and Phrases(闪亮词语)、Useful Sentences(七彩精句)、Fashion
Conversations(鲜活会话)和Rattling Off(倒背如流)穿插各个单元,分社
Chapter 1 社交生活Communiccmon
1 Introduction介绍相识
2 Greeting见面问候
3 Inviting发出邀请
4 Appointment约会见面
5 Visiting主动拜访
6 Entertaining招待客人
7 Etiquette of Dining用餐礼仪
8 Requests请求
9 Thanks表达谢意
10 Telephone Calls互通电话
11 Farewell道别
Chapter 2 家居生活Daily Life
12 Eating at Home在家用餐
13 Fast Food and Buffet快餐与自助
14 Renting a House租住房屋
15 Decomting the House装饰房屋
16 Housework家务劳动
17 Buying Clothes购买服装
18 Jewellery and Ornaments珠宝与首饰
19 Hats and Shoes鞋帽
20 Supermarket超市
21 Buying Cosmetics买化妆品
22 Time and Seasons时间和季节
23 Weather天气状况
24 Studies and Work学习与工作
25 Hobbies兴趣爱好
26 At the Post Office在邮局
27 At the Bank在银行
28 At the Barber’s在理发店
29 Seeing a Doctor去看病
30 On a Bus乘公交车
31 Traveling by Subway乘坐地铁
32 Taking a Taxi乘出租车
Chapter 3 娱乐休闲Entertainment
33 Watching TV收看电视
34 Seeing a Film观看电影
35 Music and Drama音乐与戏剧
37 Taproom轻松酒吧
38 Surfing on the Internet网上冲浪
39 Reading读书看报
40 Playing Chess and Cards下棋与打牌
41 Camping郊游野营
42 Sports and Exercises运动健身
43 Parties朋友聚会
44 Joining a Dancing Pany参加舞会
45 Festivals and Holidays节假日
Chapter 4 旅游观光Tourism
46 The Plan of the Tour旅行计划
47 Traveling by Air乘飞机出行
48 Going through Customs海关通行
49 Traveling by Train乘火车出行
50 Driving a Car自驾车出行
51 Booking a Room预订房间
52 Registering登记入住
53 Housekeeping客房服务
54 Lost Luggage丢失行李
55 Complaints投诉抱怨
56 Checking Out结账离店
57 Booking a Table预订餐位
58 Taking Orders点酒点菜
59 Complaints about the Restaurant投诉餐馆
60 Natural Scenery自然景观
61 Places of Interest名胜古迹
62 The Zoo and the Botanical Garden动植物园
63 Taking Photos拍照留念
64 Seeing Off临别送行
Chapter 5 生活情感Feelings
65 Inquiry打听异性
66 Talking about Opposite Sex谈论异性
67 Admiring仰慕与称赞
68 Dating情人约会
69 Speaking Out爱情表白
70 Proposing Marriage求婚
71 Holding a Wedding举办婚礼
72 Happy Life幸福生活
Chapter 1 社交生活Communiccmon
1 Introduction介绍相识
2 Greeting见面问候
3 Inviting发出邀请
4 Appointment约会见面
5 Visiting主动拜访
6 Entertaining招待客人
7 Etiquette of Dining用餐礼仪
8 Requests请求
9 Thanks表达谢意
10 Telephone Calls互通电话
11 Farewell道别
Chapter 2 家居生活Daily Life
12 Eating at Home在家用餐
13 Fast Food and Buffet快餐与自助
14 Renting a House租住房屋
15 Decomting the House装饰房屋
16 Housework家务劳动
17 Buying Clothes购买服装
18 Jewellery and Ornaments珠宝与首饰
19 Hats and Shoes鞋帽
20 Supermarket超市
21 Buying Cosmetics买化妆品
22 Time and Seasons时间和季节
23 Weather天气状况
24 Studies and Work学习与工作
25 Hobbies兴趣爱好
26 At the Post Office在邮局
27 At the Bank在银行
28 At the Barber’s在理发店
29 Seeing a Doctor去看病
30 On a Bus乘公交车
31 Traveling by Subway乘坐地铁
32 Taking a Taxi乘出租车
Chapter 3 娱乐休闲Entertainment
33 Watching TV收看电视
34 Seeing a Film观看电影
35 Music and Drama音乐与戏剧
37 Taproom轻松酒吧
38 Surfing on the Internet网上冲浪
39 Reading读书看报
40 Playing Chess and Cards下棋与打牌
41 Camping郊游野营
42 Sports and Exercises运动健身
43 Parties朋友聚会
44 Joining a Dancing Pany参加舞会
45 Festivals and Holidays节假日
Chapter 4 旅游观光Tourism
46 The Plan of the Tour旅行计划
47 Traveling by Air乘飞机出行
48 Going through Customs海关通行
49 Traveling by Train乘火车出行
50 Driving a Car自驾车出行
51 Booking a Room预订房间
52 Registering登记入住
53 Housekeeping客房服务
54 Lost Luggage丢失行李
55 Complaints投诉抱怨
56 Checking Out结账离店
57 Booking a Table预订餐位
58 Taking Orders点酒点菜
59 Complaints about the Restaurant投诉餐馆
60 Natural Scenery自然景观
61 Places of Interest名胜古迹
62 The Zoo and the Botanical Garden动植物园
63 Taking Photos拍照留念
64 Seeing Off临别送行
Chapter 5 生活情感Feelings
65 Inquiry打听异性
66 Talking about Opposite Sex谈论异性
67 Admiring仰慕与称赞
68 Dating情人约会
69 Speaking Out爱情表白
70 Proposing Marriage求婚
71 Holding a Wedding举办婚礼
72 Happy Life幸福生活
Collection of oral English rattling off
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