College golden brick English reading & writing.2,General course
作 者:张萍主编
《大学金砖英语数字化系列教材:大学金砖英语读写教程2(通用)》共9个单元,与教材同步,供一个学期的教学使用。每个单元主要从课程覆盖(Curriculum Coverage)、主要作用(Key Functions)、主要语法(Key Grammar)三个方面对每个单元中Text A、Text B和Text C进行详细点拨。
Unit 1 Job Hunting
A.Searching for Job Vacancy
Finding discourse markers: subtitles in the passage key structures of Job Ads
An expository paper exploring how to write and get information from wanted advertisements
Writing a job ad after the model
Translation of words in job ads
B.Application Cover Letters
Finding discourse markers:chronological markers in a job application
Two job application cover letters for different positions
Writing an application cover letter
Translation of the present perfect
C.A Resume
Finding discourse markers: subtitles of a resume
An expository paper exploring how to construct efficient team working.A resume presenting the model of the kind
Writing a resume under the requirement
Translation of present participle phrase as attributives
Unit 2 Their Career
A.Getting Ready for the Job Market
Finding discourse markers:demonstrative references listing comparative constructions ∕ clauses
An expository paper exploring the necessary preparation one should make to get a job
Writing an exposition with examples
Translation of comparative constructions ∕ clauses
B.Oprah Winfrey: a Woman Holds Up Half the Sky
Finding discourse markers:chronological writing order
A narrative writing demonstrating Oprah Winfrey’s life story and the process for her success
Writing an argumentation about women’s role in modern society
Translation of non-restrictive relative clauses
C.Miracle—maker: Helen Keller
Finding discourse markers: writing in sequence of time conjunctions indicating time order
A narrative paper telling about Helen Keller’s life of learning and her achievements
Writing a narration about your English learning experience in sequence of time
Translation of emphatic constructions
Unit 3 Working with Others
A.Relationship Building
Finding discourse markers:comparative references and transitional connectors logical order
An expository paper exploring the ways to build a relationship and demonstrating the differences in dealing with different kinds of relations
Writing an exposition about keeping friendships with examples
Translation of adverbial clauses introduced by so(…) that and such (…)that
B.Problem-solving Can Also Be Creative
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors complex enhancing sentences
Problem-solving can be time and energy consuming, but the results really differ and turn out to be beneficial
Writing an argumentation about respecting others
Translation of non-finite clauses
C.Successful Team Working
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors lexical cohesion and complex enhancing sentences
An expository paper exploring how to construct efficient team working.
Writing an argumentation about successful communication skills
Translation of subjunctive mood clauses
Unit 4 Treasure Friendship
A.Gates-Ballmer Clash Shaped Microsoft’s Coming Handover
Finding discourse markers:transitional connectors lexical cohesion detail supporting skills: exemplification
A narrative exploring what role relationship plays in work,applying the case of Microsoft’s development, which is a common phenomenon for almost all the people in every social circumstance.
Writing an argumentation about the common traits of successful people.
Translation of preposition—as
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors lexical cohesion comparative references classification structures
The essay makes a though analysis of the definition of friendship and the differences between friendship and other relationship, most importantly, it offers three key characters that the true friend is supposed to own.
