Unit 16
1. Words to learn /1
2. Structure /5
3. Listening comprehension /5
4. Close reading /6
Unit 17
1. Words to learn /11
2. Structure /14
3. Listening comprehension /15
4. Close reading /16
Unit 18
1. Words to learn /21
2. Structure /25
3. Listening comprehension /26
4. Close reading /27
Unit 19
1. Words to learn /32
2. Structure /38
3. Listening comprehension /39
4. Close reading /40
Unit 20
1. Words to learn /45
2. Structure /51
3. Listening comprehension /52
4. Close.reading /53
Unit 21
1. Words to learn /59
2. Structure /63
3. Listening comprehension /64
4. Close reading /65
Unit 22
1. Words to learn/71
2. Structure /75
3. Listening comprehension /75
4. Close reading /77
Unit 23
1. Words to learn /82
2. Structure /87
3. Listening comprehension /87
4. Close reading /89
Unit 24
1. Words to learn /94
2. Structure /99
3. Listening comprehension /100
4. Close reading /101
Unit 25
1. Words to learn /106
2. Structure /111
3. Listening comprehension /112
4. Close reading /113
Unit 26
1. Words to learn /118
2. Structure /120
3. Listening comprehension /120
4. Close reading /122
Unit 27
1. Words to learn /127
2. Structure /130
3. Listening comprehension /130
4. Close reading /132
Unit 28
1. Words to learn /137
2. Structure /138
3. Listening comprehension /139
4. Close reading /140
Unit 29
1. Words to learn /146
2. Structure /148
3. Listening comprehension /149
4. Close reading /150
Unit 30
1. Words to learn /156
2. Structure /158
3. Listening comprehension /158
4. Close reading /160
1. Words to learn /1
2. Structure /5
3. Listening comprehension /5
4. Close reading /6
Unit 17
1. Words to learn /11
2. Structure /14
3. Listening comprehension /15
4. Close reading /16
Unit 18
1. Words to learn /21
2. Structure /25
3. Listening comprehension /26
4. Close reading /27
Unit 19
1. Words to learn /32
2. Structure /38
3. Listening comprehension /39
4. Close reading /40
Unit 20
1. Words to learn /45
2. Structure /51
3. Listening comprehension /52
4. Close.reading /53
Unit 21
1. Words to learn /59
2. Structure /63
3. Listening comprehension /64
4. Close reading /65
Unit 22
1. Words to learn/71
2. Structure /75
3. Listening comprehension /75
4. Close reading /77
Unit 23
1. Words to learn /82
2. Structure /87
3. Listening comprehension /87
4. Close reading /89
Unit 24
1. Words to learn /94
2. Structure /99
3. Listening comprehension /100
4. Close reading /101
Unit 25
1. Words to learn /106
2. Structure /111
3. Listening comprehension /112
4. Close reading /113
Unit 26
1. Words to learn /118
2. Structure /120
3. Listening comprehension /120
4. Close reading /122
Unit 27
1. Words to learn /127
2. Structure /130
3. Listening comprehension /130
4. Close reading /132
Unit 28
1. Words to learn /137
2. Structure /138
3. Listening comprehension /139
4. Close reading /140
Unit 29
1. Words to learn /146
2. Structure /148
3. Listening comprehension /149
4. Close reading /150
Unit 30
1. Words to learn /156
2. Structure /158
3. Listening comprehension /158
4. Close reading /160
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