Most influential and best inspirational voices


作   者:方振宇总主编;申秋元,郑辉主编







01. Three Stories from My Life 我生命中的三个故事——史蒂夫?乔布斯
 Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’ t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s  thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner  voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and  intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.  Everything else is secondary. 你们的时间都有限,所以不要按照别人的意愿去活,这是在浪费时间。不要囿于成见,那是在按照别人设想的结果而活。不要让别人观点的聒噪声淹没自己的心声。最主要的是,要有跟随自己感觉和直觉走的勇气。无论如何,感觉和直觉早就知道你到底想成为什么样的人,其他都是次要的。
02. We See Genius in the Craziness 在疯狂中我们看到了天才——史蒂夫?乔布斯
We too are going to think differently and serve the people that have been  buying our products since the beginning. Because a lot of times, people  think they’re crazy. But in that craziness, we see genius. And those are  the people we’re making tools for. 我们也会有不同的想法,并为那些从一开始就购买我们产品的人提供服务。因为很多时候,人们会觉得他们疯了。但是,从这种疯狂中,我们看到了天才,我们正是在为这群人提供工具。
03. We Are What We Choose 选择塑造人生——杰夫?贝索斯
Cleverness is a gift, kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy — they’re given  after all. Choices can be hard. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if  you’re not careful, and if you do, it’ll probably be to the detriment of  your choices. 聪明是一种天赋,而善良是一种选择。天赋得来很容易——毕竟它们与 生俱来。而选择却颇为艰难。如果一不小心,你可能就会被天赋所诱惑,这可能会损 害到你做出的选择。
04. Unleashing Your Creativity 释放你的创造力——比尔?盖茨
And I believe that through our natural inventiveness, creativity and  willingness to solve tough problems, we’re going to make some amazing  achievements in all these areas in my lifetime. 我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发 明创造能力和不畏艰难、坚韧不拔的品格,在我的有生之年里我们将在所有这些领域都创造出可喜的成就。
05. What Determines Your Success决定你成功的因素——沃伦?巴菲特
But in determining whether you succeed, there is more to it than intellect  and energy. 但是在智力和精力之外,还有更多的因素决定你是否能够成功。
06. Everything Is Possible 一切皆有可能——钟彬娴
Anything you choose to do is within your reach. How far you go will depend  on how high you set your dreams and how hard you work to achieve them. 无论 你们选择什么样的事业,你们都可以做得很出色。你们的梦想有多大,你们就能走多远;你们为梦想付出得越多,你们就会越成功。
07. Dream Your Dream, Please 梦想的力量——拉里?佩奇
Follow your curiosity, and be ambitious about it. Don’t give up on
your dreams. The world needs you all! 跟着自己的好奇心,雄心勃勃地实现它。不要放弃你们的梦想。世界需要你们所有人!
08. No Doubt! 不要怀疑,相信自己!——杰里?巴斯
I’m blessed with the wonderful family, who have helped me and guided me  every step of the way. This support is the best anybody could ever have. 我 有幸拥有这样美好的家庭,他们帮助我,指引我在这条道路上前进。这种支持是相当难得的。
09. Share the Moments of Our Life 分享生活点滴——埃文?威廉姆斯
The fundamental ideas that Twitter lets people share moments of their lives  whenever they want, either the momentous occasions or mundane ones. It’s by  sharing these moments as they are happening that let people feel more  connected and in touch despite distance in the real time. Twitter 的基本理念是让大家随时随地分享生活点滴,无论是意义非凡的大事还是平凡琐事。正是通过即时分享,让大家即使在现实中有距离,也有彼此关联和保持联系的感觉。
10. Measuring What Makes Life Worthwhile 计算让生命有意义的事情
Why it is that business leaders and investors, quite often, don’t see the  connection between creating the intangible of employee happiness with  creating the tangible of financial profits in their business. We don’t have  to choose between inspired employees and sizable profits. We can have both.  And in fact, inspired employees, quite often, help make sizable profits,  right. 商业领袖和投资者为什么总是不明白,给员工创造一个无形的幸福环境,就是给自己带来有形的商业盈利的道理呢?我们不需要在“有激情的员工”和“可观的利润 ”之间做选择。我们可以两者兼得,前者通常还可以促进后者。