Writing an argumentation about the different stages of friendship
Translation of parallelism
C.Bosom Friends—Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors complex enhancing sentences exemplification
An expository paper exploring what is bosom friend and discusses the importance of a bosom friend
Writing an argumentation about traditional Chinese culture
Translation of appositives or appositive clauses
Unit 5 Love Stories
A.Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A narration of the emotional development between Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Writing an exposition with details
Extension of meaning in translation
B.American Wedding Traditions
Finding discourse markers: casual connectors
An expository paper of American wedding traditions, which introduces the common procedures and traditions of American wedding
Writing a wedding invitation
Transference of parts of speech in translation ( Ⅰ ) transference into noun
C.Marrying into a Different Nationality
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
An argumentative paper arguing marrying into a different nationality
Writing an exposition of comparison and contrast
Transference of parts of speech in translation ( Ⅱ ) transference into verb
Unit 6 Heroes
A.Screen Hero: Harrison Ford
Finding discourse markers: time sequence
A narrative paper describing the growth of Harrison Ford from a student in drama class to a great movie star
Writing an exposition with reasons
Transference of parts of speech in translation (Ⅲ)
B.Robert G.Edwards—a Hero in Science
Finding discourse markers:classification and time sequence
A descriptive text, introducing the achievements of Professor Edwards and the difficulties encountered by him to achieve success
Writing an exposition with examples
Positive—negative and negative—positive expression in translation( Ⅰ ) positive in English,negative in Chinese
C.Steve Jobs—a Hero in Commerce
Finding discourse markers: time sequence
A narration of the experiences of Steve Jobs as a successful businessman
Writing an exposition with reasons explaining a certain phenomenon
Positive-negative and negative-positive expression in translation ( Ⅱ ) negative in English,positive in Chinese
Unit 7 What Had Happened
A.Polish Air Force Tu—154 Crash
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A piece of news reporting the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu—154 crash
Writing a piece of news
Division and combination in translation ( Ⅰ )
Finding discourse markers: logical relation
An official document, which should be written according to certain structure and requirements
Writing a memorandum
Division and combination in translation ( Ⅱ )
C.Nuclear Leak in Japan
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors
A news comment on the nuclear leak in Japan
Writing an accident report
Division and combination in translation (Ⅲ)
Unit 8 Enjoying Them
A.Musical Style of Madonna
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors exemplification
An expository paper exploring the process of achieving success of Madonna
Writing a narration about a person
Translation of objective clauses
B.“I am back”: Return to the NBA
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors
A subjective narration of Jordan’s return,which can be read as a report in the newspaper
Writing a narration about the college life of a graduate
Translation of adverbial clause
C.Road Trip Tales
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors connectors
A prose which records the trip to the wild with the son and how the writer designs the trip as well as how he and his son appreciate the beauty of the nature.economic news events
Writing an exposition about a tour
Translation of emphatic sentences
Unit 9 In the News
A.Obama’s Double Talk on DREAM Act
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors subtitles and causal connectors
A news report about how to narrate current event, especially the political event without bias and prejudice, but simultaneously combining with the proper judgment and criticize
Writing an argumentation with rebutting
Translation of relative clause
B.Global Stocks Fall after US Debt Downgrade
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A news report of the causes and effects of a financial event, aiming explaining the reason and cause of the current financial problem and, from different standpoints, analyzing the effects that this event may stimulate to the whole world
Writing an argumentation with two sides
Translation of ellipsis
C.China’s First Space Lab Tiangong 1 May Launch Soon
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors subtitles and causal connectors
A news report demonstrating the newly designed 8-ton experimental prototype and the launch of the Tiangong No.1
Writing an argumentation with advantages and disadvantages
Translation of attributive clauses
A.Searching for Job Vacancy
Finding discourse markers: subtitles in the passage key structures of Job Ads
An expository paper exploring how to write and get information from wanted advertisements
Writing a job ad after the model
Translation of words in job ads
B.Application Cover Letters
Finding discourse markers:chronological markers in a job application
Two job application cover letters for different positions
Writing an application cover letter
Translation of the present perfect
C.A Resume
Finding discourse markers: subtitles of a resume
An expository paper exploring how to construct efficient team working.A resume presenting the model of the kind
Writing a resume under the requirement
Translation of present participle phrase as attributives
Unit 2 Their Career
A.Getting Ready for the Job Market
Finding discourse markers:demonstrative references listing comparative constructions ∕ clauses
An expository paper exploring the necessary preparation one should make to get a job
Writing an exposition with examples
Translation of comparative constructions ∕ clauses
B.Oprah Winfrey: a Woman Holds Up Half the Sky
Finding discourse markers:chronological writing order
A narrative writing demonstrating Oprah Winfrey’s life story and the process for her success
Writing an argumentation about women’s role in modern society
Translation of non-restrictive relative clauses
C.Miracle—maker: Helen Keller
Finding discourse markers: writing in sequence of time conjunctions indicating time order
A narrative paper telling about Helen Keller’s life of learning and her achievements
Writing a narration about your English learning experience in sequence of time
Translation of emphatic constructions
Unit 3 Working with Others
A.Relationship Building
Finding discourse markers:comparative references and transitional connectors logical order
An expository paper exploring the ways to build a relationship and demonstrating the differences in dealing with different kinds of relations
Writing an exposition about keeping friendships with examples
Translation of adverbial clauses introduced by so(…) that and such (…)that
B.Problem-solving Can Also Be Creative
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors complex enhancing sentences
Problem-solving can be time and energy consuming, but the results really differ and turn out to be beneficial
Writing an argumentation about respecting others
Translation of non-finite clauses
C.Successful Team Working
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors lexical cohesion and complex enhancing sentences
An expository paper exploring how to construct efficient team working.
