1 general enquireies Asking for and providing Giving suitable responses ISimple present:questions and answers burj al—Arab—ultimate luxury
information Describing facilities
2 the frst day Members of staff Meeting and greeting Simple present and present continuous Dining in the dat
Job descriptions Introducing somebody
Presenting yourself
3 taking a booking Reservations Using telephone language Talking about the future
Enquiries Writing a business email
4 receiving a guest the welcome Modal verbs Restaurant tales
Checking details 怎样学习一篇较
5 helping guests,1 Location of facilities Giving directions in a hotel get.ask.tell someone to+infinitive; Weird hotels
Room service Taking an order have someone+infinitive
6 helping guests,2 Booking restaurants Giving directions around town smple past and present perfect Munich—oktoberfest
Arranging entertainment LEARNING:怎样学习新单词
7 serving drinks Beer garden Suggesting drinks Comparative and superlative of adjectives German wines—a quick guice
Cocktaio bar Making comparisons
7 serving drinks Preparing instructions
8 on the menu Methods of cooking and Suggesting dishes the passive (1) jamie's big gamble
serving dishes Explaining how dishes are made
Recipes LEARNING:怎样使用词典
9 dealing with complaints and problems rotel complaints the passive (2):teRestaurant complaints LEARNING:怎样提高听力理解水平
Writsng a letter of apology
10 payment and check—outs Checking out Dealing with queries about the big Reported speech
Bills LEARNING:怎样进行小组讨论
11 planning a function meeting a clauses,types 1 and 2details information
finding out the details
Planning the menu
12 applying for a job advertisements Writing applications and CVs —ing form(gerund] career advice:your first day at work
Applications and CVs Preparing for an interview
Appendix Pairwork files 90 A—Z word list l22
Transcripts 98 Basic word list l28
Unit word list 7echnica/Word list l34
Geographical names and places l21 Units and measures l37
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用户发送的提问,这种方式就需要有位在线客服来回答用户的问题,这种 就属于对话式的,问题是这种提问是否需要用户登录才能提问