesticides and Growth Regulators Synthetic Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulator Residues on Tobacco Naturally Occurring Plant Growth Regulators and Pesticides in Tobacco Transfer Rates of Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators to MSS Decomposition Products of Agrochemicals in MSS Methods for Analyses of Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators Residues of Synthetic Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators Identified in Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke Genes, Nucleotides, and Enzymes General Discussion of Genetics Tobacco Genetics Genes, Nucleotides, and Enzymes Identified in Tobacco Acknowledgments Hoffmann Analytes Tobacco and/or Tobacco Smoke Components Used as Tobacco Ingredients Acknowledgment Pyrolysis Individual Tobacco Types Extracts from Tobacco Individual Tobacco Components Tobacco Additives Cigarette Construction Materials (Paper, Adhesives, etc.) Flavoring Ingredients Carcinogens, Tumorigens, and Mutagens vs. Anticarcinogens, Inhibitors, and Antimutagens Carcinogens, Tumorigens, and Mutagens Anticarcinogens, Inhibitors, and Antimutagens Summary Free Radicals Introduction Analytical Methods for Determination of Free Radicals Free Radicals in Tobacco Smoke Historical Review of Free-Radical Research on Cigarette Smoke Proposed Mechanism for the Generation of Free Radicals in MSS Summary Bibliography Alphabetical Component Index Sequence of CAS Registry Numbers
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