Writing an argumentation about successful communication skills
Translation of subjunctive mood clauses
Unit 4 Treasure Friendship
A.Gates-Ballmer Clash Shaped Microsoft’s Coming Handover
Finding discourse markers:transitional connectors lexical cohesion detail supporting skills: exemplification
A narrative exploring what role relationship plays in work,applying the case of Microsoft’s development, which is a common phenomenon for almost all the people in every social circumstance.
Writing an argumentation about the common traits of successful people.
Translation of preposition—as
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors lexical cohesion comparative references classification structures
The essay makes a though analysis of the definition of friendship and the differences between friendship and other relationship, most importantly, it offers three key characters that the true friend is supposed to own.
Writing an argumentation about the different stages of friendship
Translation of parallelism
C.Bosom Friends—Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi
Finding discourse markers: causal connectors complex enhancing sentences exemplification
An expository paper exploring what is bosom friend and discusses the importance of a bosom friend
Writing an argumentation about traditional Chinese culture
Translation of appositives or appositive clauses
Unit 5 Love Stories
A.Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A narration of the emotional development between Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson
Writing an exposition with details
Extension of meaning in translation
B.American Wedding Traditions
Finding discourse markers: casual connectors
An expository paper of American wedding traditions, which introduces the common procedures and traditions of American wedding
Writing a wedding invitation
Transference of parts of speech in translation ( Ⅰ ) transference into noun
C.Marrying into a Different Nationality
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
An argumentative paper arguing marrying into a different nationality
Writing an exposition of comparison and contrast
Transference of parts of speech in translation ( Ⅱ ) transference into verb
Unit 6 Heroes
A.Screen Hero: Harrison Ford
Finding discourse markers: time sequence
A narrative paper describing the growth of Harrison Ford from a student in drama class to a great movie star
Writing an exposition with reasons
Transference of parts of speech in translation (Ⅲ)
B.Robert G.Edwards—a Hero in Science
Finding discourse markers:classification and time sequence
A descriptive text, introducing the achievements of Professor Edwards and the difficulties encountered by him to achieve success
Writing an exposition with examples
Positive—negative and negative—positive expression in translation( Ⅰ ) positive in English,negative in Chinese
C.Steve Jobs—a Hero in Commerce
Finding discourse markers: time sequence
A narration of the experiences of Steve Jobs as a successful businessman
Writing an exposition with reasons explaining a certain phenomenon
Positive-negative and negative-positive expression in translation ( Ⅱ ) negative in English,positive in Chinese
Unit 7 What Had Happened
A.Polish Air Force Tu—154 Crash
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A piece of news reporting the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu—154 crash
Writing a piece of news
Division and combination in translation ( Ⅰ )
Finding discourse markers: logical relation
An official document, which should be written according to certain structure and requirements
Writing a memorandum
Division and combination in translation ( Ⅱ )
C.Nuclear Leak in Japan
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors
A news comment on the nuclear leak in Japan
Writing an accident report
Division and combination in translation (Ⅲ)
Unit 8 Enjoying Them
A.Musical Style of Madonna
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors exemplification
An expository paper exploring the process of achieving success of Madonna
Writing a narration about a person
Translation of objective clauses
B.“I am back”: Return to the NBA
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors
A subjective narration of Jordan’s return,which can be read as a report in the newspaper
Writing a narration about the college life of a graduate
Translation of adverbial clause
C.Road Trip Tales
Finding discourse markers: subtitles and causal connectors connectors
A prose which records the trip to the wild with the son and how the writer designs the trip as well as how he and his son appreciate the beauty of the nature.economic news events
Writing an exposition about a tour
Translation of emphatic sentences
Unit 9 In the News
A.Obama’s Double Talk on DREAM Act
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors subtitles and causal connectors
A news report about how to narrate current event, especially the political event without bias and prejudice, but simultaneously combining with the proper judgment and criticize
Writing an argumentation with rebutting
Translation of relative clause
B.Global Stocks Fall after US Debt Downgrade
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors
A news report of the causes and effects of a financial event, aiming explaining the reason and cause of the current financial problem and, from different standpoints, analyzing the effects that this event may stimulate to the whole world
Writing an argumentation with two sides
Translation of ellipsis
C.China’s First Space Lab Tiangong 1 May Launch Soon
Finding discourse markers: transitional connectors subtitles and causal connectors
A news report demonstrating the newly designed 8-ton experimental prototype and the launch of the Tiangong No.1
Writing an argumentation with advantages and disadvantages
Translation of attributive clauses
College golden brick English reading & writing.2,General course
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