每单元由六个部门组成: **部分为准备性练习,主要包括预习生词、听 小对话和短文,帮助学生进入积*思维和听 的状态; 第二和第三部分为每个单元的重点部分,贯穿单 项技能和微技能的训练。为了降低学习难 度,这两个部分的听力内容有时采用两种语速来表述 ,目的是试图在半真实与较真实的语言材 料之间架设学习和过渡的桥梁。同时,也为教师因材 施教提供一些条件; 第四部分主要为听写填空,听力材料多为相关领 域的热门话题或科技新发展介绍,内容新、 生词量大,学习者可以将听与阅读结合起来,以增加 语言输入量,扩大知识面; 第五部分为语言真实性较高的听力材料,通过具 有挑战性的练习,激发学生的学习兴趣,提 高训练强度,锻炼和发展学生的记忆能力; 第六部分对本单元的生词和词组进行归纳,以帮 助学生复习巩固,克服听力教学中强调瞬时 记忆而忽视词汇积累和语言应用的倾向。教师可围绕 本部分内容适当进行一些读、讲、听、说 的综合练习。
本教材主要供课内精听使用,每单元约需3学时 。
Unit 1 Under the Same RoofPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 2 A Sweet, Sweet HomePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 3 Seize the School DaysPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 4 Education MattersPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 5 Choice Versus ChancePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 6 The Interviewer's EyePart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 7 About YourselfPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 8 Are You Fit and Healthy?Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 9 Sportsmanship and ChampionshipPart Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 10 “Have Fun!”Part Ⅰ Getting readyPart Ⅱ Changing rolesPart Ⅲ Family life then and nowPart Ⅳ More about the topic: Father's DayPart Ⅴ Memory test: Brothers and SistersPart Ⅵ Reminder of key points in this unitPart Ⅶ Watch and enjoyUnit 11 ReviewActivity Ⅰ Children's jokesActivity Ⅱ Do you believe it?Activity Ⅲ Hope you don't mind my askingActivity Ⅳ Visiting BritainActivity Ⅴ You and your communityActivity Ⅵ History of encyclopediasActivity Ⅶ Men and womenActivity Ⅷ Watch and enjoy
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