Let’s Speak English:A Resource Manual for Teachers of Oral English
作 者:(加)[迈克尔·C.贝内特](Michael C. Bennett)编著
迈克尔C.贝尔特(Michael C.Bennett)生于英国,曾获南威尔士大学社会学专业学士学位和麦克吉尔大学(McGill University)社会工作专业硕士学位。早年参加国际魔术兄弟会,曾为英国王室成员表演并在电视节目和许多业余戏剧中演出。在多家公共和私立机构担任过高级管理及行政职务。他在中国生活并工作了近11年,在大学院校里教授英语口语等课程,同时从事有关教育和商务的咨询工作。在报纸、杂志、专业期刊等各类出版物上发表过文章。
《中国学生英语口语》(Let's Speak English)包括22个小组讨论练习:
exercise 1:important things in mylife
exercise 2:family life in the future
exercise 3:issues for my country
exercise 4:travel/study abroad
exercise 5:changes in the world
exercise 6:raising a child(1)
exercise 7:raising a child(2)
exercise 8:preparation for debates
exercise 9:time travel
exercise 10:problems in the world today
exercise 11:goals in life
exercise 12:the best place to live
exercise 13:happiness in life
exercise 14:a holiday together
exercise 15:vacation destinations
exercise 16:child labour
exercise 17:4ways
notice for students
exercise 18:being an au pair
.exercise 19:to be or not to be(for and against)
exercise 20:responsibilities
exercise 21:exploring the unknown
exercise 22:stress in the modern world
exercise 1:important things in mylife
exercise 2:family life in the future
exercise 3:issues for my country
exercise 4:travel/study abroad
exercise 5:changes in the world
exercise 6:raising a child(1)
exercise 7:raising a child(2)
exercise 8:preparation for debates
exercise 9:time travel
exercise 10:problems in the world today
exercise 11:goals in life
exercise 12:the best place to live
exercise 13:happiness in life
exercise 14:a holiday together
exercise 15:vacation destinations
exercise 16:child labour
exercise 17:4ways
notice for students
exercise 18:being an au pair
.exercise 19:to be or not to be(for and against)
exercise 20:responsibilities
exercise 21:exploring the unknown
exercise 22:stress in the modern world
Let’s Speak English:A Resource Manual for Teachers of Oral English
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