Unit1 College Life
Lead-in 1
Text: College Is Way More Than Higher Education 2
Supplementary Reading: College Freshmen: How to Get over
Homesickness 11
Writing: Business Card 13
Team Task 16
Unit2 Language Learning.
Lead-in 17
Text: Study More Effectively 18
Supplementary Reading: Tips for Learning Languages 26
Writing: Notes 29
Team Task 31
Unit3 Sports
Lead-in 33
Text: School Sports and Leisure Activities 34
Supplementary Reading: Invention of Football 43
Writing: Written Request for Leave 46
Unit4 Team Task 48
Text: History of Pizza 50
Supplementary Reading: The Restaurant Rat: Fast-Food Entree Salads:
New Leaf or Fig Leaf?. 58
Writing: Post Card 61
Unit5 Team Task 63
Lead-in 65
Text: What Would the World be Without Music? 66
Supplementary Reading: History of Rap Music 75
Writing: Invitation Card 77
Team Task 80
Unit6 Friendship
Lead-in 89
Text: Helping a Friend in Need 90
Supplementary Reading: Keeping Our Friendships Together
Writing: Notices 101
Team Task 104
Unit7 Animals
Lead-in 105
Text: How Seabirds Share Their Habitat 106
Supplementary Reading: Worker Ants Could Inspire High-Tech Tools 115
Writing: Envelope 117
Team Task 120
Lead-in 1
Text: College Is Way More Than Higher Education 2
Supplementary Reading: College Freshmen: How to Get over
Homesickness 11
Writing: Business Card 13
Team Task 16
Unit2 Language Learning.
Lead-in 17
Text: Study More Effectively 18
Supplementary Reading: Tips for Learning Languages 26
Writing: Notes 29
Team Task 31
Unit3 Sports
Lead-in 33
Text: School Sports and Leisure Activities 34
Supplementary Reading: Invention of Football 43
Writing: Written Request for Leave 46
Unit4 Team Task 48
Text: History of Pizza 50
Supplementary Reading: The Restaurant Rat: Fast-Food Entree Salads:
New Leaf or Fig Leaf?. 58
Writing: Post Card 61
Unit5 Team Task 63
Lead-in 65
Text: What Would the World be Without Music? 66
Supplementary Reading: History of Rap Music 75
Writing: Invitation Card 77
Team Task 80
Unit6 Friendship
Lead-in 89
Text: Helping a Friend in Need 90
Supplementary Reading: Keeping Our Friendships Together
Writing: Notices 101
Team Task 104
Unit7 Animals
Lead-in 105
Text: How Seabirds Share Their Habitat 106
Supplementary Reading: Worker Ants Could Inspire High-Tech Tools 115
Writing: Envelope 117
Team Task 120
Integrated course in business English,Book 1
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