《新航道学校指定新托福(TOEFL iBT)培训教材?新托福写作金牌教程:基础版(附MP3光盘1张)》主要内容简介:托福考试自1981年进入中国,至今在中国已有近30年的历史。托福考试在中国的发展也从侧面反映了中国英语教育发展的进程。回首往昔,1981年中国第一次托福考试仅有数十人参加;着眼现在,2009年数据显示中国托福考生人数已逼近20万。过去的近30年中,中国的众多学子和有志之士在顺利通过这门考试后奔赴异国他乡,到美国或其他国家的大学去读书,从此改变了自己人生的轨迹。
how to use this book
about the TOEEL iBT
about the TOEFL Writing
DAY 01 diagnostic test
integrated task part
DAY 02 strategies for the integrated task
DAY 03 history [casting-doubts type]
DAY 04 science [casting-doubts type]
DAY 05 environment [casting-doubts type]
DAY 06 society Ⅰ [casting-doubts type]
DAY 07 society Ⅱ [problem-solution type]
DAY 08 review test
independent task part
DAY 09 strategies for the independent task
DAY 10 personal preference
DAY 11 lifestyle
DAY 12 education
DAY 13 social and global issues
DAY 14 science and technology
DAY 15 culture
DAY 16 the media
DAY 17 review test Ⅱ
附录 Vocabulary & Script
about the TOEEL iBT
about the TOEFL Writing
DAY 01 diagnostic test
integrated task part
DAY 02 strategies for the integrated task
DAY 03 history [casting-doubts type]
DAY 04 science [casting-doubts type]
DAY 05 environment [casting-doubts type]
DAY 06 society Ⅰ [casting-doubts type]
DAY 07 society Ⅱ [problem-solution type]
DAY 08 review test
independent task part
DAY 09 strategies for the independent task
DAY 10 personal preference
DAY 11 lifestyle
DAY 12 education
DAY 13 social and global issues
DAY 14 science and technology
DAY 15 culture
DAY 16 the media
DAY 17 review test Ⅱ
附录 Vocabulary & Script
TOEFL iBT writing
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