Advanced English reading,Natural science studies
《高级英语阅读》系列教材(Advanced English Reading)是以《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》为指导,遵照在学习语言中使用语言、在使用语言中学习语言的客观规律,为大学英语专业高级年级学生及各个专业硕士研究生编写的阅读课教材。本教材编写的指导思想是扩大知识面,打好语言基本功,通过阅读课的教学培训学生获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力和创新的能力。
Unit One Introduction to Science
Text A: What Is Science?
Text B: A Brief History of Science
Text C: The Branches of Science
Unit Two Technology
Text A: Disappearing Through the Skylight
Text B: The Computer—Invention of the Century
Text C: Introduction to PC Hardware
Unit Three Engineering
Text A: Genetically Modified Foods
Text B: Introduction to Engineering
Text C: More Power to You
Unit Four Environment
Text A: Ships in the Desert
Text B: Introduction to Environmental Problems
Text C: Energy Exploration and Environment
Unit Five Medicine
Text A: Why the Resurgence?
Text B: Introduction to Medicine
Text C: Bird Flu:What Are the Risks?
Unit Six Life Science
Text A: The Cloning of Dolly
Text B: Introduction to Biology:The Science of Our Lives
Text C: Progesterone:The Drug of Pregnancy
Unit Seven Geography
Text A: Natural Causes of Climate Change
Text B: Introduction to Geography
Text C: The Three Gorges Dam Project
Unit Eight Geology
Text A: In Search of the Elusive Megaplumes
Text B: Introduction to Geology
Text C: Meet a Geologist
Unit Nine Astronomy
Text A: Galaxies
Text B: Introduction to Astronomy
Text C: The Solar System
Unit Ten Space Science
Text A: The Space Shuttle
Text B: Satellites
Text C: China's First Spaceman Yang Liwei
Unit Eleven Mathematics
Text A: A History of Zero
Text B: A Brief Introduction to Mathematics
Text C: An Overview of the History of Mathematics
Unit Twelve Physics
Text A: Searching For Extraterrestrials
Text B: Physics and the Information Revolution
Text C: Hawking Loses Black Hole Bet
Unit Thirteen Chemistry
Text A: The Genome Is Mapped
Text B: Introduction to Chemistry
Text C: The Chemistry of Life
Unit One Introduction to Science
Text A: What Is Science?
Text B: A Brief History of Science
Text C: The Branches of Science
Unit Two Technology
Text A: Disappearing Through the Skylight
Text B: The Computer—Invention of the Century
Text C: Introduction to PC Hardware
Unit Three Engineering
Text A: Genetically Modified Foods
Text B: Introduction to Engineering
Text C: More Power to You
Unit Four Environment
Text A: Ships in the Desert
Text B: Introduction to Environmental Problems
Text C: Energy Exploration and Environment
Unit Five Medicine
Text A: Why the Resurgence?
Text B: Introduction to Medicine
Text C: Bird Flu:What Are the Risks?
Unit Six Life Science
Text A: The Cloning of Dolly
Text B: Introduction to Biology:The Science of Our Lives
Text C: Progesterone:The Drug of Pregnancy
Unit Seven Geography
Text A: Natural Causes of Climate Change
Text B: Introduction to Geography
Text C: The Three Gorges Dam Project
Unit Eight Geology
Text A: In Search of the Elusive Megaplumes
Text B: Introduction to Geology
Text C: Meet a Geologist
Unit Nine Astronomy
Text A: Galaxies
Text B: Introduction to Astronomy
Text C: The Solar System
Unit Ten Space Science
Text A: The Space Shuttle
Text B: Satellites
Text C: China's First Spaceman Yang Liwei
Unit Eleven Mathematics
Text A: A History of Zero
Text B: A Brief Introduction to Mathematics
Text C: An Overview of the History of Mathematics
Unit Twelve Physics
Text A: Searching For Extraterrestrials
Text B: Physics and the Information Revolution
Text C: Hawking Loses Black Hole Bet
Unit Thirteen Chemistry
Text A: The Genome Is Mapped
Text B: Introduction to Chemistry
Text C: The Chemistry of Life
Advanced English reading,Natural science studies
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