11. Define Your Objectives 确定你的目标——马克?扎克伯格
We tried to be as academic about this as possible in trying to think  rigorously through the different results that we’ll get if we go to  different directions. But a lot of it is just like you define your  objectives, what you’re going for. 我们一直努力以做学术的态度去谨慎地思考不 同方式所能产生的不同结果。但多数时候,你得先确定你的目标,你要的是什么。
12. Tough Choices 艰难的抉择——卡莉?菲奥莉娜
Never sell your soul, because if you do, no one will pay you back. 永远不要 出卖你的灵魂。灵魂出卖了,没人会付给你钱的。
13. The Importance of Humanity 以人为本的重要性——阿兰?乔治?雷夫利
Consumer-driven strategy, innovation and leadership are corner stones of P&G  success and reflection of the influence Peter has had on me and on our  company. 以顾客为先的策略、创新精神和领导力是宝洁成功的重要基石,这也反映了 彼得?德鲁克先生对我本人及我们公司的影响。
14. Innovation in the Open 在开放中创新——维克?冈多特拉
The connectivity was about to explode both in its availability as well as  its bandwidth, and that would allow us to build cloud-based services that we  could hardly have dreamed of a few years ago. 无论就可应用性还是就网络带宽而言,我们都将进入网络爆炸时代。这些也使得我们可以建立基于云计算的服务,而这一 切都是几年前我们根本没法想象的。
15 The Internet Will Change Everything 互联网会改变一切——约翰?钱伯斯
The Internet revolution brings together people, and information and virtual  companies around the world. And our role with the company, if we execute  properly, is to enable the Internet generation. 互联网革命会把世界上的人们、 信息以及虚拟公司集合在一起,而我们在公司里扮演的角色就是是否能使互联网一代变得强大。
16. The Power of Information Technology 信息技术的力量——路易斯?郭士纳
Personally I believe that future leadership companies and by the way future  leadership institutions of all kinds will be those who know how to compete  and win on the basis of knowledge –– learning, adapting and improving the  vital asset we know as information. 我个人认为,未来社会领先的企业和领先的机构将是那些懂得如何在知识的基础上开展竞争并取胜的企业和机构——他们将懂得学习 、适应和改进这种我们称为信息的重要资产。
17. The Future of Cars 汽车的未来——拉里?伯恩斯
If you take the power-generating capability of an automobile and you compare  that to the electric grid in the United States, it turns out that 4 percent  of the automobiles, the power in 4 percent of the automobiles, equals that  of the electric grid of the US. That’s a huge power-generating capability,  a mobile power-generating capability. 如果你比较汽车和美国电网的发电能力,结果就会发现汽车电力的百分之四相当于美国电网的供电能力。由此可看出汽车发电能力 的强大,而且还是可移动的发电。
18. The Way Ahead 未来的路——乔治?索罗斯
As China is becoming a world leader, it must learn to pay more attention to  the opinion of the rest of the world. But all this may be happening too fast  for the Chinese leadership to adjust to it. Hopefully, the Chinese  leadership will rise to the occasion. It is no exaggeration to say that the  future of the world depends on it. 随着中国世界领袖地位的确立,中国必须学会更多地关注其他国家的看法。但所有这些可能都来得太快,使中国领导人很难调整和适 应。希望中国领导人能够对此应付自如。毫不夸张地说,世界的未来依赖于中国。
19. Take Efforts to Establish an Electric World 携手打造电子化世界——卢?普拉特
The Electronic World represents a whole new way of doing business. 电子化世 界代表着全新的经营方式。
20. Improve Our Ability to Meet Your Needs 提高我们的能力,满足您的要求
We at Compaq know that our success comes from one source only, and that’s  our customers. We also know that in this highly competitive business, we  must continuously earn your trust and your confidence. 所有康柏的员工都非常明白,康柏成功的唯一因素就是客户。我们也明白,在这个竞争极其激烈的业务领域里 ,康柏必须不断地赢得您的信任和信心。



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    东野圭吾 (作者), 李盈春 (译者)



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