《剑桥国际英语教程》(New Interchange)是国际上最受欢迎、最有影响的英语教材之一。它总结8年来全球使用的课堂实践经验,经广泛征求学生和教师的意见,对原教材Interchange进行了多方面的完善、提高。主要的修订包括:加入了新的会话练习(Conversations),新的文化点滴(Snapshots),新的阅读练习(Readings),更广泛的语法点讲解和练习(Grammar Focus models and activities),更加丰富的听力材料。同时教师用书、练习册和录像内容也做了相应的大量修订。
听说读写综合技能培养;富于读写综合技能培养;真实的生活对话语言;在交际语境中学习语法;录音生动自然,音色优美;以任为为中心的听力练习。充分的思想交流;以学生为中心的语流练习活动;详尽的语音练习;丰富的词 汇巩固及扩展练习;趣味盎然的阅读文章;有规律的复习单元。
introduction xvi
course length xvi
course components xvi
approach and methodology xvii
syllabus xviii
unit structure and organization xviii
review units, unit summaries, and tests xx
general guidelines for teaching new interchange xx
testing students' progress xxii
how to teach a typical unit in new interchange xxiii
from the authors xxv
spelling differences between american and british english xxvi
phonetic symbols xxvi
authors' acknowledgments xxvii
plan of book i xxviii
1 please call me chuck. t-2
2 how do you spend your day? t-8
3 how much is it? t-14
4 do you like jazz? t-20
review of units 1-4 t-26
. 5 tell me about your family. t-28
6 how often do you exercise? t-34
7 we had a great time! t-40
8 how do you like the neighborhood? t-46
review of units 5-8 t-52
9 what does he look like? t-54
10 have you ever ridden a camel? t-60
11 it's a very exciting city! t-66
12 it really works! t-72
review of units 9-12 t-78
13 may i take your order, please? t-80
14 the biggest and the best! t-86
15 i'm going to see a musical. t-92
16 a change for the better! t-98
review of units 13-16 t-104
interchange activities t-106
unit summaries t-126
appendix t-142
acknowledgments t-144
optional activities index t-145
additional optional activities t-146
tests t-152
test audio scripts t-169
test answer keys t-171
workbook answer key t-175
course length xvi
course components xvi
approach and methodology xvii
syllabus xviii
unit structure and organization xviii
review units, unit summaries, and tests xx
general guidelines for teaching new interchange xx
testing students' progress xxii
how to teach a typical unit in new interchange xxiii
from the authors xxv
spelling differences between american and british english xxvi
phonetic symbols xxvi
authors' acknowledgments xxvii
plan of book i xxviii
1 please call me chuck. t-2
2 how do you spend your day? t-8
3 how much is it? t-14
4 do you like jazz? t-20
review of units 1-4 t-26
. 5 tell me about your family. t-28
6 how often do you exercise? t-34
7 we had a great time! t-40
8 how do you like the neighborhood? t-46
review of units 5-8 t-52
9 what does he look like? t-54
10 have you ever ridden a camel? t-60
11 it's a very exciting city! t-66
12 it really works! t-72
review of units 9-12 t-78
13 may i take your order, please? t-80
14 the biggest and the best! t-86
15 i'm going to see a musical. t-92
16 a change for the better! t-98
review of units 13-16 t-104
interchange activities t-106
unit summaries t-126
appendix t-142
acknowledgments t-144
optional activities index t-145
additional optional activities t-146
tests t-152
test audio scripts t-169
test answer keys t-171
workbook answer key t-175
- 名称
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