unit one a short history of the computer
passage one the introduction of eniac
passage two the modem stored program edc
passage three the advancement of the computer
reading computer ongoing
unit exercise
word building
unit two hardware
passage one a short introduction
passage two how does a computer work?
passage three storage devices
reading input and output device
unit exercise
word building
unit three software
passage one application software
passage two system software
passage three the software development process
reading getting down to business
unit exercise
word building
unit four internet
passage one a short introduction
passage two intemet service function
passage three website design
reading e-comnerce
unit exercise
word building
unit five multimedia
passage one multimedia devices
passage two multimedia conception
passage three multimedia application
reading flash
unit exercise
word building
unit six network
passage one foundation of network
passage two networking hardware and topology
passage three network transmission media
reading tcp/ip protocol
unit exercise
word building
unit seven database
passage one foundation of database
passage two relational database and structured query language
passage three introduction to microsoft sql server 2000
reading sql server 2000 security tools
unit exewise
word building
unit eight it career certification
passage one microsoft certifications
passage two mcse on microsoft windows server 2003 certification requirements
passage three mcdba on microsoft sql server 2000 certification
reading cisco career certifications and paths
附录 缩略词表
unit one a short history of the computer
passage one the introduction of eniac
passage two the modem stored program edc
passage three the advancement of the computer
reading computer ongoing
unit exercise
word building
unit two hardware
passage one a short introduction
passage two how does a computer work?
passage three storage devices
reading input and output device
unit exercise
word building
unit three software
passage one application software
passage two system software
passage three the software development process
reading getting down to business
unit exercise
word building
unit four internet
passage one a short introduction
passage two intemet service function
passage three website design
reading e-comnerce
unit exercise
word building
unit five multimedia
passage one multimedia devices
passage two multimedia conception
passage three multimedia application
reading flash
unit exercise
word building
unit six network
passage one foundation of network
passage two networking hardware and topology
passage three network transmission media
reading tcp/ip protocol
unit exercise
word building
unit seven database
passage one foundation of database
passage two relational database and structured query language
passage three introduction to microsoft sql server 2000
reading sql server 2000 security tools
unit exewise
word building
unit eight it career certification
passage one microsoft certifications
passage two mcse on microsoft windows server 2003 certification requirements
passage three mcdba on microsoft sql server 2000 certification
reading cisco career certifications and paths
附录 缩略词表
- 名称
- 类型
- 大小
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