ronunciation table
unit 1
text a half a day
text b making the grade
unit 2
text a the boy and the bank officer
text b my bank account
unit 3
text a message of the land
text b the son from america
unit 4
text a midnight visitor
text b double cross
unit 5
text a the nightingale and the rose
text b the nightingale
unit 6
text a the green banana
. text b cutting across cultures
unit 7
inter-lesson (i)
unit 8
text a the kindness of strangers
text b just a little scratch
unit 9
text a after twenty years
text b hearts and hands
unit 10
text a mandela’s garden
text b the road to literacy
unit 11
text a maheegun my brother
text b a secret for two
unit 12
text a christmas day in the morning
text b “yes, daddy, i romise“
unit 13
text a the greatest invention
text b galileo, the stargazer who defied the world
unit 14
inter-lesson (ii)
unit 15
text a clearing in the sky
text b the clearing
unit 16
text a the monsters are due in male street
text b who shall dwell?
glossary list
language items
grammar terms
ronunciation table
unit 1
text a half a day
text b making the grade
unit 2
text a the boy and the bank officer
text b my bank account
unit 3
text a message of the land
text b the son from america
unit 4
text a midnight visitor
text b double cross
unit 5
text a the nightingale and the rose
text b the nightingale
unit 6
text a the green banana
. text b cutting across cultures
unit 7
inter-lesson (i)
unit 8
text a the kindness of strangers
text b just a little scratch
unit 9
text a after twenty years
text b hearts and hands
unit 10
text a mandela’s garden
text b the road to literacy
unit 11
text a maheegun my brother
text b a secret for two
unit 12
text a christmas day in the morning
text b “yes, daddy, i romise“
unit 13
text a the greatest invention
text b galileo, the stargazer who defied the world
unit 14
inter-lesson (ii)
unit 15
text a clearing in the sky
text b the clearing
unit 16
text a the monsters are due in male street
text b who shall dwell?
glossary list
language items
grammar terms
英文共同题名:Contemporary college English
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